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    I have a few questions about the supplements and the CDs, etc.

    I have purchased the supplements listed for the program as well as a few more. Had to order the kudzu and waiting for it to arrive. Also waiting for CDs to arrive. I am not taking the Rx meds for various reasons. Just making myself take the supps is a major accomplishment.

    Any way -

    I tend to fall apart around dinner time. That's when it all starts. So, how can I survive dinner time to bed time? Will taking 5 HTP help to get me through those hours in the night? Will it make me feel too tired?

    I don't like to take things that have a sedative effect on me as I do not want to mess up my running performance. Sleeping meds, etc. tend to keep me in a very "relaxed" state most of the next day and keep me from having good runs. Will taking GABA at night have this type of impact on me?

    Has anyone tried listening to the CDs while exercising? I was thinking about loading them on my iPod and taking them for a run.
    :rays: mdb :rays:

    Good at being AF. Not so good at Moderation.

    Lots of work yet to do!


    Hi MustDo

    I just received my supps and CD yesterday. I wouldn't listen to the CD's while training... use your upbeat music for that. The CD's are more of a hypnosis.

    Here's what I would do if I were you; would take the supps as prescribed (leaving the GABA until after training/dinner) and do the CD as soon as you get home from work.

    I took the GABA yesterday afternoon and within hours I was flat on my back in bed, fast asleep when I would normally be thinking about that first glass of wine, so I kind of slept through my usual drinking time. Luckily my partner looked after my 8 yo and put him to bed! lol

    You'll receive better advice from those who are further into the programme, but being an ex-triathlete, I can totally understand your concerns. The benefits of the programme will undoubtedly increase your sports performance than continued drinking at night... without a doubt!

    Like yourself, I was just drinking at night (usually about a bottle of wine nearly every night) and am looking to moderate.

    I'm easing back into running and swimming now. What is your favourite distance for running and are you competing?

    :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:



      Hey Doo - thanks for the input. I'll be saving the GABA for bed time since I am alone with the kids.

      10K is my favorite distance for running and competing. But I do love my long runs, which are about 12+ miles when I can swing the time. I have 3 races coming up in the next month - 2 10Ks and a relay race. I know that drinking less will surely improve my performance on the road. I wonder now though how all of these supplements will impact my performance. I already take a lot of l-glutamine as well as some other recovery supplements.

      Congrats on easing back into running and swimming. Do you plan on training/competing again? I admire you triathletes. I am not coordinated enough to ride a bike or swim. Heck, it's all I can do to run straight.
      :rays: mdb :rays:

      Good at being AF. Not so good at Moderation.

      Lots of work yet to do!



        Must, I find, as do many, that when the "witching hour" hits it is important to take more kudzu and the l-glutamine. I usually take 3-4 kudzu and one teaspoon of the l-glutamine powder (mixed with juice) around 4 in the afternoon. It helps with the cravings. Of course, if you are determined to drink you will, but if you are really wanting not to this will help.

        The CDs are really made to put you in a relaxed place so I would not suggest exercising with them. I listen to them right before bed and they have really helped. I also take the GABA. I take two at about 7 at night. I have not noticed much difference, nor that it has made me too tired, but I do know it is a healthy thing for us to be taking. It is supposed to help prevent wrinkles too!!!
        I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me



          GABA prevents wrinkles? I think I'll increase my dosage! lol

          MustDo, my last race was a Half Ironan distance in 2005. Within a span of 4 weeks, I lost 2 good friends who were knocked down on their bikes while road training on their bikes and I haven't been back on the road bike since. I've done a few mountain bike races since then, which is fun but I don't have the same passion that I did for tri's. I find mountain biking (especially at night with lights etc) just a really good rush of fun. Good luck with your upcoming 10k races! I did Ironman New Zealand in 2003 and was drinking a bottle of wine a few nights a week inbetween training (was revolving training around the bottle and vice versa). Makes me cringe now.

          I think my favourite run distance is the lactic-speedy 5k's.

          It's 3am here now, so I probably should head back to bed so I can get up and do a morning run... you've just inspired me! My physiotherpist from 4/5/6 years ago is now my fiance (lol... pretty funny when I think about it) so after working on his patients all day, he'll be able to come home and help me manage my damn ITB's. He'll be so excited about that! lol

          :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:



            MDB, you'll be amazed at the increase in your running performance by stopping drinking. It made a HUGE diffference for me!

            It's also important to have a plan in place when 5pm roles around. Those dirty habits can be hard to break, but if you have something planned ahead of time you can focus on that instead of the drinking.

            Best of luck, and keep up the running!
            Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."



              Kudzu, kudzu... where are you kudzu? Anxiously awaiting your arrival.

              I currently take l-glut 3x a day at 2.5-3 grams a shot. I typically do take it around 4-5 in the afternoon. Need that kudzu!

              I have what I call my breaking point. I tell myself all day long that I am not going to drink at night and then there is a point in my day when I know I am going to drink at night. That point usually comes around 5ish. I might not pour a drink right then, but I know that I will at some point in the evening. It's that point where I stop telling myself I am not going to do it. Is that when I supplement, or should I try to do it before I get to that point? Pretty lame question I know... Timing is everything for me.
              :rays: mdb :rays:

              Good at being AF. Not so good at Moderation.

              Lots of work yet to do!



                AAthlete - I am sure that my performance will improve... but a funny thing is, on the few times that I have managed to go a night without drinking, my runs the next day have suffered. I am guessing it could be due to my removing about 1000 calories and not replacing it, but not sure. Maybe it's in my head too.
                :rays: mdb :rays:

                Good at being AF. Not so good at Moderation.

                Lots of work yet to do!



                  I was the same way - it was only after about a month AF that I really noticed the performance difference.
                  Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."



                    MDB, I'm sending some *hurry up* vibes to your postman for you!

                    Roughly how many calories are in a bottle of wine? If it's around 1000, then my god I'm going to be shedding some weight! lol

                    :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:



                      I am no where near the athlete you are but I certainly understand the 5 o'clock frenzy you are talking about. It is absolutely the hardest time of the night for me. I often think I need a longer commute. I am not very good at transitioning from the workplace to home and my brain just kind of goes crazy. I have decreased my consumption a great deal, but somehow I still cannot give up that one at 5. I hear what you are going through. I too am sending your postman the "hurry up" vibe!!!
                      Good luck!
                      Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:



                        As I move more around this wonderful site I am just amazed at how many other people are both physically very active and have a serious problem with alcohol.

                        I realized I had a problem when my cycling became very infrequent. More often than not I was too hungover to ride. Or too intoxicated to ride. Then I made the mistake of learning I could still happily swim and have been drinking. What was I thinking??

                        So thank you fellow athletes for being here; the common interests are helpful.

                        Slack Key



                          Hi Slack Key - I have found it very comforting as well to find so many people who are "like" me. It is a comfort knowing that we can work together.

                          For me, my hangovers motivated me to get out and run. It was about all I could do to get over it and go about my day. I actually had it in my mind that one action (running) cancelled out the other (drinking). Not so. Unfortunately I was not able to listen to my body and have suffered numerous injuries, from which I am not able to recover well. I look forward to relearning how to be an athlete and watching my body respond to good health.

                          Good Luck. Keep posting and let me know how things are going.
                          :rays: mdb :rays:

                          Good at being AF. Not so good at Moderation.

                          Lots of work yet to do!



                            2 days AF... that's great MustDo!

                            Slack Key, I can really relate to the swimming!

                            :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:



                              Kinda confused what is more inportant living or or how far you can run. Which addict is most inportant?

