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Found Baclofen and it helped

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    Found Baclofen and it helped

    I started taking baclofen about 6 weeks ago starting at 30mg a day for the first week and then went to 50 mg a day for a week I ended up at 80 mg before I hit my switch last week. I am know at 60 mg a day as of two days ago. I know from the blogs I have read my dosage was pretty low when I hit my switch. I can honestly say today after leaving an AA meeting I was thinking about vodka and wine (my drinks of choice) and they both sounded horrible to me. I even went and bought a half pint of vodka and had half of it and it did nothing for me and I dumped the rest of it out. That would have never happend before! Even without the cravings I still bought the vodka out of plain curiosity and to my suprise I could not finish it nor did I want to. I guess I want to know If I should stay at this dosage and for how long? I dont want to start cravings again if I go back down. Any advice would be gratefully appreciated.