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I need to do something about this

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    I need to do something about this

    We could be twins!

    Reading your message just brought home to me my life in one short sharp shock - my mother was just like your father and I have become her. Be strong.


      I need to do something about this

      Welcome David! We're glad you are here. There is much support and information here. Read a lot, listen to the stories...use the tools. There is a lot of hope here too - and success. Welcome! Join us on our journey!


        I need to do something about this

        You've helped me today David

        Hey David, I am new here too & learning a great deal from the stories here. Your story is similar to mine. I remember seeing my Dad drink to excess any chance he got & my Mum being so upset that eventually she felt she had no choice but to join him and they both became alcoholics. I remember at 3:00 in the morning when they would be partying on (on a school night!!) thinking, 'I am never doing this to my children. I am going to be a much better and considerate parent.'
        Well guess what. I'm the mum who wakes up on the recliner at 2:00am with a full glass of red beside me thinking 'what happened then??' and my 14yr old autistic son, who'll then come out at that time just to kiss me much does that hurt. And so all day you vow you will change until about 6:00pm when you just have to have that one glass while making dinner - and the rest is a blur as we all know. And the cycle continues.
        There are a few thoughts I'd like to share with you that seem to be helping me get through these first few days AF...
        Number 1. I am a good person with good intentions.
        Number 2. I am here talking to others, actively pursuing a solution to my problem.
        Number 3. I can actually envisage my life without the control of a liquid with either a straw or crimson hue....those labels are full of it hey!
        Number 4. I don't feel so lonely anymore - or like a secret failure...because of people like you.
        Number 5. I love Mamma Mia. One of my favourite people in the whole world.

        Thanks David, you've helped me today. It's 7:00pm & I'm off for a quick bike ride (training for 'loop the lake' this weekend!) and then I'll have a green tea before going to bed.
        I really want a glass of wine. But today I'm able to choose "NO"

        Thinking of you all
        techspice XXXX


          I need to do something about this

          united we stand, divided we fall (into the old route to the bottlo)

          Hello dolly!
          Tech you have made me cry ( I know that isnt hard to do but...)
          I havent actually shared anything on the threads yet- i suppose i feel i dont have much to say - i am an addictive personality just like everyone on here.
          i dont have alcoholic parents, no-one in my family abused alcohol while i was growing up - somehow though my folks made four women who all like to abuse something. i drink, my second sister smokes pot everyday and loves to booze, the other two eat to excess and are morbidly obese and neither are strangers to thirst. im so done with trying to analyze WHY and just found this site when i needed it. i have a 9 year old daughter who is a truly beautiful soul. I hate the thought of 'corrupting' her childhood memories.
          yep - another thing to beat myself up about. i have been on campral for a couple of weeks and it has really helped. i have also cut alot of 'deadwood' from my life in the past 12 months and eliminating 'stuff' that wasnt healthy has helped me get my head on a better road. from here i can see a horizon now, not just Groundhog day of drinking a botl or two, waking up in a bad mood, doing the single mum thing, going to work, berating myself all day and then going to the bottle shop on my way home. well, one of three bottle shops, i liked to space them out a bit so no one vendor thought i had a problem.
          HELLO DOLLY!
          i am very grateful for the kindness of strangers on this site - we have obviously all suffered in silence for a very long time.
          i have gone off my anti depressants and the crippling cycle of drinking everynight and find i am having bad dreams and slight anxiety attacks. where once i would fall back into the cycle of boozing to dampen the pain i am trying ever so slowly (we were all blobs once and learnt to crawl and then walk - why is this so hard?) keep my head above water. i know that these side effects are withdrawals and just need to keep pushing through into what lies underneath. and i gotta say- its just a big, fathomless pit of fear, pain and loneliness. how will i get through it?
          i dont know, i just know that i can.
          thanks for reading this - i hope you can all find a way out.
          and as techspice said -
          we are all good people with good intentions.
          this has to count for something.
          best of luck and big sloppies to you all
          Mamma Mia:yougo:

          ps and if anyone can teach this old dog how to get the (*^%$^$% 'i'm new here' icon i will be eternally grateful!


            I need to do something about this

            Hey mamma mia!

            The "I'm new here" sign is your signature. If you go into 'User CP' & then 'Edit Signature' you should just be able to delete that icon altogether. Try that & let me know how you go!
            Hello Dolly back to you!
            And please remember that your 9 year old beautiful soul is exactly that way because of you. I'm convinced that we are who we are because of our environmental influences & you are an incredible parent to your daughter.
            We're here, we're getting help and we ARE going to change.
            Love your work sister
            P.S I have found a cure for our alcohol drinking addiction - just get the flu, and trust me, you won't touch the stuff!!
            Good luck to everyone today - my thoughts are with the strugglers.

