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New Here! Hi Everyone.

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    New Here! Hi Everyone.

    Hello to everyone. I am new here and new to this journey. Let me start by saying that this will probably be a bit drawn out. I tend to be longwinded. I apologize in advance.

    I guess I should go ahead and lay it out on the table... I am 35, married, 2 small kids. I have been drinking heavily and out of control, regularly for about 3 years now. Before that I was mostly just a weekend warrior, spending my weeks trying to remember what I had done Friday night and Saturday night. About a year ago I came to realize that I could not control my cravings for alcohol and worse, I did not want to. I like drinking and I like catching a buzz. But what I don't like far outweighs that...

    I don't like not remembering how I got to bed. I wake up most mornings wondering if I got there myself or if my husband had to pick me up - again - and put me there.

    I don't like my deteriorating body. As an avid runner, coming into race season this year I have sustained more injuries and found myself on the bench more than I am on the road. I hate that. I do not know for sure that there is a direct link, but my body is not recovering from injury very well, and I am more prone to injury than ever before.

    I don't like putting my kids in danger. When my husband is out of town - which is regularly during the week - I wake up wondering, what if something happened to my kids in the middle of the night. First of all, would I be able to wake myself from my comotose passed out state? Secondly, would I have the ability to help them if they needed it? I fear the answer to both would be NO. And that bothers me more than anything else I can think of in the world. They are 3 and 1. There is no way they can help themselves. I need to do better and asap.

    I would like to go back to a time when there were things in my life more important and more satisfying than having a drink or 2, 3, 6... While my marriage and my children are the most wonderful things in the world to me - I am incredibly shocked that I do not find willpower in myself to stop, for them. That scares me.

    I typically only drink at night. I try to wait until the kids are in bed. Recently my husband has started commenting more than usual about my drinking so I have reached a new low and am sneaking drinks when he is home. When he is gone during the week, I usually try to replace the Vodka and wine that I drink so he won't be aware of it when he gets home. Right before I start drinking I tend to get edgy, probably because I am holding off on my cravings, and I don't treat my kids so well. I lose patience easily and that really doesn't work out well with a 3 year old and a 1 year old.

    My goal, much like everyone else here, is to gain control over this problem, heal myself, and be a better wife and mother. I want to feel good about myself again. I want to wake up in the mornings and not feel like a failure. And I want to feel healthy AND happy. I emphasize the AND because I have put so much dependence on alcohol to soothe me, ease my pain, destress... I wonder how I will be happy without it. I know I can be, I just haven't figured out how to be.

    Any way - sorry again for being so wordy. I am looking forward to joining this group and gaining some much needed support. I have not told anyone that I am going to attempt this yet. I have purchased the supplements and ordered the CDs. I plan to download and start reading the book asap. I have lots of questions so I hope you won't mind my constant presense in the boards.

    but hoping for the best -

    :rays: mdb :rays:

    Good at being AF. Not so good at Moderation.

    Lots of work yet to do!

    New Here! Hi Everyone.

    Must, we are so happy you are here. A lot of your story echoes mine as well as I am sure others here. So glad you got the supplements and the CDs. I just started the CDs last week and they have been key for me (as well as the supplements and the people here, of course). You sound ready for a change and that is an important first step. We are glad to have you here!!!:welcome:
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      New Here! Hi Everyone.

      :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


        New Here! Hi Everyone.

        Boy, does your story hit home! Your here with friends that understand EVERYTHING your saying! We are here to help. That is a great start to get the supps and CDS like you did. Good luck and keep posting to let us know how your doing. YOur presence is always welcome!!


          New Here! Hi Everyone.

          MDB.. your story is the same as mine!...guess what, it gets a WHOLE lot better!. Look at my profile or my post in "my story". I am the mother of three, ages 7, 6 and 3, a wife and have a full time job. I understand the stress, the wanting for an escape, the wanting the "buzz" and the humility that shortly follows.....Read the book (more than once), and you will find the supps will help with cravings and the cds are extremely relaxing. Stick with us and things will improve...
          Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


            New Here! Hi Everyone.

            Welcome. Please know you are so not alone in your story, your embarrassment, your guilt. Many of us have been here. AND there is HOPE. Use the tools, the supps, the CDs, the exercise. I have been now 25 days without a drink. I was drinking to blackout a month ago -- I never thought I could stop for a day. There is hope. And support here. Glad you are here!


              New Here! Hi Everyone.

              Welcome- wow you sound exactly like me. Our stories are very similar except I am a few years older than you and my kids are a little older. But I was doing just what you are doing when they were that age and it continued for years. It's great that you are taking this step now. This place is great. The support ,advise , and people who really know what you are going through is incredible. Keep coming back and good luck. Aquamarine
              AF SINCE 3/16/2016


                New Here! Hi Everyone.

                Welcome MDB,
                You came here for almost the same reasons that I did. Not quite as athletic as you but I do have small children twins who are 4 and a 19 mos old that I needed to begin remembering the evenings for and be responsible. I also began sneaking drinks. I switched from beer to wine which I shared with others so I couldn't be traced as well. Then I switched to rum at one point that really couldn't be traced b/c I would sneak sips and throw out the bottles. Since coming here I have gained control over my drinking and my life. Don't get me wrong. I still have slips and have tough times but not like I used too.
                Hope you stay around.
                "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                  New Here! Hi Everyone.

                  Thank you all for the very warm welcome. It is comforting to know that I am not alone. I spend a good deal of time alone, well with my kids... alone... and I feel glad that there are folks out there who understand what I am going through. I typically have a very good sense of humor and tend to be very lighthearted and fun. I am sure that side of me will show itself soon enough.

                  Thanks for the support. I hope I can offer the same in the days, weeks, months to come.

                  :rays: mdb :rays:

                  Good at being AF. Not so good at Moderation.

                  Lots of work yet to do!


                    New Here! Hi Everyone.

                    My story is very similarto yours.
                    I heard Ms. Jewell on a radio program and was intrigued. I bought the book, the supps and the cd's about 9 months ago. I did not try the prescription med. I got the CD's first and was amazed at how effective they were. I went to a party shorty after starting to use them and was amazed that I didn't crave a drink. Someone handed me a glass of wine and i sipped it for two hours (unheard of for me).
                    Unfortunately, shortly after starting the program, I had a great deal of personal stress and quit being diligent in following the program and slowly slipped back into old habits. Here I am 9 months later almost back where I started. I say almost because even though I now drink more than I'd like to, I feel like I have this somewhat more under control than I did before I found the program.
                    I have started listening to the CD's again. I am now two days without alcohol and no craving for it. For me, the real key is the CD's.
                    Stick with the program! It really is amazing. I am determined that this time I am going to reach my goal.
                    Good luck and don't give up!


                      New Here! Hi Everyone.

                      I'm sure the more you come here, post and read the more comfortable you will be. Hope you stick around and keep talking to us. Take care.
                      "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                        New Here! Hi Everyone.

                        Domino I hope you will post your story in another thread as well so more people might see it as it really speaks to the power of this program. I, too, just started the CDs and they are working wonders for me. And believe me, I was a skeptic. Glad you are back and we look forward to getting to know you.
                        I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                          New Here! Hi Everyone.

                          That's so great with the CD's. I have had them for awhile and actually plan to really give them my all this weekend when my home will be quiet. Best of luck to you and congrats on 2 days AF and no cravings.
                          "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                            New Here! Hi Everyone.

                            Welcome, you are not alone with this. As a wife and mom too I certainly understand the struggle and guilt that you are having. This is a wonderful program and I certainly hope you keep us posted often. The supps. and CD's have been very helpful to me.

                            Wish you all the best!
                            Colorado Chick!
                            Your support means the world to me...:h


                              New Here! Hi Everyone.

                              Hi there MustDoBetter and :welcome:

                              Are you me?!?! Well,obviously not, but you might as well be as our stories are nigh on identical. I am a mother of 3, ages 9, 6 and 5. All other (drinking) details are the same.

                              I have been doing the full MWO programme (Hypno, topa, supps, excercise) for 11 days and have nad no alcohol and no cravings for 11 days. It is amazing. I keep expecting to wake up from a dream.

                              Different people here do it their own way - you will find yours. You will get better and you are in great company here.

                              Good luck


