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Anniversary -Just want to celebrate

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    Anniversary -Just want to celebrate

    After 15/20 years of real heavy drinking -Yippee!!!!! have just made it through 7th day abs and I feel great. It has been a battle everyday but I have done it and without much in the way of supps. The cravings are getting worse and I almost gave in last night. The night before I was stupidly grummpy while cooking tea and realised I normally stand with glass in hand so managed to calm down. I've had a mail to say my kudzu and cds are on the way I can't wait, anxiety is growing, especially as I am going to a big family black tie do next weekend(everything including alcohol free) and I really want to stat AF. My boyfriend is encouraging me though he doesn't know that I have decided to go abs or using this site - I don't want to build up hopes in others but I really hope I can do it this time.

    One of the biggest things to help is something I found last year on this site which was a thread about 'When I don't drinK I.....' At the time a wrote a whole list of how I feel when I don't drink and how I feel when I do. I've looked at it everyday and hooked it up to an image of a lady in the same street with a drink problem who I have watched over the last three years go from someone who recycled a few cans on a morning and walked her dog to a lady who could hardly walk and balance she was so thin, I saw an ambulance at her house late last year and it has struck me that I haven't seen her since. She has a son who lives with her and looks after her which I think is sad for him - long winded I know but my son is now 4 and with 14years difference between him and siblings I don't want to think he might waste his life in the same way

    I've been popping in and 'listening' to all of your great advice and I try to grab a couple of minutes in my day for my 'fix' otherwise I have to stay up late into the night and I just am too tired to do that - has anyone else felt exhausted with this- The first few nights I had horrible dreams- slept great last night but an tired this am? Did people feel hungry too- I am always starving! Any tips. Am on holiday this week and am looking forward to a lot more visits to the site as I think this could be the crunch week

    See you all

    Anniversary -Just want to celebrate

    Hello sally, welldone on 7 days AF. I have a 4 year old son too! to answer your question about tiredness, For the first 2 weeks i was exhausted. Tired when i woke up and would fall asleep in front of tv at 9pm. I could not work it out as i was sleeping well. Now i am 25 days AF i have got my energy back and it feels good. I was and still am starving all the time so i am trying to run every day otherwise the weight will pile on! I still think that is better than drinking 2 bottles of wine a night. So my advice to you would be just keep going. When i am cooking tea i sip from my slimline tonic and lemon. Its okay.

    Keep posting and all the best to you. B


      Anniversary -Just want to celebrate

      Hello Sally.
      Your achievement is worth celebrating. Well done.


        Anniversary -Just want to celebrate

        Hi Sally, :welcome:

        and Well Done on 7 days AF.

        Keep coming here, it really does help. I was exhausted when 1st went AF but I couldn't sleep, and did have really bad dreams at first as well. It does get better though.

        Take care xx


          Anniversary -Just want to celebrate

          you are an inspiration to me
          "From now on, walking is my beer and feeling good is my hangover" .....Homer Simpson


            Anniversary -Just want to celebrate


            My food consumption has sky rocketed! I guess one addiction for another LOL. I actually ate horribly if anything at all when I drank-I usually passed out or forgot. So when I quit my body "remembered" how to eat again-and never stopped(hee hee)!

            My dreams(nightmares) were also horrible when I first stopped drinking. I think it was my brain in shock from no alcohol (you normally don't dream when you drink) & it tried to make some sense.

            Keep up the good work-get plenty of rest.

            Congrats on your 7 days!:wd:
            :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


              Anniversary -Just want to celebrate

              I am hungry all the time...I think what everyone forgets might not have had a ton of caloric intake via FOOD, but you were taking in tons of calories daily via alcohol. You are switching bad calories for good ones. Eat healthy...veggies, broiled meats. Our bodies need good health....deserve good health. Plump is much better than drunk!!!!


                Anniversary -Just want to celebrate

                Sally - what a lovely post you made. You dear girl, You painted such a clear image of that woman in the street - and how clever of you to print the post with all the good things about not drinking on it. Your post has helped me, Sally, I have 70 days AF today but I want always to keep in front of mr the reasons to stay AF. I never want to be trapped in that self-made prison of drinking posion again.

                Sally, Have you tried the Hypno CDs? I can't tell you how much they have changed my brain! It is - for me- nothing short of a dream come true. I bought the abstinence Cds marketed on this site. A year or two ago I tried a cheaper one that did nothing at all -so I really recommend using these. I say this because you mention having such cravings and my heart goes out to you - I used to have the same cravings - Now I do not - not at all. It is such a blessing. I am not taking any meds but do take some of the supplements and exercise.

                With your family party - can you consider it a celebration (privately) fro all your days AF - Your little secret celebration - a private reason for a little smile on your face and bounce in your step?. It is funny at these things now I usually wonder why every one seems so happy to be drinking poison -

                You are doing so well - you are very strong lady and very determined - you will succeed.
                :h Riv


                  Anniversary -Just want to celebrate

                  Morning Sally,
                  Well 7 days... that's terrific!
                  I am still waking up tired, but better than waking up with a hangover. And the guilt, the remorse, the promises I'll never do it again and so on.
                  Your post is so positive along with your attitude. Keep going !


                    Anniversary -Just want to celebrate

                    Hello and welcome, this place will CHANGE YOUR LIFE, just let it be..... keep posting and keep looking in, WELCOME TO A GREAT PLACE!

                    Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


                      Anniversary -Just want to celebrate

                      Sally that is amazing, 7 days is so awesome I am going to start tommorow am quite scared but we all need to take control of our lives and stop being slaves to an addiction, we are worth far more than that, well done!


                        Anniversary -Just want to celebrate

                        Hi Sal,

                        Kuddos to you and happy day seven. Welcome, you have found a wonderful
                        place here. People that not only understand your struggles, ups and downs but
                        are just so warm and wonderful. I have not been here long myself but I am so
                        happy to have a place to turn when I need one.
                        Hang in there you are on the right track!


                          Anniversary -Just want to celebrate

                          7 good days

                          Congrats on your 7 days. I too have been a moderate to heavy drinker for more years that I can count. I am on 26 days AF and am just startng to have days that there are no cravings. It takes awhile to get it out of your system. I had not been able to go 2 weeks AF by myself since my son was born 15 years ago. You need a support group. If this works for you, great. If you need a little more like I did then swallow your pride and ask for it. I am now in an outpaient re-hab program with a place called the Livng center, and it is helping. My insurance actually directed me to them. :thumbs:
                          AF again since 3/13/2014


                            Anniversary -Just want to celebrate

                            Feeling Better

                            It is so wonderful that you can ask a simple question like did you feel tired and not only get a yes but so much support and explanations too. Tired I love your 'plump instead of drunk' and rivergirl I hadn't thougth of using the 'do' as a secret celebration_ I certainly will start thinking of it that way. I have been dreading it because of my weight etc but now do have a reason to feel happy about myself.

                            As to energy I am pleased to know it wears off. I'd also not thought about the calorie replacement. I went to weight watchers last Tuesday to support my daughter and I had lost 3lbs I felt there was no way I could have lost that much as it meant that was just in four days! - but when you look at it two bottles a day for four days is a lot of calories!

                            Its funny too that though I have been reading posts for a while it really isn't until you post yourself that you really feel the truesupport that is here.

                            Well today I am off to spend the whole day with my son- I may even run while playing on the beach - exercise is not my big thing but who knows now? I feel as if my world has suddenly opened up its a strange feeling as I didn't feel it had closed - wierd

                            I am so grateful for your support


