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forgive yourself

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    forgive yourself

    had a hell of a nightmare about an hour ago thats woken me up after 5 hours sleep.
    was about something that has been going on during my last spell on the drink/drugs.
    cant settle back down so thought id come on here and ramble on abit.
    bloody squirel in the attic dont help either,anyone got a gun i can borrow.
    done 3 days now without a drink and looking forward to day 4 now i have come round abit after the shock i had during the nightmare.
    things seemed to be going ok aswell yesterday,keeping busy during the day running my own buisness,being posative with my thoughts,not craving to bad,plenty of love at home.
    drinking plenty of tea during the day,and eating lots of boiled sweets(a old head once told me that this is a good thing cause your body craves the suger in the alcahol as much as the alcahol itself,mind u watch your teeth dont rot and fall out).
    got loads of rubbish coming out of my body at the moment but i know from experience that will pass soon.still not very nice though.
    another aa meeting tonight to look forward to ,i take loads of posatives from these and think i might do a share tonight.
    got to go to a wet place later for a meeting,not too bothered about that cause most of my drinking,drug taking and self pity was done at home.but i wont hang around for a chat and drinks afterwards.
    so what is the point in being forgiven if u cant forgive yourself ?,think ive got it now,i dont have to worry about the people who matter to me,they know im ill,they have forgiven me.
    just got to learn to forgive myself,dont dwell on the past,and look towards a bright futcher and new beginning.
    feeling abit better already,thanks for reading this ramble,thanks for all the great support ive had on here,and most important thanks to this messageboard for being here.
    big hugs to everyone:l

    forgive yourself

    Hi there Blubird,
    Interesting post: I think I need to forgive myself before I even think of starting out - so, thanks - that is a good thing! Well done to you as well. I think you will have a good night sleep tonight - Have a cup of boiled milk - that will help you relax a tad too. I will also try the boiled sweets.
    Take it easy!


      forgive yourself

      If your loved ones have forgiven you that is great! now it is time to forgive yourself. How very brave you are to accknowledge problems, and try to deal with them. You are strong and intelligent. Move on and leave the past behind and forgive you. Hey, i'll try and do the same! B


        forgive yourself

        When you find inner forgiveness you find inner peace. Holding onto guilt only steals your energy, dreams & joys and keeps you stagnant.

        Let go. What we did yesterday is long gone. There is no changing it. The only thing we can change is today. My family has forgiven me but have not forgotten all the hell I put them thru. I can't dwell on it. Instead I make the most of today & prove to myself (& them) that yes~I am GREAT and I can do it!
        :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic

