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New here..and could use some help.

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    New here..and could use some help.

    My drinking is getting out of hand. I used to work with people who drank a lot, and I got caught up in it. I don't work anymore and I have a 1 year old sweet baby girl. I am trying so hard to stop, I drink all the time, I am never drunk or anything but I find I can't go without having a beer, or wine, or champagne. I want to quit for her, she does not deserve to have a mommy who needs a beer or something to feel.. I don't know, I don't know why I need one, but I need to stop. I want to stop. I don't want it deciding my life, and having this as a crutch. I'm tired of being a slave to alcohol. I just need some support. How can I quit this in a good way?

    New here..and could use some help.

    Hello GG, you will get lots of support here from all these lovely people. Maybe you could order the MWO book, supps and cds.? Read all the posts and you will get the idea that you are not alone. Lots of us are struggling too. Welidone for making the descion of wanting to stop. B


      New here..and could use some help.

      Hi GG and :welcome:

      You've made a good start by finding this place, When you feel like a drink then come and read the postings here to pass the time, It isn't easy but I can promise you that it is worth the effort.

      Someone once posted that 'craving never killed anyone but alcohol did' and It's true, Some people use the supplements to help with the cravings.

      Anyone there will be more people along soon with more ideas.

      Love & Hugs :h :l :h


        New here..and could use some help.

        [I] know what ur going thru understand all will b there for u
        "From now on, walking is my beer and feeling good is my hangover" .....Homer Simpson


          New here..and could use some help.

          Hi and welcome,I know how you feel i did just the same when my kids were small
          but it started with one drink and gradually increased.But you are asking for help much
          earlier than i did.Thats good,my one drink used to go on endlessly,not every day but some
          days i spent most of their childhood feeling guilty.But oddly enough when i speak to my lovely grown up kids today they tell me that i was a great mum,in fact today i am babysitting my two grandchildren.
          Very best wishes to you ,YOU WILL BE WELL


            New here..and could use some help.

            paula;104758 wrote: Hi and welcome,I know how you feel i did just the same when my kids were small
            but it started with one drink and gradually increased.But you are asking for help much
            earlier than i did.Thats good,my one drink used to go on endlessly,not every day but some
            days i spent most of their childhood feeling guilty.But oddly enough when i speak to my lovely grown up kids today they tell me that i was a great mum,in fact today i am babysitting my two grandchildren.
            Very best wishes to you ,YOU WILL BE WELL
            I find I'll have one beer, then another...and try to space them out so I don't get drunk, but by the time night time comes around and I have already put her to bed..I'll drink them faster. And it breaks my heart because I look at her sweet little face and I feel like complete shit, I don't want to feel like this anymore. I've started trying to keep cans of Coke or Pepsi in the fridge, I find as long as they are there I will have them it seems.. but if they are not, that's when the trouble starts.

            Thank you all for helping me with this, its very much appreciated. :heart: I want to have another baby soon and I want this to be under control before I try to get pregnant again. Right now, I know I have a long way to I am wanting one right now.


              New here..and could use some help.

              betty boop;104745 wrote: Hi GG and :welcome:

              You've made a good start by finding this place, When you feel like a drink then come and read the postings here to pass the time, It isn't easy but I can promise you that it is worth the effort.

              Someone once posted that 'craving never killed anyone but alcohol did' and It's true, Some people use the supplements to help with the cravings.

              Anyone there will be more people along soon with more ideas.

              Love & Hugs :h :l :h
              Thank you.... I think this group will be a great support to me, and hopefully I will be able to support others as well.


                New here..and could use some help.

                Hi GG. I am pretty new here as well. I have 2 little ones, 1 and 3. I have been at this drinking thing, well for as long as I can remember, but pretty aggressively over the last 3 years, withstanding somewhat during pregnancy. I use alcohol as stress relief, amoung other things. By the end of the day with my little monkeys, it's what I reach for and I don't know why either.

                My guess is that since you are here posting, you have made an important first step. Keep coming. I have not started using the hypnotherapy CDs yet (oredered and have not arrived) and have to admit I am a bit skeptical. But I am very open to this idea and hoping it will help me. I have adopted an aggressive plan to be AF for 30 days, and then with the help of the CDs, to relearn how to manage social drinking. Right now I am on day 3 AF. I have to take this one day at a time.

                Your kids are an excellent reason to take on this difficult journey. But find reasons to do it for YOU also. Being a SAHM, I think I find it difficult to separate myself from my kids and I find great stress in losing myself sometimes.

                Any way - I can't preach enough about the supplements so far. Try some of the recommended supplements to help you deal, heal, and feel good about your journey.

                Figure out how you want to approach this and use this forum to make it happen. I am less than a week here and it has helped me sooooo much already. Please keep coming.

                Sorry for rambling on...

                :rays: mdb :rays:

                Good at being AF. Not so good at Moderation.

                Lots of work yet to do!


                  New here..and could use some help.


                  Dear GG,

                  It's already a great step forward that you admitted to yourself (and to others for that matter) that you do have an issue with alcohol. Many don't realise they do. They happily get sloshed everyday and say it's normal social behaviour. It's part of their culture, and we're actually anti-social if we are not participating in their brawls or start filling up our glasses with water or soft drinks to say cheers ...

                  So well done for that! And all the more you have a one-year old little gromitt on your side. It's certainly not a nice picture to see mum or dad on the bottle. The kid's gonna grow up with the bottle as his/her heritage to deal with. I did. Well, thanks God I'm dealing with it without having really hit rock bottom, but still ....

                  As to what treatment works best with you, you'll find a lot of people on this site advertising this or that, supplements and so on. Everyone means well. RJ's book is great. Read it. It's got great tips. It's good to read other material too.

                  My experience with alcohol might have been similar to yours in that I did not consider myself as hardcore alcoholic. Still I was on one bottle of vino a day (or an evening I should say). Which makes 5 or so glasses. Way over the regular limit. At first, I tried will power to come down to a regular limit. Worked for a while, but only for a couple of months. Then, I tried CAMPRAL. That medicine only works when you have been abstinent for a while. So, that I tried for 1 year or so. No success. Now, I'm on 175 mgs Topamax. Great. I'm not abstinent. But could easily be. I have no cravings. I chose moderation at 1 - 2 glasses of wine a day. I'm fine with that.

                  I'm not into the Hypno bit. Don't want to lose control over myself. Don't believe in hypno. Some do, and I don't want to discredit that. So you may, may not go for that. I do my regular vitamin B complex and liver vitamins. And that's pretty all I do. And I watch my diet. Low carb and keep my sugar levels low.

                  That's something you REALLY need to watch. Don't replace alcohol with soft drinks, as you have been writing. As softdrinks are full of sugar, they would just drive up your cravings.

                  Anyway, sorry for rambling. But again, welcome. And feel free to ask for advice.

                  Hugs, Patrick
                  Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:


                    New here..and could use some help.

                    Hi GG
                    This is day 4 for me and I don't really know why I drink either, think maybe drink just coz i can, i live alone now and i guess mr alcohol has been good company in the past, and also very bad influence, and a complete bastard in the morning(hangover). I find coming here helps against the cravings getting the better of me (I live 50yards from shop and I can hear mr alcohol calling me) I hope reading all the messages will help you kick the habit and then you will have a alcohol guilt free life with your wonderfull children, good luck honey


                      New here..and could use some help.

                      Hello and welcome, I don't post very often but do look in EVERY DAY for I DO neethesupport that I get from this group.... this place will change YOUR LIFE if you only YOU let it. No easy option to offfer, just run with it.....

                      Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


                        New here..and could use some help.

                        Welcome CG!! Sounds like you are not too far down the path when it comes to drinking that you cannot control this. The supplements here and the support will help with those cravings if you are ready to make a change. I know some are skeptical about the hypno CDs. I was. At the advice of a few members here who highly recommended them I ordered them and last week (my first week of using them) was the first week that alcohol was not on my mind every day, I went 4 days without anything and was totally fine with it. The others days I moderated very well. So to each his own perhaps but I know they are doing something for me. Best of luck to you!!!
                        I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                          New here..and could use some help.

                          Hi GG~


                          Congrats on wanting to stop so early. My drinking escalated after I had my sweet peas (8& 4) and now I am finally AF. Read the book, read the posts, work the program. Above all never give up. Try anything twice!
                          :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                            New here..and could use some help.

                            Hi GG and welcome. You will find a lot of parents here in the same situation as you. I can so relate to putting the kids to bed then drinking to extremes. One of my fears was that if there was a fire in my home and I was too drunk to get my kids out would I be able to live with myself? No, absolutely not. That was what started me looking for help, among other reasons, and I found my way here. I am so glad that I did and you will be too.
                            Take Care of yourself, you know that you can do this. Whatever your goal is, know that you have a huge support network here for you.
                            "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                              New here..and could use some help.


                              Hi GG,

                              :welcome: from me too! - Good to have you here, and we hear you loud and clear as many of the experiences people voice are the same or have similarities to yours. Great that you already realise the problem while your daughter is so young and hopefully you can find the tools you need to support your obvious motivation and desire to stop. As people have said, different things seem to work for different people - I personally found this site and the people here so motivating, inspirational and supportive that I started to be AF without anything else. I'm now waiting for the Kudzu and the tapes (I'm happy to give them a go and see how it works - I'd rather that than medication, but personal choice).

                              Like you, I was tired of it - tired of justifying it, tired of thinking about it, tired of alcohol dominating my life - having tried to cut back many times and finally realising this wasn't going to work, I've now made the decision just no alcohol for the moment - and it's such a relief! Before I would begin each day regretting drinking the night before, then spend the rest of the day wondering if I could not drink that evening, or at what time I could start, or if i was going out how many I could have and still drive, or how to keep it from the girls, etc. etc. Every day I had the same discussion, but now I've said 'no' to all alcohol the choice and decision making has gone - I now have to learn to deal with my decision which is a far more positive way to spend my thoughts than previously! The cravings are still there but my kids are definitely a huge motivator - I want to realoly be there for them finally - not just before 6pm in the evening when drinking time came around...

                              Sorry, rambling too - so best of luck with the start of your journey, keep talking to us and take your time to find out what works best for you - read lots, get ideas, motivation, support, advice and you'll soon be on your way!
                              Warmest wishes,
                              :rays: Arial

                              Last first day - 15th April 2012
                              Days 1-7 DONE
                              Days 8-14 DONE
                              Days 15-21 DONE
                              30 days DONE
                              60 days
                              100 days

