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Begin again

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    Begin again

    Hi I am new to this site, but thought it would be good to hear from others. I too drink to excess and also will smoke when I normally do not smoke, it is driving me crazy but I do not know what to do!!!


      Begin again


      Just had to reply, because I think we are two peas in a pod!! I too have the problem between 4 and 6, and it is because that is the "window" before my husband is home. It is then that I have the opportunity, or not, to go out and get some alcohol, and even if I don't have a craving on a given day, I often go get alcohol, because I don't know if a craving will hit later in the evening. Of course, once I buy it, I drink it. I also am a closet smoker, from my husband, also recently "came out" in that regard. My husband has absolutely NO addiction problems what so ever, and just can't understand why I can't just stop! Because this has gone on awhile, he has become somewhat more understanding, but really doesn't get it at all, which is really tough, for both him and I. Anyway, I don't have any great advice, but think I related to you, so wanted to post.

      formerly known as bak310


        Begin again

        Dear Desperate,

        Not sure if you have tried topa but in addition to all the other things -- supps, exericse, CDs, etc. it really helped me get started. I didn't have bad side effects except hair loss so I am weaning off and onto Campral but it REALLY helped me get started when I just couldn't seems to stop. My long term goal is moderation but I had to start AF -- has been 33 days...didn't think I could do three. Just an idea......I tried to "taper" and just couldn't -- I had to go AF for a while..not sure if "forever" -- I hope not.

        Good luck!


          Begin again

          The thing that always made starting hard was my calendar. (Oh, I have book club this week and I do love to have wine with my girlfriends. We're going out to dinner with heavy drinking friends, can't just sit there on my hands. It's Friday and my pal invited me over for a beer, do I want to drive over there for a glass of water?)
          I wasn't motivated until after the first AF day and then it seemed doable and now I don't want to start over (heck, right now I don't even want to shoot for moderation, but that was my long term goal). I want it to work this time. Each time I go somewhere and don't drink I get stronger and regain more of my self.
          Good luck this time -- those 4-6 hours are tough. They have always been my nemesis. Kudzu kicks the cravings for me and it has made it possible for me to get through the making dinner/drinking wine time of the day.
          Thanks for sharing your thoughts -- they made me think.
          Mama T.
          Found MWO Feb. 17, 2007


            Begin again

            Hi Beth, amazing the similarities - I guess you find that all over the different threads - we think we are so individual with our problems but there are a lot of similarities. Haven't checked into the post for a while. Didn't exactly have a great week. Only had one AF day and fell into the same old 4-6 have a drink and smoke routine. It's crazy, you would think the weekends would be the hardest but I had a bottle open on Fri night and it lasted me all through the weekend - only 1-2 glasses a day. Again, now its Monday, and I'm hoping to get through to Fri without a drink - that is this week's plan. I'm hanging out for my supplements to arrive but in the meantime have been trying to keep busy and find alternative things to do at home. Have a couple of small projects going - some mosaicing and I am going to paint my potting bench to "trendy" it up a bit. Hope to be motivated to do these after work until hubby gets home. Feeling pretty crappy all over really, sore muscles and an achilles that is playing up each time I walk. Great - just when I get motivated to move around and get out, my ankle goes wacky!! Great to hear from so many people - good support - keep in touch.


              Begin again

              Hey everyone, thanks for posts. Summer - keep in touch, sounds like we have the same problems - just keeping motivated is the winner though I think. SRI , thanks, but I am very anti drugs - long story, but tend to stick to natural therapies. I'm sure the Topa works - from other threads I see that many people find it successful. Mama-T - yep, the calendar is a pain but I guess is something that we can use as an excuse. You know, oh, I can't not drink tonight, we have dinner guests, or it's Joe's birthday next week, I know I'll drink there, etc. The whole idea I guess is that we need to build to a stage where the calendar doesn't count. You sound like you've accomplished that. I find it hard not to have a drink when my girls all come around for a BBQ or a special dinner, they all like a drink but I am always the one that overdoes it. Its humiliating so I would be better off not even having one. Well, anyway, new week, and I hope I make it through to Friday night - even not having a drink through the working week would be a real accomplishment. Please all keep in touch, it's been great reading your posts. Sheryl

