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whos lost weight when theyve quit?

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    whos lost weight when theyve quit?

    this is just a random question,im a cider drinker,at least 8 cans a day(more at weekend)thats why im here!! as got to stop,ive lost all my confidence due to my weight gain!!over 2 stone!has ne one lost weight since theyve quit,i need to get off this roller coaster and get me and my confidence back xx:new:

    whos lost weight when theyve quit?

    hi bimble

    you are sure to lose weight if u cut it out. im starting now too with the same hopes as u. good luck honey and welcome to the site.

    The mind will intellectualize it, the heart will emotionalize it, yet the gut never lies.


      whos lost weight when theyve quit?

      Hi Bimble, You are sure to lose quite some weight after quitting. Instead of metabolizing food that you eat, when you drink your body metabolizes the alcohol first. So basically, depending on how much you drank, your body never has a chance to burn off that food! They way I used to drink is this: I'd have a couple of beers and then after those couple of beers I'd opt for TONS of vodka (like between 12-15 shots, sometimes more - I should have had alcohol poisoning). I once quit everything for about 30 days and when I restarted I drank only beer that had 55 calories per at about an 18 pack a day. Well, just cutting out the vodka I lost about 40-50 lbs in about 6 months. I scared myself, I thought I had cancer or something as I was literally losing about 2 lbs per day. Well, once I started drinking vodka again the weight piled back on and here I am an overweight person again. Can't wait to see what'll happen with the weight now that I am not drinking ANY alcohol!!! Good luck to you!
      One day at a time, no matter how many times I fail, I will get this monkey off of my back!!! :confusedmonkey:


        whos lost weight when theyve quit?

        And also, staying on the couch is not to good for your backside either! Not that I run marathons or anything, but I do more physical exercise when I am not hungover. You can do it!!


          whos lost weight when theyve quit?

          When I stopped putting the empty calories of AL in my body, I lost around 20 pounds in fairly short order.

          The secret to "weight loss" is...........burn off more calories than you are taking in....and the fewer you take in..........the less you have to burn.

          Stay strong, keep the AL in the bottle, and I am fairly confident you will lose weight
          Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



            whos lost weight when theyve quit?

            bimble01;1396961 wrote: hi,
            this is just a random question,im a cider drinker,at least 8 cans a day(more at weekend)thats why im here!! as got to stop,ive lost all my confidence due to my weight gain!!over 2 stone!has ne one lost weight since theyve quit,i need to get off this roller coaster and get me and my confidence back xx:new:
            I started my sober journey by following the dietary recommendations in the My Way Out book. I then migrated to an Atkins diet protocol. There are important reasons why a diet heavy in carbohydrates / sugars do NOT work well for us recovering people. I lost 60 pounds staying true to low carb. A couple years ago I let sugar back through the door and HOLY COW what a mistake THAT was! I am now managing sugar cravings akin to the old alcohol cravings.

            The info presented in the My Way Out book and also in a book called "The Diet Cure" by Julia Ross really outline an optimal dietary strategy (along with supplementation recommendations) for those of us overcoming problems with alcohol.

            Good luck!

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              whos lost weight when theyve quit?

              I've lost 30 pounds...only 30 more to go. hahhaha


                whos lost weight when theyve quit?

                My handwriting is better, more control over my fingers when I play the piano, less time stopping at the store to buy wine, less time worrying about my liver... Wow, all the benefits of going AF. I'm loving it. I thank God for helping me find this site.
                Alcoholic (or Ally)

                "Only a fool knows everything.
                A wise man knows how little he knows."

                Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


                  whos lost weight when theyve quit?

                  i've lost bloat, but not any real weight...dang it!


                    whos lost weight when theyve quit?

                    Lost bloat too and just a few measly pounds...not what I had hoped...but time will tell I guess.

                    Newbie's Nest

                    Tool Box
                    AF 9.1.2013


                      whos lost weight when theyve quit?

                      Not loosing weight, but I know i have eaten more icecream and sweets than normal, especially when the cravings hit - so probably not suprising!
                      As DG says the carbs are not a great idea for us, but if that is what it takes, so be it and once I get this sorted, I will attack that!
                      “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                        whos lost weight when theyve quit?

                        Not a gramme lost but who cares really?

                        Also post menopausal which I think affects these things


                          whos lost weight when theyve quit?

                          Sad but true Kuya..I am there with you....;=((

                          Newbie's Nest

                          Tool Box
                          AF 9.1.2013

