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    I'm not into IM-ing, but any replies would be great.

    I realize that I need to just get into this stuff, have the materials, but I have a horrible association with quitting (I'd really just rather cut down - and yes, I read the book).

    I am an early-stage problem drinker who has tried AA, and was basically told by somebody - who used me to make herself look super-compassionate at a meeting (right out of a soap-opera) - that I am not worth the time of day, because I can't say that I am an "alcoholic." I know that this is a "feelings" issue, and not a "thinking" issue, but it is screwing hard with my association cortex in relation to giving this abusive behavior up.

    Ten years ago, I was a vegetarian who went to meetings for two years - with a relapse every six months, and I promptly told on myself and went back each time. I went back out after living with another program member and being made fun of by my "sponsor." I really miss those days when I was really into my health, which is going to get bad if I don't address these things.

    I don't need criticism or harsh comments right now. I want to get healthy again. I have never been so alone in my life. My parents have been dead for a long time, and my brothers (who have never seen me drunk) have always been too good for me. I work almost constantly, come home, and drink myself to sleep. I have many friends who don't know that I am a problem drinker, and a few who do.

    I have lost my identity in all of this. I have been sick for three months (respiratory stuff), have lost my passion for songwriting (WTF?), and have had NON-drinking related problems coming at me constantly as of late. I have no husband or kids, no family, but I do have two beautiful cats.

    I just feel so down and lonely. I've never had so much stuff come at me at once in my whole life, and I've never been so discouraged. And I don't need to tell anybody that a drink doesn't make it better - it just gives me a mask for a while.

    Please, don't put me down. I just want to know if anyone has ever done this without the love and support of a family of any kind. I've always been quite independent, but I'm kind of desperate now. I have the hypnosis cd's, the kudzu, and I have been very healthy in the past. Something inside me is really scared of starting this whole thing.
    "It takes a whole lot of medicine, Darlin', to pretend to be somebody else" - Bonnie Raitt


    all will be ok, focus. we all know what you are going through. welcome aboard
    "From now on, walking is my beer and feeling good is my hangover" .....Homer Simpson



      Hi Rebel and Welcome!!

      You will never get harsh criticism or judgement here. We are a very cool, caring, compassionate group of people who know what you are going through. Finding this website certainly got me out of my lonely shell and I am certain it will do the same for you if you stick with us. The hypno CDs and kudzu are such a great way to help curb the cravings. You sound like you are ready and I am glad you reached out.......make yourself at home here. :welcome:
      I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me



        This might sound a bit... well - you know... but really, you have us (this forum) Use it. Spend a few hours at your computer reading the threads, typing some responses, sharing your story and your ups and downs. There's always someone here to read and respond.

        I just started here... I have family, kids, etc - but no one really knows what I am doing. I told my husband what I was doing. But since he doesn't really know the extent to which I was drinking, I don't think he has a good idea of how difficult this will be. Any way - when I need to reach out, or take a step back, I come to this forum and start reading, sharing. These folks are awesome.

        Hope you keep coming -
        :rays: mdb :rays:

        Good at being AF. Not so good at Moderation.

        Lots of work yet to do!



          Welcome aboard Rebel. I'm also quite new, and I have yet to see any criticism of any nature. We're all battling the cunning beast.

          :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:



            Hi Rebel and welcome,
            Guess what?? You have just found yourself with a whole new bunch of friends....Friends who know exactly what you are going through because we have all been there... There is so much help and support here for you to use, so many hands reaching out to stop you from falling, but, if you have the cd's and kudzu ( which is marvellous for the cravings ) why are you scared to start??? Go on, be brave, all you have to do is to put one foot in front of the other, take it one step at a time and don't look too far ahead just focus on today for now, and when tomorrow comes then focus on that.. Do it in small steps..

            Good luck, Louise xx
            A F F L..
            Alcohol Free For Life



              Baby steps...every step forward is an accomplishment regardless of how small.
              :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic



                Welcome...this is a place where you don't have to be alone. We are glad you are here - you are among people who do understand.........



                  I appreciate the encouragement - I needed that. I really like your other post, as well, about how this site helped you.

                  I also just wanted to say (forgive me, I'm pretty emotional right now), that I can't stop looking at that cat, and I can't stop laughing. That is one of the "cutest," funniest pictures I've ever seen.

                  Sometimes the hardest thing to see is plain truth, but I honestly just needed some emotional support. Thanks to everybody.
                  "It takes a whole lot of medicine, Darlin', to pretend to be somebody else" - Bonnie Raitt



                    Hi rebelicious

                    I've only been here about 5 weeks, 2 of that alcohol free since I started the programme properly, but I must have read pretty much everything that has been posted here in that time and I have never seen anything judgemental, unkind or unsupportive. This site and the mWO programme genuinely turns people's lives around. stick with us.

                    lots of luck and good wishes, Kate x



                      Hello rebelicious, Just as the others have said. You are not on your own. You have joined this lovely group of people who will help you every step of the way if you let them. Wellcome. B



                        Thank you guys - your support will come right back to you, from me - I've been enjoying all of your posts. I know this won't be easy, but neither has drinking, really.
                        "It takes a whole lot of medicine, Darlin', to pretend to be somebody else" - Bonnie Raitt

