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I thought I had cracked it

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    I thought I had cracked it

    I did 11 days and felt so good and then went out and thought I could have a couple of drinks which turned into 20. How stupid is that?

    I thought I had cracked it

    Hi Shanti - don't beat yourself up. That's why most of us are here. I've gone AF so many times in the past only to lapse back into old ways. This time I'm going to have to stick with it.
    Just start again and keep focused. 11 days was really good so you know you can do it.

    Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.


      I thought I had cracked it

      I wouldnt exactly call it stupid. You went out, you made a mistake.

      When we use our mistakes as learning tools, we grow exponentially smarter. So, take this opportunity to move on, and continue your quest to live your life AF.

      I cant comment on moderation because I know I cant do it. If you are considering modration maybe a longer stretch of AF would be in order.
      Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



        I thought I had cracked it

        Hi Shanti

        Just get back on track-a bump in the road! Don't beat yourself up.

        Same for me-one becomes 10 or 20 or whatever it takes to be stupid and irresponsible.

        Once you know better you gotta do better. Only speaking for myself here. It is hard but things get so much better.

        Stay strong


          I thought I had cracked it

          Shanti....remember the is too many, a hundred not enough.

          We all think the rules do not apply to us until we try it and learn. Once the off switch has gone, it's gone.

          Accepting that simple fact is the difference between being happily sober and 'white knuckling' sober.

          If you developed an allergy to shellfish you would quit eating shellfish no matter how much you liked them. The only difference is in your head.

          Change your mind and change your life.


            I thought I had cracked it

            We have all been there. I felt stupid too. But things can get better.
            You get to choose.
            Love and Peace,

            Sobriety Date 12.07.2009

