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Welp, time to try something new.

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    Welp, time to try something new.

    Help!YouKnowINeedSomeone;1416156 wrote: Yes, my boyfriend will be supportive... it's just admitting to him that I'm an alcoholic Alcohlic, heavy drinker, the label should not matter so much. Some people are just wired differentthat will be the problem. Also, it complicates things that I really don't want to say goodbye to alcohol. Neither did I, but now I dont ever wanna say hello to it ever again I know that staying sober is hard, I lived with guilt, remorse, anxiety, etc while staying sober off of heroin.

    I know it gets easier in time, as I now have no cravings whatsoever for heroin, but sadly it seems that even after 8 years clean, I still managed to replace my addiction with drinking.

    I'm worried that I will have DT's and miss school, I've been reading already and I like the idea of tapering down. I agree with it that it makes it harder, as the stress put on us is enormous.

    I plan on sticking around and being active, hopefully I'll learn some new stuff.
    I really cant add anything to your post, it sounds almost exactly what I say to welcome new members to the board. I can assure you, you will learn a lot here....and hey, if it doesnt work, you can get your money back

    Good luck with your journey :welcome:
    Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



      Welp, time to try something new.

      Thank you Nelz


        Welp, time to try something new.

        Help!YouKnowINeedSomeone;1416156 wrote: Yes, my boyfriend will be supportive... it's just admitting to him that I'm an alcoholic that will be the problem. Also, it complicates things that I really don't want to say goodbye to alcohol. I know that staying sober is hard, I lived with guilt, remorse, anxiety, etc while staying sober off of heroin.

        I know it gets easier in time, as I now have no cravings whatsoever for heroin, but sadly it seems that even after 8 years clean, I still managed to replace my addiction with drinking.

        I'm worried that I will have DT's and miss school, I've been reading already and I like the idea of tapering down. I agree with it that it makes it harder, as the stress put on us is enormous.

        I plan on sticking around and being active, hopefully I'll learn some new stuff.
        Dont get too hung up on any sort of labels....alcoholic, heavy/problem drinker. You are like many of us here that for whatever reason, arent able to "control" our drinking. Doesnt make us bad people, just slightly flawed.

        Ahhhhhh the fear of leaving AL behind, been there done that. I simply could not imagine a world without my best buddy beer.....and Jack......and anything that had AL in it(dont even ask me about my "rum cake" incident)....:H

        Cant give you any advice about DT's or tapering, I was very lucky not to have any withdrawl, but I know it can be VERY dangerous.

        Being active on this board will assist you and give you some very real encouragement from the people that were just like you, and have managed to keep their AF life going.

        You will learn much and you will make some very real friends here
        Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11


