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My drinking profile
My drinking profile
I have been drinking regularly since about 21 and I am now 40 years old. I live alone pretty much. I do not go out to bars any more even though I have a lot of friends in bands and there is always something going on. I do not go to bars because I black out and do not remember how I get home. Do not drive because of too many DUI's. Boredom is the main reason I drink and lonelyness. I can drink two regular bottles of wine just my myself! After a black out on Halloween where I lost my purse I have decided that I really need to give this a try. I usually can only go two days without drinking before I find myself going to the liquer store. Advise is always appreciated and I would love to hear your stories so I don't feel so alone. ThanksTags: None
My drinking profile
Halloween was my last drinking day and I don't remember going to bed. You are not alone. I keep telling myself 1 day at a time. Forgive yourself and move on. A lot of great info on this site, lurk around like me and I'm sure you will find stories on here that resonate with you and that will encourage you to continue on your journey.
Big hug :l"Success comes in cans, failures comes in can't." Sign on the Mechanic shop near my place.
My drinking profile
Hi petrea, you are in the right lace, read Robertas story and maybe order the supplements, I use lglutamine and kudzu.
Keep close to the site.
My other tip is find a new evening hobbie? It's not going to be easy but there are lots of people on here that can help xxxxAF since 2nd Oct 2012
Day by day
My drinking profile
my drinking profile
Hi Petrea, I too have been drinking for far too long, live alone and also have too much wine as a substitute for company. I too have good friends but when in company I cannot remember getting home, regularly fall asleep and feel so awful next morning asking friends what I was like when they walked me home. I know I am never aggressive but one night about six months ago came crashing down the stairs I was so out of it, even though my good friend had seen me safely to bed only she knows about that and I am lucky to be alive and managed to keep it from my daughter who would be APPALLED. It is taking less and less intake of wine to get me to this stage as I am 20 years older than you and I am waking up every morning miserable but back on the wagon as evening approaches. Last Saturday I had another fall on leaves and again managed not to break anything except for ankle swelling. I know for now I am being protected by a higher power but also know that I cannot rely any longer on this wonderful higher power any longer I have to help myself.
Since November 1st I am trying realy hard to initially go for 30 days af. I intend to keep posting and sharing with all the wonderful like minded people on this website, maybe you and I could help each other. Good Luck with your quest. :welcome:------------------------------
one hour at a time
My drinking profile
hi petrea,halloween was actually a pretty good nite for me,i drank a couple of beers,i remember everything,made nov 1 my day one,was fine yesterday also,however today,i felt that craving,i had to brace myself,i got sick of it and here i am on my second beer,that urge is just sooo strong sometimes,it knocks me over! your not alone in this,please keep coming here,it does help to be surrounded my these good folks,they understand.I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
My drinking profile
I don't know if this will help anyone else but its helped me. I found this link on another recovery board
Rational Recovery | The Crash Course On AVRT and while I personally think that their aversion to AA is more than a bit over the top, I did find the site useful in that I recognized what they were saying about having 2 people in my head, so to speak.
The rational one that tells me not to drink, or not to drink so much or often, and the PLEASURE SEEKING ONLY VOICE. The one that only cares about the minute I am in and what it wants NOW! It doesn't just talk to me about alcohol either, it also talks to me about foods I like, pretty things I would like to buy, but don't really NEED, and even sex to a certain degree. Lets call that voice Miss Instant Gratifcation!
Anyway, since I have started thinking about that voice as being SEPARATE from me, it has been easier to say NO to it, like you would to a spoiled bratty child nagging you at the supermarket. Anyway, just thought I would offer up the link, in case it might be helpful to anyone else.
My drinking profile
Thanks for the link which I will read tomorrow.
And welcome Patrea, you will find a good place to start here, why not join in at the newbies nest and try to get some Alcohol free time.
I drank more than you every night for 23 years and have been sober now for 9 weeks , it is awesome and gets better and easier every day
My drinking profile
I was drinking 2 to 4 bottles of wine a day for years and could rarely get to 4:00 PM let alone a whole day AF. I feel presumptuous posting since I'm still brand new and have only completed 6 days AF, but wanted you to know what helped me. I did it by taking 300mg of quality Kudzu 3x a day along with 1000 mg L-glutamine powder 3x a day. I started this while I was still drinking and I was reading 'the easy way to quit' while preparing for the day I was going to quit. The supplements really reduced my cravings a ton, and the book changed my thinking, and before I knew it, the day came when I could go AF. I am currently adding in the other supplements recommended by MWO and using the CDs. So far so good for what it's worth. Good luck!! If I can get to 6 days you can too! I've NEVER gotten to this point before.
Oh... The calms forte from this site is also great at getting you through those anxious or stressful times where you think 'just one drink would relax me and make me feel better'. When I do have a craving, I stop to think why, and it's always anxiety. It also helps me sleep along with some valerian root.
My drinking profile
Petrea: That's how I quit too. W the supplements help. Drank 20 years, couldn't really go 1 day without a drink but w supplements, it was easy. Now 3 weeks later,just feel hope that alcohol doesn't have to rule my life!Alcoholic (or Ally)
"Only a fool knows everything.
A wise man knows how little he knows."
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