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what if?

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    what if?

    What if I have just only realised the connection between my increasingly alarming alcohol problem (2 bottles of wine per day for around the last 14 days with only maybe 1 or 2 alcohol free days) and the fact that my finances are terrible, my business is going no-where fast, I'm putting weight on because I'm not eating balanced and don't have the energy to exercise, I feel increasingly isolated and lost, my skin is looking worse everyday, I'm starting to go to the recycling bins under cover of darkness, I can't be bothered doing much of anything,

    What if, it's not a limiting belief I have that I'm not good enough to have a rocking, fit body or have lots of money or grow and drive my business to the success that it deserves - what if, all of those things that are not happening and not going well are not because of me not being good enough but they are because of my addiction.

    Recently I've been using wine (weapon of choice) to escape from my fear that I owe 4 mortgage payments. Well, the shit hit the fan a couple of days ago when they took my bank account off me!! Having taken the best part of Tuesday to sort all that out I actually felt relieved, the worst had happened. It was time to man up, so to speak and start bringing in some money. I celebrated with a couple of bottles of wine.

    I woke up today and light bulb moment. What if all my problems could be solved and all I have to do is not put that glass to my mouth of an evening?

    Sorry to go on folks but I needed to get this down on paper.

    The thought of not drinking tonight - even though I feel bad is hard. I've stopped before for 2 years, started again one Christmas and I've slowly slipped back and I'm now worse than I've ever been in the past.

    I need the strength to just go for two weeks, just to see what life would be like - total madness. I'm my own jailer and I hold the key to let myself out!!
    Honour Thyself

    what if?

    Emily, I think you know it is not 'what if?' You already know the answer.
    I feel for you. I know you feel you have a mountain to climb. You took a go and started sorting things. With each AF day, you 'will' feel a little more empowered.
    Take a little action, make a move towards getting it all done. Go slowly, take small bits at a time. I know you know it can be done.
    The toughest bit is the start; the alcohol. Some like to start day one right away, others taper down for a few days. Think it out and pick which one works best for you.
    I see me in your post. Wine to relieve, blank it out, congratulate.....and wine to on the same hand, take away our confidence, drive and health....
    Dig down deep and look at your future, even 3 months ahead, and see how it would be if you were AF and also how it will be if you continue as you are....
    As soon as I drink again, the cracks start to show......
    As soon as I get 1 day AF, then another, then another, hope returns.....
    I hope you gain the strength to get it together are with people here who understand.....
    Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


      what if?


      I agree w Daisy. I'm sorry you are having such a hard time right now, but you made the first step when that little light bulb went on in your head about stop drinking.

      I drink for 20 years, found the site, and learned a lot and have had about 8 AF days since I started. I never thought that was possible!!!

      Lots of information here available, go to different threads, see what worked for others and find YOUR OWN way out!!!
      Alcoholic (or Ally)

      "Only a fool knows everything.
      A wise man knows how little he knows."

      Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


        what if?

        Hi Emily!

        You're really on to something there...can I suggest you put down your poison of choice for 3 nights and see how you feel? I KNOW it sounds daunting at first, believe me. I honestly thougth I would NEVER get off the roller coaster from hell...but I did, and you can too!

        You will be amazed how much different sober life is. It takes a while, but it's SO worth it. Please stick around and keep posting. We can help you through this! Join us over in the Newbies Nest, it's safe and comfortable and full of people that really do care.

        :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

        Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


          what if?

          thank you guys

          hubby (who is a total enabler) has just asked if I want wine from the supermarket -I've said no and just to get me some sparkling water instead, my mind is set for tonight, I will not drink.

          I'll go over to the Newbies Nest too, thank you.

          I feel fine just now, just had to take an anti-allergy tablet as my skin is itching all over (not a good sign) and will take some of those herbal sleep tablets later on.

          I've gotten rid of the new stack of wine bottles that had built up in the kitchen also, so fresh start.

          Again, thank you guys for being so supportive, there is no-one that I would confide this to, I would not go to the doctor and I would not go to a local support group. It's up to me and me alone but knowing that MWO support is there is just fabulous and really, really helps.
          Honour Thyself


            what if?

            Emily hun, your avitar is distracting. You sound like a smart grounded young woman with a lot to offer who is keen on moving in the right direction. So with that, I think when things start moving where you want them that will be reflected. Please stay the course, what you want will happen, when you really want it too.


              what if?

              Thank you Raven, thanks so much, x
              Honour Thyself


                what if?

                Emily, how are you? What a gorgeous ros


                  what if?

                  Hi Raven

                  I'm doing just great thanks, got lots done today, - thought I'd change the 'dancer' she was picked by me years ago, it was time for a change, x
                  Honour Thyself


                    what if?

                    Hi Emily, glad you are feeling good. Fresh start now with your new avatar - I like it.
                    Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                      what if?

                      Emily: is that rose from your garden? I too love it!
                      Alcoholic (or Ally)

                      "Only a fool knows everything.
                      A wise man knows how little he knows."

                      Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.

