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    I'm here.

    And I'm struggling. I was doing really well for about 2 weeks and then I thought I could have a glass of wine. I managed to keep it down to about 1, maybe 2, glasses a night...for about a month. Lately, I've been slowly creeping back up to 3 & 4 glasses topped off with a glass of bourbon. I'm so *#Q@$*% tired of this. I want this to stop.
    Fall down 7 times. Get up 8.

    I'm here.

    I'm here.

    And I'm struggling. How do I stop this? I was doing really well for about 2 weeks and then I thought I could have a glass of wine. I managed to keep it to one glass a night for about a week. Then it turned into 2 glasses a night. Now I'm back up to 3 & 4 glasses a night, topped off with a bourbon "nightcap". I'm so &$%^#* tired of this. I just want it to stop.
    Fall down 7 times. Get up 8.


      I'm here.

      Hi imaginary girl! I can sure relate to the frustration you are feeling. I did what you did with similar results, and I'm betting many others will chime in too letting you know you are not alone with this experience. Some people are able to reign in their alcohol consumption successfully, and many of us are simply not able to reinvigorate an "off switch." It became clear to me after lots of struggling that abstinence was the only safe route for me personally to take.

      That's actually really good information. I think I was destined to "test the waters" and probably wouldn't have been fully happy with an AF life if I didn't know FOR SURE that I couldn't drink safely, even after a period of abstinence. So please don't be too hard on yourself!

      You can go forward with this new found knowledge and get AL out of your life for good. Are you making a plan for how you will do it?

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        I'm here.

        Hi Imaginary Girl hang in there. I'm sorry you're so sad so have a :l to start.

        A very wise member here has a quote that really hit home to me...."You know it's time when Drinking becomes harder than Not Drinking"

        It kinda sounds to me that you are at this point. It really is like being on a roller coaster.

        Listen to Doggygirl and try and get a plan together. At the least trying to put a plan in place will give you some positive thinking.

        Maybe have a look at and get some ideas.

        I never did get a DUI only because I never got caught. Ugghh..what a way to live a life.

        Be safe, read, read, read and post so we know you're ok......PPQ


          I'm here.

          hi ig! ugh i know all too well that creeping,were glad to have you here with us,any questions,never hesitate to ask
          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


            I'm here.

            A lot of people here certainly had the same struggles as you... But hopefully you will find like minded people and some helpful tips and hints and see how others have been able to stay sober. Just try different ways and see what will work for you.
            Alcoholic (or Ally)

            "Only a fool knows everything.
            A wise man knows how little he knows."

            Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


              I'm here.

              Hi IG,

              I tried all kinds of ways to moderate my drinking...only on weekends, or starting later in the day, or setting a max number of drinksna week. While they all seemed to work in the short term, inevitable the 'creep' happened. Then I would give up for awhile, and drink as much as I wanted, then get disgusted with myself, and start all over again. It got to the point where it felt like my drinking was a second job. I think I finally reached the tipping point, and I was ready to quit. Since June, so far so good.

              You sound like you may be getting to that point yourself. It WILL stick, if you really truly want it for yourself, and you stick to your plan. It may take a few tries, just don't give up.
              AF since 6JUN2012

