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    new here...........

    thanks Kate - that helps. I appreciate him stopping with ne for a while but worried if I would end up starting again when he did. Having gone down the AA/counselling route before I always felt left out but not wanting to impose my lack of fun on everyone else. I suppose I need to remember it hadn't become fun.


      new here...........

      Hi Nattie and welcome!!! Much good advice given to you here and I want to highly recommend doing at least the supplements and the hypnosis CDs. This is an addiction of the brain and this program really addresses that and helps with the cravings so quitting or cutting down is not as bad as you think it is going to be. I think that it is critical in helping you reach your goals. If you are not white-knuckling it thinking about your next drink it is MUCH easier. And of course stick around the boards here. They help so, so much. :welcome:
      I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


        new here...........

        Welcome Nattie and I really can't provide much more encouragement than what has been said before me I can relate to the drinking early and it getting out of control by mid day, weekends, all the time and on and on it went. I didn't think anyone noticed either until one day when I thought I was acting fine, my mother asked if I had been drinking and I lied to her and said no. That made me feel really great. So here I am. A different person. Order the book, check out the supplements and keep talking and getting the support from everyone here.
        Best of luck
        "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


          new here...........

          Hello Nattie,
          This is a wonderful place.
          I'm sure that you'll think so too.


            new here...........

            Hi Nattie and welcome! You're definitely not alone in this.

            My fiance has decided to abstain along with me, to kind of hold my hand while I get a grip on it. We had day 1 of our abs period last night, and I could tell that he was feeling a bit uncomfortable too (although he CAN stop at 1 or 2 unlike me) when we'd normally be having our first drink of the evening. I think the first day or 2 are the hardest and then it gets much easier... definitely go and visit your doc and be honest with him/her. Perhaps some valium to help get you through the first few days might help with the detox.

            The CD's really are brilliant! What I like about this programme is the positive attitude.

            I'm with you in not telling friends etc. I have decided that I'm only discussing it with direct family until I have decided what is going to be best for me. You don't owe anyone an explanation - a lesson I am currently learning myself.

            Hope to read more about you

            :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


              new here...........

              Nattie, Welcome! Parts of your story sound so familiar! My husband of almost 25 years drinks a couple of beers each night but almost never more and, if called upon to be the designated driver, drinks only water all night long. I on the other hand could not pass up a glass (or two or three or four or five) of wine and the problem just kept getting worse. I know he, too, would stop if I asked him to but it seems unfair since I'm the one with the problem, not him. Today is day #21 for me alcohol free. I read the MWO book twice, bought the supplements and the Kudzu, and went to one session with a counselor. I will not tell you it has been effortless, but it HAS been easier than I ever thought it would be. I still get that old anxious feeling every evening, like I'm about to jump out of my own skin, but I know now that if I just grit my teeth and hang in there and focus on something else for awhile (like a hot bath and a glass of Pelligrino water with lime or writing in my journal or going for a walk) the craving will pass. I feel SO MUCH BETTER in the more aching head and craving for sweets! Fortunately my husband's beer doesn't tempt me...good thing he's not a wine drinker or I'd have to hide all evening, I guess! Anyway, what you're considering is the right thing to do...just begin. Check in with the people here when you need support, write in a journal, walk a lot, and find out what else in life gives you pleasure and makes you feel special, then do that (as long as its not equally as destructive as alcohol!) Good luck. We are all in the same damn boat!
              Sincerely, WINO2007


                new here...........

                Congrats -- each day is easier. I found MWO 3 weeks ago. Read the book, joined the community and I started taking kudzu which works amazingly well for me. I planned to shoot for moderation (which has always been a dismal failure) but find that I am totally happy and proud to be abstinent for right now. The thought of not being able to drink at all used to be scary - now I love it.
                Anyway, thought I'd join in and add that I needed help and found it here because I wanted this to be a personal journey, not a public one. I wanted to do something that gave me support on my schedule and connections with others who just can't seem to handle the booze. This is a great place - full of happy support and understanding.
                Take it easy on you and each day you are going to feel better. While it's been just 3 weeks, I don't feel left out with other people drinking. I don't even envy them. I just concentrate on what's best for me. When people say "you're not drinking?" I have kinda played it down, said "I'm on a diet and I really like to eat", said "well, you know, I guess it's always a good idea to drink less" and other non-commital statements. When one of my husbands old friends told me that I had inspired her, I almost beamed. I have never in my life been the person that anyone should even think about emulating when it comes to alcohol.
                You can do this -- you want to and the program and the people are here. Welcome.
                Mama T.
                Found MWO Feb. 17, 2007


                  new here...........

                  Hi Nattie and welcome!

                  I've been there too... the good news is that MWO is a great program full of amazing support. The book, CD's and supps. have worked wonders for me. I wish you well on your new journey!
                  Colorado Chick!
                  Your support means the world to me...:h


                    new here...........

                    thank you all for the messages I have just read. I do have some valium which had been prescribed to me last October for panic attacks. I have never taken them so far as I was worried of the effect - ridiculous when I consider how obliterated I could get on alcohol. I plan to get the book & the supplements for the moment. I am not sure of the other things yet but will definitly read up on them.
                    I was hoping for a nice nights sleep last night. I spent the best part of the day hurrying between the bathroom to be sick & wanting to read as much as I could on the site. Consequently I had nothing to eat as I couldn't stomach it & went to bed at 6:30pm. I have woken this morning about 2am but felt as if I was having a panic attack - the shortness of breath & crushing feeling in my chest. Am not sure if this has anything to do with withdrawal but I never experienced it the last time around. Hopefully this evening will be more peaceful.
                    Thank you all once again - it is so nice to find so many people in the same situation & not be judged for the mistakes I have made along the way


