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    Hi all,
    Had Dr appt today and told him I drank daily to self medicate for anxiety. I learned of Campral on this site (thank you) but he didn't bite. He wasn't too worried since I wasn't a morning drinker but I really expressed my concern. Anywho, I left with a Rx of Zoloft I maybe should pose a question over on the SAS forums but wanted to hear from you guys. I am capable of drinking 4-8 beers a night for past 6+ years and can probably count the number of 0 drink nights on my hands and feet during that stint. Kinda worried about the weight gain (even though on Rx sheet 'weight loss' as a SE) and also worried about ED. Considering calling him back and changing to Wellbutrin but who knows, maybe I'll just see what this does to me b/c everyone gets affected differently. This is Day/Night 1 and I feel fine. Longest stint was 4 days and the cravings got ridiculous on that 4th day. Wish I had Campral. Well, I'm here. Try and check in daily or every other. :new:


    Hi and :welcome:

    Have a look around, you have obviously been reading. Jump into newbies nest and settle in for a bit of alcohol free time maybe....... See how that feels for more than a few days.

    See you there



      Hi the only way - I haven't been posting much lately, but just thought I would respond to you about Campral as I've been taking it for a month now. I also couldn't get it from my GP - I live in the UK - but managed to get referred to an organisation called Health Link which has been amazing. I have councelling every two weeks and they prescribed Campral.

      I had been told that Campral isn't a miracle drug - it won't make you suddenly stop drinking over night - you have to work with it too and this has been my experience. Since taking it I have been able to drink moderately, just a couple of drinks rather than two whole bottles! Also, the craving has almost gone - before taking it, by about 3pm all I could think about was my next drink and I would be climbing the walls by bedtime if I didn't have one. Now on the days I don't drink, it hardly crosses my mind.

      I had wondered (as I had read somewhere) whether Campral is a placebo, so I stopped taking it 3 days ago to see how I would feel and if I could carry on modding. Last night was terrible, I was craving a drink like mad again and ended up drinking a whole bottle of wine. Also, I felt really aggitated and couldn't sleep. Taking Campral has made me feel much better in myself, happier, less stressed and more in control of my life.

      I don't know much about Zoloft but understand that it's an anti-depressent and helps with anxiety, so it may well work in the same way as Campral. It's worth giving it a try - and if it is like Campral it takes a few weeks before you feel the full benefit.

      Anyway, today I'm back on Campral - and as it's the first day of the month I've decided to go completely AF, otherwise I don't think I will ever be able to stop taking it and get my life back to normal.

      Good luck to you and keep posting to let us know how you're getting on.

      Snap! :welcome:
      Never put off to tomorrow what you can achieve today!



        theonlyway;1403430 wrote: Hi all,
        Had Dr appt today and told him I drank daily to self medicate for anxiety. I learned of Campral on this site (thank you) but he didn't bite. He wasn't too worried since I wasn't a morning drinker but I really expressed my concern. Anywho, I left with a Rx of Zoloft I maybe should pose a question over on the SAS forums but wanted to hear from you guys. I am capable of drinking 4-8 beers a night for past 6+ years and can probably count the number of 0 drink nights on my hands and feet during that stint. Kinda worried about the weight gain (even though on Rx sheet 'weight loss' as a SE) and also worried about ED. Considering calling him back and changing to Wellbutrin but who knows, maybe I'll just see what this does to me b/c everyone gets affected differently. This is Day/Night 1 and I feel fine. Longest stint was 4 days and the cravings got ridiculous on that 4th day. Wish I had Campral. Well, I'm here. Try and check in daily or every other. :new:
        Hello, I do the same (self medicate for anxiety.) I did eventually get to morning drinking and such. I was prescribed Campral a long time ago but thought it was snake oil as it never worked for me. Come to find out it only works if you don't drink. I've been on Campral for about a month and for the first time in my life have put together some stints of AF time. I'm on day 9 today and feel great. Tried most anti depressant/anxiety and I can just tell you that if you feel bad now- please don't drink while taking those- it will make you crazy! Just my two cents but I would find another doctor who will prescribe campral.

        Good Luck!



          Matchee: does campral also help you anxiety?
          Alcoholic (or Ally)

          "Only a fool knows everything.
          A wise man knows how little he knows."

          Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.



            Alcoholic;1403594 wrote: Matchee: does campral also help you anxiety?
            No it does not. But wouldn't you know when I put down the bottle my anxiety has been much more manageable.



              Welcome TheOnlyWay!

              You've found a great place with lots of support, wisdom and experience. Head on over to the Newbies Nest when you get a chance. I was a 12+ beer per day drinker for years. I never thought I could quit. I could go 2-3 days, but by day 4 I felt I was "cured" and would start back up again. I tried to cut back and moderate, but that just didn't work for me. It finally became harder to drink than to not drink. You CAN do this, and we can help. Stick close and keep posting. I look forward to getting to know you!

              :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

              Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.



                Snapdragon;1403503 wrote: Hi the only way - I haven't been posting much lately, but just thought I would respond to you about Campral as I've been taking it for a month now. I also couldn't get it from my GP - I live in the UK - but managed to get referred to an organisation called Health Link which has been amazing. I have councelling every two weeks and they prescribed Campral.

                I had been told that Campral isn't a miracle drug - it won't make you suddenly stop drinking over night - you have to work with it too and this has been my experience. Since taking it I have been able to drink moderately, just a couple of drinks rather than two whole bottles! Also, the craving has almost gone - before taking it, by about 3pm all I could think about was my next drink and I would be climbing the walls by bedtime if I didn't have one. Now on the days I don't drink, it hardly crosses my mind.

                I had wondered (as I had read somewhere) whether Campral is a placebo, so I stopped taking it 3 days ago to see how I would feel and if I could carry on modding. Last night was terrible, I was craving a drink like mad again and ended up drinking a whole bottle of wine. Also, I felt really aggitated and couldn't sleep. Taking Campral has made me feel much better in myself, happier, less stressed and more in control of my life.

                I don't know much about Zoloft but understand that it's an anti-depressent and helps with anxiety, so it may well work in the same way as Campral. It's worth giving it a try - and if it is like Campral it takes a few weeks before you feel the full benefit.

                Anyway, today I'm back on Campral - and as it's the first day of the month I've decided to go completely AF, otherwise I don't think I will ever be able to stop taking it and get my life back to normal.

                Good luck to you and keep posting to let us know how you're getting on.

                Snap! :welcome:
                thank you so much for the post! Very brave of you to test the waters, slip, and pick right back up again AF. So yeah 4.5 hrs of sleep... Tossed until about 1am from 1st Zoloft pill- that was fun.



                  K9Lover;1403644 wrote: Welcome TheOnlyWay!

                  You've found a great place with lots of support, wisdom and experience. Head on over to the Newbies Nest when you get a chance. I was a 12+ beer per day drinker for years. I never thought I could quit. I could go 2-3 days, but by day 4 I felt I was "cured" and would start back up again. I tried to cut back and moderate, but that just didn't work for me. It finally became harder to drink than to not drink. You CAN do this, and we can help. Stick close and keep posting. I look forward to getting to know you!

                  I hear you on the whole "I'm cured" feeling. I can do this, because I WANT to. Thank you guys for your kind words.



                    Check Out The Meds Forum

                    Hello Theonlyway,:welcome:

                    Click on the Meds Forum on this site. You can search for threads started by people who have successfully used Campral. You can also get it online at Inhouse, Allday Chemist, 4Rx, River Pharmacy....just to name a few. Keep posting and reading. Good luck in your journey.

