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how old are you?

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    how old are you?

    39,but when i drink i look 75, that is one of the positives of being af,even my hands looked younger,my eyes were clear,boo!
    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


      how old are you?

      after I passed age 35, I started having trouble remembering my age. I don't know if I subconsciously just don't want to remember or what.
      Alcoholic (or Ally)

      "Only a fool knows everything.
      A wise man knows how little he knows."

      Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


        how old are you?

        You know, I thought alcoholics should be more honest about everything, not just their drinking habits! So fess up, people! Tell us your real age! (Of course, only if you want to....)
        Alcoholic (or Ally)

        "Only a fool knows everything.
        A wise man knows how little he knows."

        Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


          how old are you?

          Ahhhhhh you see all MWO ladies are 29 and a my case I'm 29 and a rather large bit
          It could be worse, I could be filing.
          AF since 7/7/2009


            how old are you?

            48, but I don't look a day over 47 and a half
            AF since 6JUN2012


              how old are you?

              43 & hating it.
              where have the last 5 yrs of my life gone????!!!


                how old are you?

                wow this is interesting

                firstly,, i started this thread ,, just outta curiosity,,, i fall into the "alcho bracket " in uk anyhoo, and secondly,,, im old, old enough to know better,,, like a previous beauti said (sorry ,,stealing your thunder there hun ), and thirdly cos,,, we are as old as we feel,,, not just a frigging number yeh?????
                im 38 , nearly 39,, but that dont mean shit does it? i go out wiv my daughters mates(v rarely i may add),, and they think im 29!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111

                way hay ,,, it boosts me for a bit,, but then when im home,,, i do feel 29,, or 21 ,, or bloody 18!!!!!!!!! its just a number and ,,, well u know where im coming from,,, we is all different,, yet somehow all the same,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

                just wanted to get some fun feed back,, even if some were telling porkies,,, nahh i know u wernt lol xxxxxxxx

                just a bit of fun and i hope it was for u xx
                ps k9 , you is one hot momma,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, cooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr if i were in california ,,, and i was a man of cousre ,,,,,,,,,, hotdiggittyyy xxxxxxxxxxx
                over and out
                sweets xxxxxxxx


                  how old are you?

                  feel free to carry on ,,,,


                    how old are you?

                    38 but 39 next month! The years are zoomin by and I can hardly keep up.......or.......I dont want to!!! lol

                    P.S. so nice to have some fun light hearted threads....... so thanks sweet!
                    HOUR BY HOUR, DAY BY DAY


                      how old are you?

                      Sweetlips you crack me. Telling porkies - that's a new one to me.
                      we are human beings with alcohol problems not alcoholics with problems caused by drinking


                        how old are you?



                          how old are you?

                          49 :upset:


                            how old are you?

                            well i am 32, and very much new here,, im not telling porkie pies,,, promise haha
                            wish i was 21 again though,,, that was fun,,,
                            but i know we get wiser as we get older is that correct?,,, and i like what many off you have said,,, its just a number,,, some days i feel 18,, some days 58,, whatever that feels like hah , it just doesnt make a difference really,, but a good fun story to start,,, maybe it was intended to keep our minds off why we are really here? not to be a cheeky bunny,, hope not to be wrong,, but its nice to share fun times too.
                            oopps gosh i did go on there dint i?
                            i am new, just finding my feet, and gosh hope i havent been a huge bore,,, maybe its chamber time for me to get them zzzz'ss,,,
                            sorry again
                            kb xx nighty night,, sleep tight,, hope the bugs dont bite,,, if they do ,, sqeeze them tight,, then they wont bite another nightxxx
                            night night xxx kb1 xxx


                              how old are you?

                              If at first you dont succeed......


                                how old are you?

                                kb1 ,,,awe u sound like you are here for fun,, aswell as help?/ im up for both so,,, come and hang wiv me ? love the bugs thing,,, so lovely,, where does that come from?
                                look 4ward to being ur friend too,,,
                                lv and hugs
                                sweets xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:l

