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i am so disgusted with my lack of self control. i am successful and 60 yrs old. i don't know what to do. i regularly drink one or more bottles of wine. My family knows there is a problem but they don't know how bad. Cravings are out of control. I don't know why I do this. I lose my memory of the night before, what happened, what was said by me or to me. HelpTags: None
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Hi Jane and welcome to MWO. I hope that you'll take some time to read around the posts on here because you'll see that we've all been there. Everyone, at one point or another, decided that it was time to make a change in their lives. I myself have been drinking very heavily for about 6 years or so on and off. I have had way too many of those mornings regretting what I MAY have done because I have no recollection. I have tried many times to quit but always end up giving into those cravings! This site has gotten me through the last 4 days and without it I'd be drunk right now. It is hard work but can be done. Be glad that you took the first steps in admitting your drinking is out of control and joining this wonderful site. Good luck on your journey. We're all here to support you and all know that feeling of being out of control!One day at a time, no matter how many times I fail, I will get this monkey off of my back!!! :confusedmonkey:
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Hi Jane & welcome. You are not alone. There is great support here. There are some great threads here that you can jump right in. Click on the link below and when it opens up, it should hopefully be on the last page of the thread. If it's not, just click on the last page number.
Newbies Nest
One Step at a Time
Some helpful tips are in the toolbox
Toolbox"Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
AF - 7-27-15
new member
thank you so much. It disgusts me that I am a "drunk". I am always working on this. It is all consuming and I am beginning to think that it is hopeless. I have much faith in God and pray for help all the time. I'm so sick of asking in my prayers for forgiveness for "losing" it one more time.
new member
Being an alcoholic is a disease. It is not hopeless though. It takes A LOT of work, willpower, and support to go from alcoholic to recovering alcoholic. Don't beat yourself up for it. We are always going to be working on it. There will always be that voice in the back of your mind telling you it's ok to have just one or that you don't have a problem and it's that voice that gets us in trouble. You just have to be strong and fight it. I have found that coming here and being honest with my mistakes makes me more accountable for my actions. It puts them into words and honestly, that is what has gotten me through the last 4 days! I post everyday to the roll call and check in daily on the newbie's nest and I feel like that has made me more aware of my problem and more accountable for my actions!One day at a time, no matter how many times I fail, I will get this monkey off of my back!!! :confusedmonkey:
new member
Hello & welcome Jane,
You've found a good place, glad you decided to join us
I will be turning 60 in 14 months, I understand your feelings but I assure you - you are not hopeless! a strong desire & commitment to take back control of your life & a good working plan will help you reach your goals. Prayers & hope are nice but not enough to get the job done.
Go to the Health store here on the site & download the MWO book. That's how I got started & I have never regretted my decision to quit drinking entirely....that was the right decision for me
Look in the Tool box for ideas to help you put a good working plan together for yourself.
Please drop in the Newbies Nest thread for more support.
Life can be good again for you!
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
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Jane...good for you in admitting you have a problem!
I too believe in God. I also used to pray my ass of to him to make my problem go away. Although at times I felt some relief....I ultimately ended up believing that God helps those, who help themselves. Each step I made towards sobriety....seemed to be rewarded.
Was it God or was it sobriety....I don't know. But I do know that he loves me.....if I am screw up or not.
God and praying....will not take the hard work way....but, it will give you strength. In the beginning and wavering.....I would ask myself....would God want me to do this? Nope!
new member
Welcome to MWO! Your not a loser. You took a big HUGE step this very day! We are all here to support you! I felt hopeless too and disgusted with myself until I found the loving support I have gotten here. Stick around here! The journey is a great one and never stops.Started living again 2/7/2015
new member
Hi Jane and welcome.
You have made the first and most important step by accepting you need help with this. I knew I had a problem years ago, just thought I could read, think, my way out. The truth for me was I needed others who understood, the fellowship shares the burden and lightens the load.
Jump on the newbies thread and settle in for a while
new member
Hi, Jane;
I'm an alcoholic. Drank for 20 years. Up until 1 week ago was drinking 1-2 bottles of wine a day. I'm also successful in my career, marriage, and have a lovely but spoiled son.. I learned about kudzu and l-glutamine from this site and went out and bought them from vitamin shoppe the next day. And for the first time in years, I have had several alcohol free days. And on the few occasional days I drank, I could only drink 1-2 glasses of wine instead of 1-2 bottles.
I never thought I could do this 1 week ago, so I'm glad you are here. Please stick around and try new things. Try things you haven't tried before. The saying is true: if you always do the same thing, you'll always get the same result. Try something new!Alcoholic (or Ally)
"Only a fool knows everything.
A wise man knows how little he knows."
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