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I am drunk and not proud

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    I am drunk and not proud

    I need somebody to help me or e-me Ihave faith in this site. I want to stop!

    I am drunk and not proud

    Hang in there.

    Sobriety is not for sissies. You are what you do daily-so form good sober habits & they'll start to form you. Download the book if you haven't, take the supplements, work the program. If you want it bad enough it can be done. Stay focused and try everything and anything~it's worth the battle. It all starts with baby steps and the next thing you know you'll be running marathons.
    :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


      I am drunk and not proud

      You can do it childatheart. We are here for you. This is not something that is going to be easy. We all have our ups and downs and I know first hand that you can be going along so well then go so far off the deep end it seems almost impossible to get back. You can make it back.
      "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


        I am drunk and not proud

        If you have faith in the site, that's a good start my dear...the next step is to have faith in yourself to use it and get as much out of it as you possibly can for you.
        Read everything...try the bits that you think apply to you...and try some of those that you doubt also, we are all different, and we respond in a variety of ways to each med or good to yourself, and kind to yourself while you work through this. Do not load yourself up with more guilt, you probably have enough of that swimming around the old grey matter as it is, and it is not a productive little emotion. If you can't take your own guilt here, as often as you like, and we will try and ease any burdens that we can.
        The people here are good, caring people....use us...we WANT you to...and in time, when you feel more comfortable, you get to repay the favor to others, so NEVER feel embarrassed about asking for help or will get to pay it forward.

        Much love on the start of your journey.....Weemelon xxx

