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Back agin ;(

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    Back agin ;(

    Hi there,
    I used to come to this site regularly about 4 years ago. I stopped drinking on 30 December 2009 and have not had ANY alcohol until last weekend. My husband and I went away for our anniversary and I had a glass of wine with dinner to celebrate. I thought I could enjoy one. I did but now I am back up to hiding wine and drinking it every night. I am incredibly stressed and justify drinking 'a little' by saying this helps me relax and distract me.. I thought I could control it but I am so wrong. I need help stopping again. If my husband finds out it will be the end of our marriage for sure. I used to drink so much we almost got divorced....HELP!:upset:

    Back agin ;(

    Hi Fijigirl,

    Hang in there. It just shows how addictive the stuff is to our brain, isn't? You fool yourself thinking you can just have one and boom you are off the wagon and in the dirt!

    You fell on your face, get back up, dust yourself off, jump back in the wagon and make today your Day 1. Forgive yourself. I keep telling myself - 1 day at a time. I do feel shaky in my confidence because of so many failures and, at times, had completely given up on myself, but you have done it once and CAN do it again! Success like yours (and it IS a success) is what keeps me trying. I'm on Day 3 and I know how difficult it is (at least it is for me) so we can encourage each other, OK?
    "Success comes in cans, failures comes in can't." Sign on the Mechanic shop near my place.


      Back agin ;(

      Hi fijigirl,

      Try and stop as soon as you can? Would that be tomorrow? I have hid wine, I actually did it this Wednesday ;0( but am back on the wagon. Have you thought about being honest with your husband, tell him the wine you had has kick started a craving you are finding difficult to ignore? I think the guilt if lying makes us drink more.
      Good luck keep posting cxx
      AF since 2nd Oct 2012
      Day by day


        Back agin ;(

        Well fiji,

        Know this: your post is the kind of reminder that I need once in a while. Ive fought the good fight, but yet I still hear that little voice tell me.......I can moderate, just one wont hurt.

        I read the same story over and over on here with people that fail if you can take a positive from your slip, know that its part of what helps keep me AF.

        Glad you are back, Im sure you know the drill around here.........wishing you continued strength to fight the beast
        Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



          Back agin ;(

          Ah fiji, I am all too familiar with your story. I went 11 months without wine and have found it very difficult to stay back on the wagon. I found that I COULD NOT MODERATE and the sooner I was honest about that to myself, the better. Supplements, reading Alan Carrs book, lots of water and staying busy really helped. I always said that drinking took the edge off (I have a very stressful job) but coming into work hungover (actually being hungover in ANY situation) makes EVERYTHING worse by 100 times. Today is a new day. We are all in the same boat,just to different degrees.

          Wishing you (and all of us) strength and happiness to fight this.

          February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

          When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


            Back agin ;(

            Hi fijigirl, You have near three years alcohol free so you know what you have to do, Go back over your earlier plans and tools that kept you so well then,Also keep posting and sharing your opinions here in what your going through, it all helps, good luck and welcome back in a sad way.

            :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

            Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
            I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

            This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.

