Sunday, holy day, no wine except at church!
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One Day at a Time Sunday Nov. 4, 2012
One Day at a Time Sunday Nov. 4, 2012
Another happy AF day!
Sunday, holy day, no wine except at church!Alcoholic (or Ally)
"Only a fool knows everything.
A wise man knows how little he knows."
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One Day at a Time Sunday Nov. 4, 2012
Day One
I cannot believe I have not come across this forum before. I thought I had been thorough in my research to seek out all help possible. I have been battling alcohol dependence/addiction for 20+ years. I have tried almost everything though I admit, and buy AA's standards, half measures. I never fully committ or abstain. I was abstinent for 3 years in my 20's and then in mid 30's I had progressed and was unable to abstain for more than 3, 6 or 9 minthe at a time and up until now. I am 43. I just ordered sobrexa and after reading about hypnosis, I will seek that treatment out. How do I find a good hypnotist?
I am currently part of a research study of alcoholics/addicts. It's a six month study using Smart Recovery tools and on-line and/or live meetings. Again, half measures....I cave toy cravings and cannot even put 3 nights together. I'm at the 3 mon mark in the study. Im hopeful sobrexa will help with the cravings. It's cheaper than rehab which I have been twice- IOP and IP, obviously without long term success.
My goal is to live most in abstinence and maybe have the occasional drink in certain contexts or celebrations. I would love to be hypnotized into total immutable desire to never drink. For now, I feel I am a slave to overindulgence or abstinence. I know I needs period of abstinence to level out my brain chemistry.
I'm tired. :new:
One Day at a Time Sunday Nov. 4, 2012
Hi, almost free:
you sound great yourself, and I'm really happy to read that you are so successful at staying AF!
Hi, blossom:
Welcome. I've been a 20 year wine drinker and never thought I could stop drinking until I tried the stuff recommended by this website 3 weeks ago.
But since you are in a research program, not sure how much you can really try the stuff without talking to the program sponsor about it. But you could always read up and consider the options once your research program ends. Good luck and I hope you stick around and post away as it helps me to avoid drinking in my spare time!.
Alcoholic (or Ally)
"Only a fool knows everything.
A wise man knows how little he knows."
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One Day at a Time Sunday Nov. 4, 2012
Blossom I too am a 20+ year drinker and have managed to string 35 days together....I am using the hypnosis CD's from this site every night...I find they are really helping...I am also using some of the herbs but no prescription drugs...Stick around this is a great place.
One Day at a Time Sunday Nov. 4, 2012
I have completed the Last Call Program (Sobrexa) with great success. I have gone from a quart of whiskey-a-day habit to today being 6-months alcohol free. I credit the Last Call Program for helping me launch my new life. Worth every penny I spent and in hindsight not even close to the cost of alcohol I was consuming.