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yes Yes YES! The postman came!

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    yes Yes YES! The postman came!

    I love your enthusiam. You are sure to be successful with the program.

    All the best.



      yes Yes YES! The postman came!

      Doo Doo, the CD's will calm that racy heart back down. I know you can as Popeye said Doo Doo this!! You are inspriational to all of us watching your excitement!! :l Mary


        yes Yes YES! The postman came!

        Good luck, you guys!!!!


          yes Yes YES! The postman came!

          Thank you to all for your support. My fiance and I were away this weekend in Melbourne for a wedding, so today is the start of the programme. I've been taking the supps and doing the hypno over the w/e so hopefully I have a bit of a head start.

          I've decided that my plan of attack is that I am abstaining during the week nights and moderating on weekends. I'm thinking this will be a good way to break the old habits, without being too hard on myself. I am going to do a hypno session each afternoon before my son gets home from school to help with that approaching 5pm time when I'd normally have a drink.

          I think I'd better read the book again too.

          Does this sound like a sensible approach or should I really just embrace the 30 day abstaining before trying to mod on weekends?

          :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


            yes Yes YES! The postman came!

            People will have varying opinions on this, but I am using your approach. Four weekdays without, Friday, Saturday, Sunday moderating. It has worked for me and not left me feeling deprived. My ultimate goal is to drink just Friday and Saturday but I am still trying to get used to the weekdays without! . You can do it.
            I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


              yes Yes YES! The postman came!

              Thanks Lush... I really needed to hear that! I do not want to feel like I'm on a 'diet' so to speak and I know I'll be able to successfully not drink during the week. ie attainable goals for me.

              I really need to break that cycle I have gradually worked in over the past 10 years, where I drink during the week for the sake of it.

              Thanks again Lush

              :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


                yes Yes YES! The postman came!

                Doo Doo,
                I am taking on your and Lush's plan this week. Abstain M-Th then moderate on the weekends. You are so motivated and sound so great I know you will succeed.
                We will all succeed, damnit.
                "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                  yes Yes YES! The postman came!

                  Yes we will. Good positive thinking Beaches!!!! (no rolling of eyes at me please)
                  I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                    yes Yes YES! The postman came!

                    No rolling of eyes here... we can do it girls. Power in numbers! I will have a good feeling this week, knowing that I'll be doing this at the same time with my new MWO mates, Lush & Beaches, and when I get that 5pm craving, I'll think of the three of us in it together.

                    :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


                      yes Yes YES! The postman came!

                      Lush, Beaches, and Doo. Sounds like an accounting firm. Boy we would sure get a lot of business with a name like that, wouldn't we?
                      I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                        yes Yes YES! The postman came!

                        Power in numbers... brought to you by Lush, Beaches & Doo Ltd.

                        That's a laugh! :H
                        :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:

