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First post and I have a question...

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    First post and I have a question...

    Hi everyone,
    Somehow I came across this forum looking for answers on how to cope with not drinking at a family function. (Which is tonight btw, so any quick ideas would be appreciated???). Wow, now that I've seen that in writing, I know I have a problem. So many things have improved for me since I've gone from drinking at least 5 bottles of wine a week down to 1 bottle.
    - lost 10kg in the past 4 months
    - joined a gym and go 6 times a week
    - no need to take antidepressants anymore
    - eating more healthy
    - my skin glows, so no need for makeup
    - I feel more confident now I can remember what happened the night before
    But most of all not being controlled by a bottle or stupid liquid - almost - still got to get down to being alcohol free :thanks:

    First post and I have a question...

    Positive steps;1415754 wrote: Hi everyone,
    Somehow I came across this forum looking for answers on how to cope with not drinking at a family function. (Which is tonight btw, so any quick ideas would be appreciated???). Wow, now that I've seen that in writing, I know I have a problem. So many things have improved for me since I've gone from drinking at least 5 bottles of wine a week down to 1 bottle.
    - lost 10kg in the past 4 months
    - joined a gym and go 6 times a week
    - no need to take antidepressants anymore
    - eating more healthy
    - my skin glows, so no need for makeup
    - I feel more confident now I can remember what happened the night before
    But most of all not being controlled by a bottle or stupid liquid - almost - still got to get down to being alcohol free :thanks:
    well....just for tonight eat a hearty meal of protein and veg BEFORE you go, low blood sugar will make you want to drink. if folks try to push alcohol on you tell them you are on antibiotics, carry a glass with a soft drink in it and you should be fine.

    maybe soon time to quit? enjoy tonight


      First post and I have a question...

      Thank you! I will do both of your suggestions. I didn't know about the low blood sugar making me crave alcohol!!!


        First post and I have a question...

        Well I did it. Definitely helped that I ate before I went. I actually ended up eating a protein bar and a sports drink which gave me a bit of a buzz anyway. I drank diet soft drink all night and even went onto a friends house for coffee, not wine. It's great to be able to remember last night and be able to wake up and be looking forward to going to the gym then continuing on with my day doing productive things.


          First post and I have a question...

          Positive steps;1416073 wrote: Well I did it. Definitely helped that I ate before I went. I actually ended up eating a protein bar and a sports drink which gave me a bit of a buzz anyway. I drank diet soft drink all night and even went onto a friends house for coffee, not wine. It's great to be able to remember last night and be able to wake up and be looking forward to going to the gym then continuing on with my day doing productive things.
          I find it amazing that we feel that we are scared to death thinking about living without AL, until we live without AL for a while and see how truly amazing it is without AL

          That sounds like a horrible Yogi Berra quote, but its the best I could do on short notice....:H

          Well done on your AF time, keep it, you will be glad you did.
          Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



            First post and I have a question...

            Well done and glad you had a good time.......awesome isn't it?

            Now to build on that success


              First post and I have a question...

              Well done positive, I've got a big party tomorrow and am planning on sticking to being al xx
              AF since 2nd Oct 2012
              Day by day

