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    new here...........

    I am new here & having a bit of a bad time at the moment. I have been drinking heavily for a while now & am really hoping I can stop this time around. I used to be mainly a weekend drinker but that has now spilled over into the week & consists of the weekends getting paralytic. I have started taking more time off work & will quite easily drink a bottle of wine before lunch & then spend the rest of the day sobering up so my boyfriend doesn't realise. More recently I have drunk in the morning at the weekends. This Sunday consited of 2 glasses of wine before we even left the house to go to breakfast.
    Any help gratefully received

    new here...........

    Hi Nattie and :welcome:

    You're in good supportive and totally non-judgemental company here...

    I would suggest you order or download the book and read everything on this site that you possibly can. The MWO programme really works. I have gone from being a serious daily drunk to not having had a drink for 2 weeks, with no cravings, thanks to this site and following the programme in the book. The people here are LOVELY. post whatever you like, whenever you like.

    Wishing you all the best, Kate x


      new here...........

      thank you katie - I just feel so useless at the moment & having taken the day off work with yet another hangover worried about keeping my job. My boyfriend was ready to pack his bags & leave this morning.
      I did give up 6 years back & had a very intensive counselling course which seemed to do the trick. What I struggle with is I am 33 and I feel the opinion of people who don't suffer really gets to me. I shouldn't worry I suppose but I don't want to be different I try & pretend its not an issue. I had a heart to heart with my mum this morning who had already suspected. The humiliating thing was she mentioned a time a few weekd back we had gone out in the morning & she could tell I'd been drinking. I feel so foolish thinking I probably never smelt of it or could act sober. She didn't say it to embaras me but I still feel such an idiot. It is all I could do today not to go to the shop & buy some more.......part of the reason the embarrasemt of having been in there so frequently over the weekend.


        new here...........


        Welcome to MWO! Your story is OH so like many of ours and folks here have made very good progress by using parts of this program. Please read the Book and as many posts as you can. Determine why you (for you) want to stop being controlled by alcohol. Take it day by day.

        Blessings to you.
        Control the Mind


          new here...........

          Hi Nattie,

          It sounds all so familiar to all of us. I have to second what Rockie has just said. It's time for a spring clean. I guess, at the moment a lot of thoughts must be running through your mind. What if ... (my boyfriend runs off) ... (I lose my job) ... if if if. I guess, first things first. It's good to prioritize. Your health comes first, and then all the other things will fall into place, you'll see. What helped me was taking some time off work and reassess my situation, and among other read RJ's book, also start Topa (which I guess you'd be a candidate for). At least to get the cravings under control. Alcohol really seems to be influencing your working life and your relationships, so drastic measures are needed. Do you have any support from your mum, if I may ask? Can you afford to take some leave and get your situation a bit straightened out?
          Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:


            new here...........

            thanks for the advise - I will get the book & read it.
            I'm unable to take time off work as I am a temp & not entitiled to sick leave or holidays (that I don't get paid for). I made the mistake last time around of telling everyone I had a drink problem & then deeply regretting it when I had......I would prefer to keep this to people in my family or people here.
            I just feel so overwhelemd at the thought of not being able to drink even though most people have said I am a far nicer person without it. I had 7 weeks off last summer in between jobs ( I was still being paid at the time) and for most of those I was drunk before lunch, staggering & then pretening I was fine. For the moment I just want to feel I am not alone & this place seems to be doing the trick. I have been drunk in the evening for the best part of 2 weeks & weekends seem to start from the minute I can justify it.
            I have said I will stop & I do intend to try but am strugling with feeling worthless & having let down so many friends & family. I amlost feel like I deserve to feel this rubbish.


              new here...........

              Nattie - no more beating yourself up!

              Time for a new start, and that includes ditching the negative thinking. We're here to help in any way that we can....

              Welcome to the community. :welcome: :welcome:
              Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


                new here...........

                hello nattie, it sounds like you really want to stop drinking, So that is fantastic! I started day one alcohol free and felt just like you , Negativity flooding me, but gradually i began to feel more positive with the help of all these wonderful people on MWO. You will too. believe in yourself. Day at a time and all that? All the best. B


                  new here...........

                  I understand, again. Welcome. Again have to second what AA said. Don't beat yourself up. Welcome to the MWO family. Stick around and let it be a new beginning.

                  Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:


                    new here...........

                    I understand, again. Welcome. Again have to second what AA said. Don't beat yourself up. Welcome to the MWO family. Stick around and let it be a new beginning.

                    Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:


                      new here...........

                      thank you all for your lovely (and helpful) replies. I suppose at the moment I just want to ramble on about it - talk to as many people & hear things as I can. I have just discussed with my boyfriend & said I intend to give up full stop. The cutting back never worked, the only drinking in restaurants neither. He still enjoys a drink & has no problems himself. He has said he will give up with me but hasn't ruled it out totally.
                      How do you all cope with partners that still drink?


                        new here...........

                        WELCOME! I just received all my goodies...get them. Everyone in here that has tried them, loves them. Keep reading and come in here when you feel like drinking...we're all here for each other.


                          new here...........

                          Hi Nattie~

                          Oh I do remember my mother saying to me one time how she knew I was drinking. Ugh. Shows you that alcohol only fools you, you don't fool others.

                          Stay strong, read the book, stay close to the boards.

                          And never give give up.
                          :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                            new here...........

                            thanks. This is a very refreshing website. I had previoulsy tried AA meetings but never got the courage to speak up & at times felt I didn't fit in. You have all made me very welcome & I can't thank you enough.
                            I have spent the best part of my day with my head down the toilet being sick, worrying and petrified I was going out to buy a drink. Chatting has really helped me & at least I know tomorrow I will have a clear head.


                              new here...........

                              Nattie, my husband still drinks, even tho I have stopped, the miraculous amazing bloody astounding thing about this programme is that it does not matter ONE IOTA. not one jot!

                              I can sit next to him on the sofa as he drinks wine. go out to to dinner with him and watch him drink wine. smell it. hear it glug into his glass. even pour it for him don't care.

                              I'm doing to full programme - drugs, hypno, supplements, excercise and this blessed place (and it must be said a little bit of the ol' positive mental attitude stuff).

                              IT WORKS IT WORKS IT WORKS!!

                              What more can I say?


