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    1 down 29 to go

    Hi all. Hope you all are feeling well today. I am starting on day 2 of my journey today. I am thrilled to say that I made it through day 1 and it was relatively painless. Here's what I learned yesterday...

    50 mgs of 5 HTP made a large difference in my stress levels, thereby lessening my craving to use alcohol as a release. I took the dose at 5, right before meeting my parents for dinner at a local restaurant. Typically, taking my 2 little monkeys to a restaurant is enough to drive me straight over the edge, but last night I was better able to manage my stress levels. I believe part of it was the 5 HTP and part of it was my determination to make it work out. I took the GABA around 11 and was asleep a little before 12. I was trying to watch a rerun of David Letterman, with Jim Carey on. I missed it the first time because I passed out drunk. Missed it again. Should have recorded it. Oh well. I woke at 4:30 and was a little disappointed to be awake but quickly realized that I felt pretty darn good.

    I fear, well I know, that my determination will diminish somewhat over the next few days and figuring out how to manage the "witching hour" will be more of a challenge. Not to mention that fact that I am a "weekend warrior". I have always felt that weekends = party time. Will have to change the old mindset.

    Any way - thanks to all of you on this forum for helping me manage day 1. I am on my way to 30 days AF, and proud to say I am working on day 2 now. :thanks:
    :rays: mdb :rays:

    Good at being AF. Not so good at Moderation.

    Lots of work yet to do!

    1 down 29 to go

    :bow great work mate!!
    "From now on, walking is my beer and feeling good is my hangover" .....Homer Simpson


      1 down 29 to go

      Good for you, you sound positive and happy. Look forward to day 2, 3 and so on. You can do this. Loads of support from my end. B


        1 down 29 to go

        Baby steps, then toddler steps then next thing you know you're running marathons! Good job.
        :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


          1 down 29 to go

          MDB, congrats on day 1! :good:

          I'm a weekend warrior as well, and one of the things that seems to help me is creating and then referring back to my training plan. Knowing that I am 8 weeks out from a big race and that this weekend I need to do 'X' in order to meet my goals helps me focus on staying healthy.

          Also, don't forget to tell yourself that it's not the actual run that makes you faster - it's afterwards when your body is repairing the damagestress caused by the run. Since drinking inhibits the repair process you are holding yourself back. Heck, I'll tell myself anything to keep from drinking!:H
          Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


            1 down 29 to go

            Well done on 1 and wishing you all the bes today!!
            Control the Mind


              1 down 29 to go

              well done, llook forward to your post tomorrow!


                1 down 29 to go

                Good Job
                I know how great I felt to get through that first day. Keep up the good work!


                  1 down 29 to go

                  Well done indeed.


                    1 down 29 to go

                    One is done!!!! Good job!!
                    Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:


                      1 down 29 to go

                      Well Done..

                      I found day one the hardest, so you are definitely on the upwards track .....


                        1 down 29 to go

                        Thanks AAthlete. I hope that one day my mind will listen to my body and respond in accordance with the no alcohol while training rule. Last Saturday morning, while running off a good drunk, I injured my quad and have not yet recovered. I have a race the 17th and am horribly disappointed that I can't train. At this point I just hope to be recovered and able to participate. I am having a very hard time not taking off and just running through the pain, but I know I need to let my body heal. It makes me so angry though to think that I probably would not have taken on this injury had I not been tearing down my immune system with alcohol, and been in good health and stronger. And I probably would have recovered faster if not for drinking.

                        Just got back from a birthday party for my cousin's son. With my family, it's a kid's party but the grown up folks are always having a beer or something. I didn't have anything but a diet coke. Hubby just went for his long run. I am still down for the count and sooooo jealous. Honestly... makes me want to drink. I am a little down right now. This is when my willpower starts to diminish. He's gone, I have to make the kids dinner now. Working on staying strong.
                        :rays: mdb :rays:

                        Good at being AF. Not so good at Moderation.

                        Lots of work yet to do!


                          1 down 29 to go

                          MDB, I am also feeling a bit flat today :l You did so well over the weekend at the kiddie party and you've reached day 3! Remind yourself and just recognise that right now is the witching hour and it will pass. Maybe you could make a fresh juice or something to drink while you cook dinner.

                          That is such a bummer about your injury. I know that feeling! Don't try to train through it... rest up and fill your body with good stuff so it'll heal faster, and the participation races can end up being fun too.

                          :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


                            1 down 29 to go

                            I thought day 1 was the hardest -- hope it's the same way for you!
                            Mama T.
                            Found MWO Feb. 17, 2007


                              1 down 29 to go

                              Fantastic ..nothing quite like the feeling of day one!! keep positive. i too have watched many films and cant remember the endings due to the boooze..or become disinterested in following a film because too much effect to keep up with the plot whenon the wine!!!!how shameful is that.

                              i am definitily more alert and no memory impairment when i wake up!!thought I was getting dementia but actually it was the wine !!

                              Did you used to get argumentative too. I get grumpy after too much wine, or emotional or just tired...hardly the life and soul of the party.

                              The last few weeks have gone to the pub with friends and not had alcohol and suprised at how much i enjoyed still feels like something is missing(probably some bad thing in my case) alcohol really doesnt and hasnt added anything positive to life so far.

                              That said i would love to be able to this is my first serious attempt ever to cut down or stop I still dont feel ready to try moderating..Just no booze for 40 days is my goal...for lent. Then review.

                              good luck you too can do it with support....Regards Cassy

