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This site is the missing link

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    This site is the missing link

    Thanks for all the support you have all given me so far without knowing it.

    I previously sent this but it got embedded in another thread... Duh!!!

    I have been happily drunk for 15 years ? all of my adult life ? I have difficulty feeling until my brief dips into sobriety.
    Technically, I should not be a drunk my mum and dad were great but mental illness run in my family ( is that taboo) ? my nan is bipolar and my great granddad and second cousin committed suicide) not that I have ever had the tendency)
    I am not a bad person but feel like one all the time I drink. I have been to AA but it wasn?t for me and I have tried supplementation and nutrition to beat this before but have never seen a site like this before....
    The first time I realised that I was an alcoholic, was when I was pregnant with my second child and couldn?t stop the cravings. How I fought, how I knew that this was wrong but I had my moments but I had mores abstinences than alcohol.
    But it was hard. I?d though it was fun till I realised that it is a sinister friend. Oh it will help you when you are depressed or happy or whenever you need it, it is there, waiting to tempt you, I don?t want it there anymore.

    Remember it is your brain that addiction is wired too and that is why it is so hard to break, it knows your weaknesses and how to work you.

    I guess I am scared but am proud of all of you who are doing it ? we are better for trying ? so many people do not know that there is another option (my husband for example)

    This is my cry for help ? I can?t stop but I will!!! Oh am I determined!!!

    It will be 2 weeks!! 2 weeks!! before I get the book, CDs, Kudzo, topaz etc...
    Love Sarah

    This site is the missing link

    Sarah, great to have you in the family, and glad that you found us!!

    You hit the nail on the head - you need to start somewhere and the first piece of that is admitting you have a problem.

    Best of luck - you can do this! :welcome:
    Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


      This site is the missing link

      Hello Sarah,
      Thank you for your post.
      I'm glad you found us too.
      There are many lovely people here who will relate to your post and offer you a lot of help and support.


        This site is the missing link

        Let me welcome you again and I am glad you got the thread posting figured out! . Cannot wait for you to get the whole package in two weeks and see how it goes for you....
        I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


          This site is the missing link

          Hi sarah: I'm also in the UK.

          if you want to speed it up a bit, Holland & Barrett sell all the supps & you can download the book in PDF format instantly from this site.

          in the meantime, read everything here, and a big welcome! Kate


            This site is the missing link

            Hi Sarah,
            Isn't interesting when you are able to take a step back and realize that the drink is not really our best friend. Yes it's always there when we need it but when our minds are clear and we are looking for a change it's so easy to see how it just makes our problems that much worse. We end up procrastinating, avoiding and just hiding from the real world.

            Glad you are here.
            "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


              This site is the missing link

              Thanks for the support !

              I seem to have been living a double life for such a long time - professional and doing well at work and yet a complete loon at home after drinking. It is like I have a dark secret that I carry everywhere I go that I can't mention - have talked around it to see if someone will take the bait but no.
              Love this place!!

              Really think that we all can help each other with our combined knowledge on this subject !!!

              Love Sarah:H


                This site is the missing link

                That is so true, A long time ago I started a thread about feeling like a fraud and it's exactly about what you are saying now. I am a professional and mother by day but at night is when it would all fall apart. No one knew my secret and if they did they would be so surprised. I had become so ashamed of myself and so disgusted with what I was becoming then I found this site and have made some big changes. Not perfect yet but much better!
                "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                  This site is the missing link


                  Its amazing isn't it - how people think that I am so responsible -(I am at work) and healthy etc but feel like I can't relate fully to people (sometimes even close friends) because I need my drinking time and have to cut myself off - no phone calls, no going out etc.

                  What a crap existence!!!

                  I am moderating until my supplies arrive - then abstinence - longest I have gone is 6 weeks.

                  Love Sarah


                    This site is the missing link

                    I don't know if this will work but here is the thread. So many people opened up and shared the same thing we are talking about. It just gets old doesn't it? Keep in touch. Can't wait to here how ABS goes for you. I am geering up for some Abs days myself. Had some in Jan now need to do some more.

                    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                      This site is the missing link

                      "I’d though it was fun till I realised that it is a sinister friend."

                      As they say, with friends like that, who needs enemies?

                      Sarah, we are gald you have found us.
                      Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:


                        This site is the missing link


                        Hi Sarah,

                        You sound very determined to make these changes which is half the battle - we're here to help the other half, so keep coming back - look forward to hearing how it all goes!

                        Warmest welcome to MWO
                        :rays: Arial

                        Last first day - 15th April 2012
                        Days 1-7 DONE
                        Days 8-14 DONE
                        Days 15-21 DONE
                        30 days DONE
                        60 days
                        100 days


                          This site is the missing link

                          Hi and welcome this site has done alot for me and I am still learning and having days when I drink a little more than I should, but I have really cut down I mean cut it down down down.


