Notes from Day 68
There is an awesome discussion going on in the 100 Day thread - see pages 31-33 specifically - about folks' realisations through their journeys of quitting...
Lav, succinct as ever, simply said this:
It's true Molly, once we have crossed the line ~ there's no going back
Life is much easier without AL, end of story!
It is about, simply, choosing a path. I have taken the courage to start this path... and I want to see where it leads.
Along the way I know there is stuff - x - that I need to deal with, in part because AL is no longer there to hide it.
So, in time, I deal with x.
I deal with x and my self esteem goes from low to high. I feel stronger, empowered, more loving of others and myself.
I feel GOOD.
Perhaps then, I think, I can pour myself a drink? ...
But here's the rub...
Why have a drink?
What's it do?
If my self esteem is high. If I have grown up in such a way so as to be more confident, more loving, more embracing, simply more fucking happy of who I am and the world and people around me... why would I have a drink?
See where I'm going?
Look - I'll put my hands up, I spied the half bottle of whisky when I came home from work and OH BOY DID I WANT TO GET DRUNK... but listen, my self esteem isn't that high. Actually it's pretty fucking shoddy. Of course I want a drink. I want to hide! I want to run from reality.
But this path I've chosen does not allow hiding. I gotta walk, tremulously, with a little heart, brain and courage ( kuya). I gotta walk, anxious, angry and scared. I gotta walk until i emerge further along the path stronger, brighter and with a big fat heart of goodness. At which point...
I wont want a drink because...
I wont need a drink...
I will have emerged - not arrived - but emerged somewhere new along that path... and will continue moving.
It's called evolution...
I want to get drunk - on life.