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Why the Guilt?

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    Why the Guilt?

    I'm not even sure that is the feeling. I wake with a heavy feeling, I am assuming it's guilt, guilt from drinking last night and not being able to go a night without it. I always seem to find it. No one likes it, I don't even like it. I like the feeling when it happens, but I don't like this feeling, however I don't ever see myself NOT drinking.

    I would so love the mornings not feeling shi$$y, no puffiness, losing the beer fat in my belly and elsewhere, the heavy hearted feeling, and most of all the respect of my family.

    How does this happen? I have tried time and again...never very hard though. How do people accomplish this feat?

    I start a new job in December that will be a lifestyle change for me. I will be getting up far earlier than ever and working in a gym, so I am hoping that this will be the kick in the a&& that I need. I cannot feel crappy getting up at 4:30am!

    I just post this hoping to get some feedback, some support, and to get my feelings off my chest. But I really could use some support.......

    Why the Guilt?

    I think a lot of us have been where you are Phin.:l :welcome: to MWO and I trust you will find some answers and help to get where you want to be, whether that's abstinent or moderate. Many of us have found that abstaining for 1 month, or 30 days helps us get some perspective on our drinking habits and can sometimes lead to a decision of complete abstinence, or can help us learn to abstain more days and moderate our intake when we do drink. There are several threads here on this site where 30-day challenges are ongoing, so take a look around. The trick is doing it One Day At a Time and posting your progress, frustration, etc. It does work, if you work it!

    "I like people too much or not at all."
    Sylvia Plath


      Why the Guilt?

      I was just there 2 weeks ago. Stumbled cross something about kudzu, ancient Chinese secret to combat alcoholism, did a search, found other members having success w this or other meds/supplements/hypno cd/diet/or lifestyle changes.

      I drank for 20 years and stopped about 2 weeks ago, NEVER thought I would have a day without alcohol. But the supplements have really helped me.

      Peruse the different threads and read what people have had success w, see a doctor if necessary for safe withdraw

      I know you will find your way out !
      Alcoholic (or Ally)

      "Only a fool knows everything.
      A wise man knows how little he knows."

      Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


        Why the Guilt?

        Hi Phin:

        I'm thinking that if you're working in a Gym now you are in THE perfect environemnt to start asking/experiementing with the supps and different regimes for a lifestyle change. That's [pretty much the main focus of a physical fitness place so actually you're golden here.

        Might be tough at first but chances are you will find alot more support with say talking about L-Glut at this place than in an accounting firm...:H

        hugs and heart

        On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
        *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience. tool box newbie nest


          Why the Guilt?

          PHIN mate, sorry you are finding it so hard.

          Listen I did 9 weeks last year then slipped and it took 8months to think about quitting. Even when I came here I could not get started for three weeks couldn't even post and when I did post it took me another week to start.

          Come back and post in the nest and on the ODAT thread, if you can only manage every second day AF for now that is fine. Just don't give up, you will get there



            Why the Guilt?

            Hi Phin, you have taken the most important step. It's not easy but certainly worth the effort. I have also done long stints af and then slipped, but something made me want sobriety more than ever this time. Like Kuya says if you only manage alternate days, that's ok. If you can aim for 30 days initially, it gives you time to sort yourself out. I personally can't drink moderately, but some folks manage that, you can decide what's best for you. Good luck.


              Why the Guilt?

              Well tonight went as planned. I came home from work, just now really, and I am tucked in my bed with a tall glass of milk.

              Tomorrow will be another test.....working during the day of in the evening.....I'll deal with that tomorrow when it comes.

              Good night all, and thanks for your posts.


                Why the Guilt?

                Good Luck. Try and gain a few days/weeks alcohol free and you will start to see through the mental forg.
                Enlightened by MWO


                  Why the Guilt?

                  Phin, good job on tonight. you may feel dreadful tomorrow but believe me that's normal. you admitted that you hadn't tried really hard in the past, and kudos for the honesty. getting and maintaining sobriety will be the toughest, yet best thing you ever do. it's REALLY damn hard but doable.
                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)

