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ODAT Tuesday 30th Oct.

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    ODAT Tuesday 30th Oct.

    Okey dokey let's get started. Hands up who's for another AF day because I know I am

    If it's you're restarting get that hand as high as possible.

    If you're just starting out come on in and let us get to know you.

    Ooh should just say anyone can start the ODAT thread basically first up and first washed can do it.
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009

    ODAT Tuesday 30th Oct.

    AF today... My day 10. Have had more sober days ( around ?12-13 ) in the last 2 weeks than Id have in last 20 years. Credit it all to MWO.
    Alcoholic (or Ally)

    "Only a fool knows everything.
    A wise man knows how little he knows."

    Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


      ODAT Tuesday 30th Oct.

      Good morning JC, Alc, and all to come.
      Thank you JC for the kick off. I had forgotten about the ODAT thread. Glad to see it being revived. ODAT is what it's all about, after all!

      Alc, Credit to yourself, with support from MWO!

      Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

      If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


        ODAT Tuesday 30th Oct.

        Hi Jackie and good morning to you.

        It is nearly bedtime here so a bit wierd to be a starter, but I am sure someone will kick off if you don't

        AF today, had a dodgy day yesterday, just tired methinks from the weekend shannanigans and a huge GST(VAT to u in UK) bill. So bloody sick of being broke.

        Oh well......worse things happen at sea.

        Have a great day all



          ODAT Tuesday 30th Oct.

          Good morning, All,

          I, too will be AF today.

          The storm seems to be over, as the sun is peeking through the clouds and the wind has died down.

          I saw that someone told me to "just go ahead and take the Naltrexone and stop being selfish." Well, it may have been said humorously, but I don't find it funny. Naltrexone is a narcotic. I don't need to be addicted to it, and have been off of it for quite some time. Unlike Topa, it was designed specifically for AL treatment, and it is FDA approved. There's a slew of other reasons my doc gave me for prescribing it rather than Topa, not the least of which, in his mind, is that a Topa Rx risks his reputation and license. It wasn't my call, but I followed doctors orders.

          The way that it works, according to the doctor that gave me the Rx, is that it blocks the synapses in your brain that tell you that alcohol is pleasurable from firing. You can take it regularly as you're detoxing, continue to take it, or simply take it if/when you drink. If you do the later, it breaks the pattern of your brain telling the rest of your body how good AL is. We all know AL is terrible, but our brains become wired to tricking us into thinking otherwise. I tapered my dose to 1/2 a pill then stopped taking it. I think I took 1/2 a pill a week or so ago, but haven't taken it regularly in well over a month. After yesterday's storm related cravings, I will stick to my Kudzu and L-Glut, which I'm about to take before heading to work.

          One suggestion I have for this thread is that we should spell out One Day At a Time, rather than using the acronym. I consider my self (like Yogi) "smarter than the average bear" and I had no idea what ODAT meant when I kept reading it. I suspect many other newbies, especially folks making their first attempt at controlling their drinking, likewise will wonder what the heck ODAT means.

          Have a great Tuesday, everyone. I'll be posting later in one of the two moderation areas of the Forum.

          Well the 1st are the hardest days don't you worry anymore.
          When life looks like easy street there is danger at your door.


            ODAT Tuesday 30th Oct.

            Yes, I had to look up ODAT a few days ago because I didn't want to seem stupid. Now I just don't care if I seem stupid anymore! .

            I know that's a lot of words to type for the thread title if it's a daily thread, otherwise we could just not have the date...just keep adding on to it like many other threads here at MwO seem to work.
            Alcoholic (or Ally)

            "Only a fool knows everything.
            A wise man knows how little he knows."

            Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


              ODAT Tuesday 30th Oct.

              JC - I'm glad to see this thread! Thanks for starting it back up.

              One day at a time is how I'm trying to live now not only with my addictions but with everything in life. Approaching "just today" has sure worked out better then the way I used to do things - continually worrying about the future!

              I like the suggestion of spelling it out.

              For today, I will not be drinking any AL.

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                ODAT Tuesday 30th Oct.

                Good morning peeps! I agree with spelling out ODAT. I spent six months on this site not knowing what it meant.:H

                Beautiful chilly day today...I love cool weather (notice I didn't say BONE COLD). Haha! I need a new purdy coat. I'm thinking something stylish yet dog-hair/cat hair repellant. Any suggestions?

                Another AF day for me today. Hope everyone is doing well and survived the storm without a scratch!


                "I like people too much or not at all."
                Sylvia Plath


                  ODAT Tuesday 30th Oct.

                  Yep reckon I will have another no drinky poos day
                  af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                    ODAT Tuesday 30th Oct.

                    Technically, One Day At A Time would be ODAAT anyway. So not only is it confusing, it's spelled wrong. LOL
                    JC - You know I'm not pickin' on ya! :h

                    For some newbies, the thought of a day is overwhelming, sometimes it's one hour, one minute, one second at a time. But let's not even go there with that acronym.

                    Well, just for today, I will not drink and I will not smoke. Tomorrow is not here yet, so I'll worry about that later.

                    Keep up your good work peeps!
                    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                      ODAT Tuesday 30th Oct.

                      Odat what ODAT means?!

                      I dot it was a word....


                        ODAT Tuesday 30th Oct.

                        I dink I will be ON today as opposed to AF.


                        Odats what AF means?

                        Aha! Den today I will
                        be AF


                          ODAT Tuesday 30th Oct.

                          Lost ma pills...


                            ODAT Tuesday 30th Oct.

                            oh RC you are definitely AF.....:H

                            Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                            Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                              ODAT Tuesday 30th Oct.

                              AF ya rocker! :H
                              :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                              Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.

