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My Thoughts as the year draws to a end

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    My Thoughts as the year draws to a end

    Hi Everyone

    I started this year with wild and massive goals -to live the year differently than every other i have lived , i said to my self on jan 1st 2012 this year will be my year , a year where i flourish and achieve , where i get fit and be dynamic in my work, i did`nt want the year to be like all or many others simply a blur and a year of what ifs or a year of being crippled by anxiety , guilt and drinking to much

    SO with just a few weeks left till 2013 how has my year been ? sadly like every other F*&kin year its been a year of what ifs ....... what if i actually didnt drink for the year like i said i would on jan 1st 2012 what would my year have been like ? pretty sure it would have been very different. its been a year of stopping and starting on the sauce and several new on the wagon dates none really starting or lasting

    Its been a VERY stressfull year a year of guilt a year of being unfit and sadly a year of regret of what i have or havent done from drinking to much not all the time but most of the time

    So will 2013 be my year of hope - i bloody hope so

    How has your year been ? fruitfull ? hopefull ? or pissed

    My Thoughts as the year draws to a end

    Hi All
    Time I know from my past what you are feeling. I can remember Jan 1 2000 saying It was time to stop drinking. I don't think I lasted a week. Back to the same old. I must have tried at least once or twice a year from then untill May of 08 to control or stop drinking. I didn't like many here keep at it and keep trying. I would just say Feck it and continue to binge.

    I am probably older then many here and can tell you one of the biggest regrets in my life is the time I have wasted drunk. For the many here that aren't where you would like to be don't stop trying. Don't waste years as i did. It is not only your life being ruined but those you love.

    How was last year? Well it was another sober year for me. Doesn't mean life's perfect. Problems -- Yes-- but not dealt with by numbing with al. Good times without al for sure!!

    Make not taking a drink the most important thing you do each day. For us alkies it is!!!

    Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
    AF 5-16-08
    Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
    AF 5-16-08


      My Thoughts as the year draws to a end


      caysea;1412071 wrote: Hi All
      Time I know from my past what you are feeling. I can remember Jan 1 2000 saying It was time to stop drinking. I don't think I lasted a week. Back to the same old. I must have tried at least once or twice a year from then untill May of 08 to control or stop drinking. I didn't like many here keep at it and keep trying. I would just say Feck it and continue to binge.

      I am probably older then many here and can tell you one of the biggest regrets in my life is the time I have wasted drunk. For the many here that aren't where you would like to be don't stop trying. Don't waste years as i did. It is not only your life being ruined but those you love.

      How was last year? Well it was another sober year for me. Doesn't mean life's perfect. Problems -- Yes-- but not dealt with by numbing with al. Good times without al for sure!!

      Make not taking a drink the most important thing you do each day. For us alkies it is!!!

      Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
      AF 5-16-08
      thanks for your reply

      I always ask how much is to much drink on a regular basis 5-6 beers a night and 3 wines ! probably


        My Thoughts as the year draws to a end

        I started this year wishing for 2 stop drinking....and 2 to live to see another Chritsmas.......first one I screwed up on probably day 3 or 4!!!!Usual New year bullshit.....went through a series of "pretend" quits until 4th July..when I thought if I dont do one,I aint going to see is history
        af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


          My Thoughts as the year draws to a end

          Mick, I for one am glad you found your day 1.

          Have a great holiday!

          AF Since July 27, 2012:jumpin:

          "Don?t be satisfied with the norm if you want more. It?s okay to want to achieve special results. The world needs folks who dream and achieve big things. Never give up."


            My Thoughts as the year draws to a end

            Well stop drinking right this second , do not wait for 2013 to start, change now.

            I have been free 310 days this year, yes its different and strange, but its a million times better than wasting it drinking.

            Good luck.
            Sober since 13th January 2012


              My Thoughts as the year draws to a end

              mollyka;1413633 wrote: This year has been the best year of my life. I'm 56, I'm married, I've 4 children ---- and yes, I can still say - that this year is the best. I have not had a drink in 2012 and I don't intend to - odat of course - but I still don't intend to. Getting sober and staying sober this year is the greatest thing I have ever achieved. It has brought me happiness, and my family happiness - it is a gift I have given myself and them that feels so wonderful on a daily basis - some days I literally hug myself with what this year has brought.
              I am not saying all this to give myself a pat on the back - I stumbled around in the 'darkness' for far too long in the past for that --- I am saying this so EVERYONE out there who is fearful or doubtful about going down this sobriety road can know that this 'gift' is there for the taking --- just want it enough ---- that's all ---- want it so very much - then you'll be able to do it ---- and yes ---- IT IS WORTH IT!!!
              I agree with 199 - why wait for 2013? Life - REAL life can begin tomorrow -
              great post, all so true.
              Sober since 13th January 2012


                My Thoughts as the year draws to a end

                mollyka;1413633 wrote: This year has been the best year of my life. I'm 56, I'm married, I've 4 children ---- and yes, I can still say - that this year is the best. I have not had a drink in 2012 and I don't intend to - odat of course - but I still don't intend to. Getting sober and staying sober this year is the greatest thing I have ever achieved. It has brought me happiness, and my family happiness - it is a gift I have given myself and them that feels so wonderful on a daily basis - some days I literally hug myself with what this year has brought.
                I am not saying all this to give myself a pat on the back - I stumbled around in the 'darkness' for far too long in the past for that --- I am saying this so EVERYONE out there who is fearful or doubtful about going down this sobriety road can know that this 'gift' is there for the taking --- just want it enough ---- that's all ---- want it so very much - then you'll be able to do it ---- and yes ---- IT IS WORTH IT!!!
                I agree with 199 - why wait for 2013? Life - REAL life can begin tomorrow -
                great post and story awesome thanks for sharing

                was it hard at first ? did you cut down or just stop !!! were you drinking stupid amounts - i guess thats my question often i just have a few on a daily basis but then go over board


                  My Thoughts as the year draws to a end

                  Search avrt bullets on google, read the brief bit about the beast and follow the bullets.

                  Good luck
                  Sober since 13th January 2012


                    My Thoughts as the year draws to a end

                    I wasted 23 years 'trying' to quit. Nearly every day for 23 years. Never got beyond 3 days because I never had someone to tell me that, actually, the first week is the really hard bit, then it is simply about wanting it badly enough.

                    So I had my first quit last year, did nine weeks then blew it between Xmas and New Year and then was on/off ( mostly ON ) for the next nine months and actually increased the daily amount.

                    I spent a week here procrastinating then quit 1st September and never looked back. This time I accept completely that I can never consume alcohol again, and that knowledge is a huge relief. Why would I want to is poison......I just never saw it that way and was just brainwashed, like most people.

                    DEFINITELY 2012 has been the best year of my life.

                    NOW I have to quit smoking this space!


                      My Thoughts as the year draws to a end

                      I am delighted that I have stopped drinking this year. I can spend my spare time doing things I truly enjoy, instead of wasting my life away.
                      My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


                        My Thoughts as the year draws to a end


                        I guess anyone who drinks alot now will say oh lets wait until jan 1st ! to go dry .


                          My Thoughts as the year draws to a end

                          If you want to do a new year quit why don't you try to reduce a lot between now and then maybe?


                            My Thoughts as the year draws to a end

                            kuya;1414064 wrote: If you want to do a new year quit why don't you try to reduce a lot between now and then maybe?
                            Thats my goal. i would like to live just 1 year booze free to see how different my life will be

                            I am trying to cut down now, some days i manage it some days i do not , but the way i feel now is not great extreme stress and anxiety poor fitness and a real feeling of guilt

                            i was so determined i was going to live a better life in 2012 sadly i have blown it ! with just weeks left


                              My Thoughts as the year draws to a end

                              The time is now;1414070 wrote: Thats my goal. i would like to live just 1 year booze free to see how different my life will be

                              I am trying to cut down now, some days i manage it some days i do not , but the way i feel now is not great extreme stress and anxiety poor fitness and a real feeling of guilt

                              i was so determined i was going to live a better life in 2012 sadly i have blown it ! with just weeks left
                              There's a lesson in your words, one I've been applying lately to help me not to procrastinate. Think about where you'd be today had you stuck to a daily determination with achievable daily goals? Quite far even though each step seemed miniscule at the time. So in the spirit of one day at a time, know that by this time next year you WILL be there through a series of steps. I applied this to my work out routine I have started. It's so hard to just start or to stay with something when you don't see the results for awhile. The end of 2013 seems so far off and so does obtaining those goals, but look how fast 2012's end has come and just how far you'd have come. START today with one step, then tomorrow with another...

                              "You can't cross a sea by merely staring into the water."
                              ~Rabindranath Tagore~
                              Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat

