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is this the right place for me?

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    is this the right place for me?

    hello everyone,, im very new to this , bit nervous too, ive been reading throug your stories, and i think its the right place, but i dont know my way round, so if i need a nudge to a different place,, please go ahead and nudge me !!
    ive been drinking now for approx 8 years or so,, pretty much about 8-9 units every night, and i need to stop , im scared i will lose family, my business and my health!!
    im looking for some support and advice , hope to make some new friends here to!
    so, hope eveyone is well and look forward to reading more, thank you for your time in reading this
    with hope and love
    kb1 xx:new:

    is this the right place for me?

    HI KB1

    :welcome: You are in the right place. Please join us in the Newbies Nest. I'm in my first month of sobriety, so early in my journey. We have experienced members who watch over us there (Byrdlady, K9Lover, Lavande, Lolab and more). Everyone is welcomed, and we all share the same fears. So join us!

    "It is easier to maintain than to start from the bottom again. I can't go back there." Byrdie

    AF since Oct 2, 2012


      is this the right place for me?

      Yes, KB1- Welcome! We are so glad you are here! Like Cat said, we would love to have you visit us in the newbies nest- you will be sure to get lots of great information and support.



      I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


        is this the right place for me?

        oh thank you so much,, what a warm welcome!! ive been reading as many stories here, and its certainly a wonderful supportive place!!!
        i didnt think anyone would bother with me!!!
        guess i shouldnt be so bashful,,, but i am xxx
        so, ive read about kudzu? anyone got any more info about it?
        im thinking about buying some tommorow!
        kb1 xxx


          is this the right place for me?

          Hi KB1!!

          :welcome: Don't be bashful, jump right in! We're so glad to have you here, it's a great place to be. I can indentify with you, I was drinking 12+ beers a night for about 10 years. I finally quit when drinking became harder than not drinking. You can do this too, and we can help! Look around, read stories and post where you feel comfortable. The Newbies Nest is an AWESOME place that helps everyone. It's comfortable and safe, so please check it out.

          I look forward to getting to know you!

          :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

          Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


            is this the right place for me?

            Yes, KB, Kudzu is one of the supplements that has been recommended by the author of the MWO book and is used by many folks to relieve alcohol cravings. I believe you can order it through the MWO website or buy it in a healthfood store. Do you have a copy of the MWO book?



            I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


              is this the right place for me?

              Kudzu is helping many people on this site, me included, and does not appear to have any side effects. L-Glutamine is great also (I take both every day). The L-Glut should be taken earlier in the day, but also can be sprinkled on the tongue for immediate relief from cravings.

              I have been taking both for the past four weeks, and believe they are key to my success so far.

              "It is easier to maintain than to start from the bottom again. I can't go back there." Byrdie

              AF since Oct 2, 2012


                is this the right place for me?

                thank you ,, i will try to not be so bashful,,, i will buy some kudzu and the l glut stuff!!
                quite excited now,,, i hope ive found some new friends xxx
                ive been reading some nasty things though,,, bit scared of a few of them to be honest!!
                some people are very judgemental, and harsh,,, im scared if i get hurt too!!!!
                or am i being a big babee??
                haha , probably!!
                im a nice person, just a shame i have a drinking problem!!
                so i hope i can stay away from certain people here, is there a block thing one can do?
                many thanks again for such a kind welcome to all above
                kb xxxx


                  is this the right place for me?

                  I agree with the kudzu and l-glut. Both can be bought in a vitamin store. I tried a few alcohol free days before and by day three it was all I could think about and consumed me. I slept horrible and was mean. This time I did the supplements a few days before trying AF (alcohol free) and the day I decided to stop I had zero cravings. Zero shakes. It was so weird. I'm on day 6 now AF and shooting for 10. I think baby steps is the key to success. The milk thistle also says to promote liver healing. So I also take that. A b complex vitamin. A multi vitamin. The calm forte. Most of the supplements recommended in the health store. All bought locally.

                  I also got the book, but I think If you read her story online and follow the directions on all the supplements you achieve close results. I got the hypno cd- but always fall asleep. (Mind you I just started two days ago so I was already AF a few days before). So my advice. Embrace the supplements on the site and start from there.

                  You will have more energy and process through withdrawal quicker than without.

                  We are all here for you! I'm on day 6 of a 10 day challenge and will then try another stint soon. My goal is to retrain my brain to be able to moderate. Looking forward to hanging with you!


                    is this the right place for me?

                    kb1;1399905 wrote: thank you ,, i will try to not be so bashful,,, i will buy some kudzu and the l glut stuff!!
                    quite excited now,,, i hope ive found some new friends xxx
                    ive been reading some nasty things though,,, bit scared of a few of them to be honest!!
                    some people are very judgemental, and harsh,,, im scared if i get hurt too!!!!
                    or am i being a big babee??
                    haha , probably!!
                    im a nice person, just a shame i have a drinking problem!!
                    so i hope i can stay away from certain people here, is there a block thing one can do?
                    many thanks again for such a kind welcome to all above
                    kb xxxx
                    I am so ashamed of what's been going on around here lately. Let me just tell you as an "oldbie" is not always like this. There seems to be tension right now, but it WILL pass...please believe me. Overall, this place is very loving and supporting. One or two bad apples will not be allowed to ruin the whole bunch. Please take what you need and forget the rest. Again, welcome, and please count me as one of your new friends!
                    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                      is this the right place for me?

                      Heya KB

                      Welcome aboard!!

                      You found a great place with many people that know what you are going through, and more than willing to help. I wouldnt worry too much about being in the "right" place.......this whole board is the right place.

                      Lots of good advice and techniques....some advice will work for you and maybe some wont. Ultimately its up to you what direction you go.....and it will probably be a combination of a few things.

                      What helped me the most at first was to "surf the urge". When the urge hits to drink, do whatever you have to, to distract yourself. It will be hard at first, but it will get easier the longer you can remain strong and hold out.

                      Wishing you luck, support and knowledge to win this battle
                      Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11

                      DAREDEVIL COOKIE MONSTER


                        is this the right place for me?

                        Kb1: I agree w dangerog! We have starred a buddy system w help from l glutamine and kudzu from vitamins shoppe. Working wonders! Check out different threads . Lots of great suggestions.
                        Alcoholic (or Ally)

                        "Only a fool knows everything.
                        A wise man knows how little he knows."

                        Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


                          is this the right place for me?

                          thank you guys x

                          oh im very overwhelmed by all the responses!!! i cant beleive ive never done this before!!
                          i guess i was always hiding and felt too ashamed, and i know a problem shared is a problem halved!!
                          my hubby and gals are so very proud that im not in denial, well knew i had a problem bout 6 years ago,, but didnt want to admitt it to anyone,, apart from v close peoplexx
                          so,, here i am and feeling more and more confident !!!
                          take each day as it comes to me,, and try to be strong,,, well, and just think of all the money i will be saving too!!!!
                          might treat myself to a new hairdo if i do well next week!!!
                          what is the newbie nest? and the newbie roll call??
                          sorry if im a little silly, but what is it all about?
                          love x kb:thanks:


                            is this the right place for me?

                            thanks x

                            thanks again for a lovely welcome,, what is the newbie nest? and roll call? do i have to do that every time i come here?
                            sorry to be slightly dumb,,, !!
                            im so happy and my family are so proud that im here and doing this,, i feel quite empowered by it all,, scared yet excited too x
                            thank you to k9, i think im going to be needing you a lot soon,, hope you wont be too annoyed if i badger you for help and advice,, you seem very together and content,, you
                            must be awfully proud,
                            i hope i too can be like you,, i cant beleive you are 40,, you look fabulous!! got any tips on that ? haha hehe

                            also ,, do i need to pay anyone for this?
                            i havent seen anything regarding a fee,, but dont want to get caught short if there is any costs !!
                            im a little bit penniless at the moment,, xx

                            so , will be here for a few more hours , then off to the bedroom chamber for some zzzzzzzz's,,
                            much love sending
                            kb xxx:thanks::h oooh i adore these little icons we can use,, its so cute xxx


                              is this the right place for me?

                              welcome kb1 x

                              im a newbie here too, and hope you can chat to all of us if you need us,,, we are lovely,, and as a fellow detoxer on monday too ( wow we should so totally go for it 2gether if u up for it hun?) xx
                              we can help each other and share and care xx
                              welcome,, i love the wolf avatar,, what a beaut creature,,,
                              oh and if you feel scared of anything,, or anyone,, come see me,, i'll sort em out for ya hehe lol,,
                              big hugs to you kb1 , we is in this all 2gether and youve found the right place,, i was here 4 years ago,, and just recently came back,, so a newbie like you,, and im xcited too,, there are many lovely peeps here,,, cant name em all,, they know who they are xxxx
                              lv lots sweetlips xxxx:l:welcome:

