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over it

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    over it

    Hey Maxman

    I really like your honesty and you came back!

    No one here said this was easy - sometimes I had thought I'd got this thing licked when out of the blue I was in the alcohol section of the supermarket buying wine - don't know what the hell for.

    Keep posting, keep telling us how you feel and you will find your way out......

    PS that isn't a sado - masochistic tendency you have is it?......:H



      over it

      serenit y if yoy could tell me what that means i may be able to answer that one
      "From now on, walking is my beer and feeling good is my hangover" .....Homer Simpson


        over it

        kimmy you will l be a plum sooner tha u think xo
        "From now on, walking is my beer and feeling good is my hangover" .....Homer Simpson


          over it

          got it ser im just a country boy u know!!
          "From now on, walking is my beer and feeling good is my hangover" .....Homer Simpson


            over it

            Thanks Maxman - I am working towards it - one minute at a time ? bugger the hour thing ? just sit and type no time to drink.
            Though no one can go back and make a brand-new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand-new ending


              over it

              I have faile dyet again
              "From now on, walking is my beer and feeling good is my hangover" .....Homer Simpson


                over it

                Maxman... you are not failing my love, hang in there. Gosh, you have been through so much. Have you considered seeing the Dr at all?
                The universe supports you, you are here and that in itself is a major step.
                :rolleyesmonkey: Tahlula :rolleyesmonkey:
                Trim the tree to let in the sunshine...


                  over it

                  Had my bags packed for me, will be staying at mum and dads for a while. have to sort myself out. my family is everything. I have to stop letting them down. shouldnt have come home pissed again. have ordered the book, cds and supps. had red bull today for the first time think I will od on the stuff if I am not careful.I am determined not to have a drink today. There is beer in dads fridge that was calling out to me so I went for a walk and had a swim and had my second red bull for the day:wow: . feeling much better. I know if I reach for that drink it will make things worse. time for some self realisation.
                  "From now on, walking is my beer and feeling good is my hangover" .....Homer Simpson


                    over it

                    You can do it Maxman, just do not beat yourself up!
                    :rolleyesmonkey: Tahlula :rolleyesmonkey:
                    Trim the tree to let in the sunshine...


                      over it

                      Sorry to interject here ... but I keep reading the phrase "don't beat yourself up". Not necessarily a good motto ...

                      If I hadn't metaphorically belted myself across the head with a very long piece of 4 x 2, I would never have got off my arse and addressed my problem.

                      So Maxman, I can only applaud your comment of "time for some self realisation".

                      Yup. I guess it's time.

                      I wish you well. And be careful of that Red Bull ....


                        over it

                        best not to 4x2 really hurts. had a good time out today considering. have spokento my wife, she is as upset as me . will beat this thing.
                        "From now on, walking is my beer and feeling good is my hangover" .....Homer Simpson


                          over it

                          Go for it Max ... and Mrs. Max.

                          Might take a bit of time, but hopefully. you'll get there.

                          Thinking of you.


                            over it

                            Dont beat yourself up...

                            Maxman - you have taken a small step, and that is knowing you have to stop - now it is doing it - I know it is not easy we all know that but you must - we are not like Mom and Dad we cant just have one beer - we have to get drunk. So Froggie is right you sometimes need be beat yourself up - we are the only ones that can sort ourselves out.

                            There has been many posts on Guilt - I think in my case a bit of Guilt is good - all that I need to remember that if I try and get rid of that Guilt by having another drink is just gets worse and I am not prepared to let things get worse. So no matter how bad things are today -DONT LET THEM GET WORSE. That is what I remember and you know what things have only got better - Small bits but better.

                            My new Signature is: Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible (St.Fransis of Assisi)

                            Gook Luck - we are here for you and Mrs.Max - bring her along for a visit.
                            Though no one can go back and make a brand-new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand-new ending


                              over it

                              Max mate,

                              At first I didn't think I could do this either - but two months on I am doing REALLY well considering my history!

                              The first bit is the toughest - hang on in there!
                              You (and your family) deserve it.
                              Alcohol is a sneaky blighter to beat - but it CAN be done if you really want to!

                              When it gets tough - log on here!
                              In the early days, I spent hours posting on here in the evenings just to get me past the time when the beer shop across the road from my house closed!

                              I know u are a Jimi fan so it is time to tell the booze, in your best Hendrix voice,

                              "Move over Rover and let Maxie take over!"

                              Take care - all the best.

                              "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                                over it

                                Hi Max man

                                good luck on day 2...its a great feeling to even do day 1 for many of us.

                                not sure if ou are an evening drinker...why not do something different with the wife and kids this evening..go bowling, swimming, go for a might enjoy it without the booze on board?/
                                dont let the booze lead you to lose your wife and kids its too high a price to pay.

                                its so hard to get off the stuff as everyone on here knows.i find i need to get on this site daily for support.

                                the weekend is coming up...a big danger zone for many of us. p

                                my hint would be careful planning...presumably you are at work today??

                                no idea what you do in the evening apart from booze?
                                why not walk the dog,
                                go walk with the wife and kids??

                                cook something different together with your wife?

                                do some off jobs that are waiting?

                                Get in the garden,

                                go for a swim with the kids and wife?
                                Get a fitness programme into your head and go act on it tonight...get running
                                If your wife drinks too..suggest tonight you make a nice meal and try a soft drink with it. Get the candles lit and watch a DVD(have some healthy snacks prepared to chomp on)

                                If things are tense with your wife this may all be difficult..but maybe she will get to like the changes and get the man she thought she married back?

                                i can only say as the daughter of an alcoholic how horrible it was to see my father drunk all the time. Thankfully my boozing really kicked in when the kids had grown up and left.

                                we alll have our varying drinking reasons, denials. patterns, but the common denominator is we want to change..

                                At 52 i thought i was going to end up a sad drunken pensioner with a shrunken liver and a diseased pancreas(of course i may have damged all my organs who knows) but now i live in hope of a better lifestyle where i dont have to creep about wondering if people "Know i drink too much".

                                i have a scary vision of myself as turning into a drunken pensioner trying to stuff my incontinence pants into a pair of jeans...not a pretty sight!!!!

                                good luck with day 2 and post again tomorrow ..we are all her hoping you get through today and wake up tomorrow full of can do it!!

                                Regards Cassy

