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I need help

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    I need help

    Hello Everyone,
    I'm Mini, I'm an alcoholic. I was in recovery for 6 years, and went back to drinking, I'm still drinking, but I know now, that I have had enough, so that's why I am here. I was proud to be able to say I was an alcoholic when I went to my AA meeting. I'm not proud of myself now. I have a wonderful family, who give me all the support I need, yet I still drink on a daily basis. When my husband has to go away for the night, instead of saying to myself, not again, I am saying neat, I'll be able to have a real drinking session tonight. I say and do the most stupidest things when I am drunk, create havoc where there isn't any. Always has an excuse for myself as to why, yet there isn't any excuse at all. Its all in my head.
    Please help me, as I am desperate.

    I need help

    Hello Mini, there are people who will be along soon with good advice, but until they get here I just wanted to say you have found a good place, we have all done stupid things when drunk and you sound really motivated to change your drinking pattern and you will find help here.

    Welcome and best wishes xx S


      I need help

      Hi Mini & :welcome:

      You sound just like me before I found this site......

      With the help of all the wonderful people here YOU CAN DO IT .......

      Keep reading and posting to pass the time away.

      Love & Hugs, :h :l :h


        I need help

        Morning Mini,
        Betty just about said it all for me.
        Yep, it's all in our head. So, it's changing our attitude, our self talk is what's needed to help ourselves out of the rut. If we keep reminding ourselves we are alcoholics or heavy drinkers, we're not doing ourselves any favours.
        Buy the book, the supplements and the Kudzu. You'll find information about all this in the research part of the site. Go to your doctor and have a chat. It may not be as intimidating as your imagination would have you believe.
        Read the posts, and know that there is a lot of support and help here for you.


          I need help

          Mini - glad that your are here. :welcome:

          I travel for business fairly often and have to worry about drinking when out with clients. Nothing to do but be strong and look for MWO support..
          Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


            I need help

            Hi Mini
            :welcome: To MWO..

            We are glad that you found us... You will be proud of yourself again..
            Keep reading and posting. Do you have the book yet? What do you think about meds and the supps?
            Drink bunches of water and start to eat better.
            You can so do this! We're here to support you in any way we can.
            :l Nancy
            "Be still and know that I am God"

            Psalm 46:10


              I need help

              Hi and welcome Mini!! If you were sober for that long before you know and we know you can and you will do it again. The supplements and the CDs are really great at helping with the cravings. I hope you will check them out. And being on these boards is a huge help too!! Look forward to getting to know you.....:welcome:
              I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                I need help

                Hi there, just want to say hello and welcome, you HAVE found the place that will change your life, keep looking and keep posting.

                Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


                  I need help

                  Ditto what everyone else said and
                  :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                    I need help

                    Hi Mini

                    Welcome from me too! As Lush said, you've been there before and you'll get there again, especially if you can find the tools to help support your obvious motivation and your desire to be sober again! Don't be hard on yourself - it's a battle, but with professional help, with medication/supplements/hypno (whatever you find works for you), and with the amazing support and inspitation you find from people here, you'll be back on track again and reclaiming your life.

                    All the best and look forward to hearing how it all goes - keep posting!
                    :rays: Arial

                    Last first day - 15th April 2012
                    Days 1-7 DONE
                    Days 8-14 DONE
                    Days 15-21 DONE
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                    100 days

