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Welp, time to try something new.

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    Welp, time to try something new.

    Hey all. I'm a 30 year old female.

    Years ago I was addicted to Heroin and joined NA and lived in a halfway house, worked the steps and now have 11 years clean (from Heroin).

    I'm a nursing student in my 2nd year (graduate next may) and have noticed that since 2009 that my drinking and smoking has increased dramatically. I was a 4.0 gpa student before nursing and have made all B's in nursing so far, which is hard to do. Obviously I'm a high functioning alcoholic and hide it well. Except that my boyfriend just the other day said he was concerned, not that I drink, but with how much I drink. I've admitted it to myself many times and keep telling myself that I'm going to cut back or just stop, but then the next evening comes and I go out and buy some wine or beer or whatever I'm in the mood for, but to have someone I love notice it just really crushes you and makes you realize that it really is time to change some things.

    Like I said before, I'm a nursing student so I know what alcohol can do to the body, but I also know what detox and withdrawals can do. Both scare the crap out of me.

    Anyway, I came across this forum while searching for "how to detox safely at home". I don't want to seek professional help because I personally know how often HIPPA laws are violated.

    I've found forums to be very helpful in the past, so I decided to join and see if I might be able to make some changes with some help.


    Welp, time to try something new.


    I can't offer you advice on how to safely detox at home but I am sure lot's of folks here will have good advice. In the mean time so the advice is sound, maybe you could share what your drinking and how much. I know that withdrawel can be different depending on qty and type.

    There are some amazing people here, many of them in a different time zone, just wait and bit and they will show up.


      Welp, time to try something new.

      maddiemadison;1416146 wrote: Help

      I can't offer you advice on how to safely detox at home but I am sure lot's of folks here will have good advice. In the mean time so the advice is sound, maybe you could share what your drinking and how much. I know that withdrawel can be different depending on qty and type.

      There are some amazing people here, many of them in a different time zone, just wait and bit and they will show up.
      I drink nightly, if I don't have a test or clinical, I can usually keep it to 1-2 glasses of wine or 4 beers, but I've missed clinical once recently because I was hungover. On a non-test, non-clinical day I can down a 1.5L bottle of wine or a 12 pack of beer. Alcoholism runs in my family, my dad has 5 years clean, my mom still drinks nightly, my grandmother drinks nightly, my uncle has 3 years clean.

      I don't drink during the day unless on vacation and I don't forget to eat, I do take care of myself except for the excessive drinking.


        Welp, time to try something new.

        Hi and :welcome: to MWO

        You need to stop now. Your previous addiction makes you a prime target for alcoholism. Those GABA receptors that you used to provoke with heroin are shouting yippee at the alcohol..

        This is an amazing forum and if you join in and read, read and post you will get there.

        As Maddie said your level of intake will affect the withdrawals but most can do it alone. The first week may be hard but your partner is supportive and that counts for a lot.

        Will he quit with you?

        Jump onto the newbies nest thread and have a look at the 'toolbox' for tips.

        Being medical makes no difference to quitting, in fact it makes it harder. Getting sober is not as hard as you fear, staying sober is harder than you may hope but both are doable and well worth it


          Welp, time to try something new.

          Yes, my boyfriend will be supportive... it's just admitting to him that I'm an alcoholic that will be the problem. Also, it complicates things that I really don't want to say goodbye to alcohol. I know that staying sober is hard, I lived with guilt, remorse, anxiety, etc while staying sober off of heroin.

          I know it gets easier in time, as I now have no cravings whatsoever for heroin, but sadly it seems that even after 8 years clean, I still managed to replace my addiction with drinking.

          I'm worried that I will have DT's and miss school, I've been reading already and I like the idea of tapering down. I agree with it that it makes it harder, as the stress put on us is enormous.

          I plan on sticking around and being active, hopefully I'll learn some new stuff.


            Welp, time to try something new.

            One thing that is not in my favor however, is that I live with my mother since my divorce and starting back up with school and as I said before she is an alcoholic and an enabler. Moving away is not an option.


              Welp, time to try something new.

              The level of use you report is not horrendous.....try to quit, after hours you will know if there are physical symptoms and need to taper.

              From what you have said you seem to have swapped a socially unacceptable drug for a socially acceptable one. No matter, you can still get sober.

              BTW I drank 500ml vodka nightly for 23 years, I used lots of supplements to repair the damage and control blood sugar so I advise you get some.

              Your mother being an alkie should help you quit. Instead of looking at her as being an enabler , look at her now as a mirror.......that is where you are heading!

              As to admitting you are an alcoholic ...... You have a problem controlling your consumption of alcohol.......that is a definition of an alcoholic.

              Can you let him read these few exchanges ....... Maybe then he will get it?!


                Welp, time to try something new.

                Hello & welcome Help!

                You have found a good place with lots of support & information available

                I started out by going to the Health store here on the site & downloading the MWO book. It has a lot of info about the different aspects of the program. I highly recommend the Hypno CDs. They helped me to relax without AL & to change my thinking.
                You need to make a good plan for yourself as well. Take a look in the for lots of great ideas.

                Why has your drinking increased since 2009? Is it in response to stress?
                The reason I ask is because you are about to enter into a profession that is very stressful. I know because I retired from nursing myself. I didn't drink when I was working, I started after I left my stressful job

                You have a lot to consider & I hope you stick around with us & let us know how you are doing.
                Wishing you the best!

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Welp, time to try something new.

                  I was actually thinking about that before I saw your post Kuya and yes I think it will be a good way to tell him. He is no stranger to addiction so that makes it easier and he knows about my past so another good thing. I do sometimes look at my mother with hatred for how she is, but I still love her to death. She has heart issues now, obesity and hypothyroidism. I do NOT want to end up that way. In all honesty, were I not in nursing school, I probably would just ignore my problem, but with my readings and lectures and meeting patient's with cirrhosis and end stage renal disease it just scares the crap out of me.


                    Welp, time to try something new.

                    Lavande;1416161 wrote: Hello & welcome Help!

                    You have found a good place with lots of support & information available

                    I started out by going to the Health store here on the site & downloading the MWO book. It has a lot of info about the different aspects of the program. I highly recommend the Hypno CDs. They helped me to relax without AL & to change my thinking.
                    You need to make a good plan for yourself as well. Take a look in the for lots of great ideas.

                    Why has your drinking increased since 2009? Is it in response to stress?
                    The reason I ask is because you are about to enter into a profession that is very stressful. I know because I retired from nursing myself. I didn't drink when I was working, I started after I left my stressful job

                    You have a lot to consider & I hope you stick around with us & let us know how you are doing.
                    Wishing you the best!

                    I started drinking after my divorce in 2004, but not heavily, it wasn't until I started back into school that it was really bad and it has only gotten worse as my tolerance is building. That is interesting that you drank more after you retired.


                      Welp, time to try something new.

                      Well don't be too scared ..... You are young AND smart!


                        Welp, time to try something new.

                        Thank you. I'm excited about this forum and will take full advantage of it.


                          Welp, time to try something new.

                          I told my b/f that i joined this website, and that I have taken into consideration what he said, so he will join maybe and read all of this... if not... I'll talk to him in a few days. The support will be welcomed.


                            Welp, time to try something new.

                   are a smart woman to reach out. I don't know where you live....but having a drinking issue may prevent you from getting your license....or if something happens you can lose it quickly.

                            I know that so many say its not easy to get sober....but, honestly it is harder to stay drunk.


                              Welp, time to try something new.

                              I'm glad you said that. It's time for me to start acting responsible. I have the skills, i just need to put them into action and alcohol should and will not be a part of it.

