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newbie question

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    newbie question

    I have been enjoying this site quite a bit over the last couple of days. There is lots of support and good advice here, like I've never known before on the subject.

    I would like to hear from anyone who has been successful without Topamax. I'm very reluctant to take it, based on the generous information provided throughout the threads. I have done a great deal of reading on the subject of alcoholism / problem drinking over the years, and I believe that I would rather just eat a super-healthy diet with the supplements I have just received. I took the Kudzu and the L-Glutamine today, and felt pretty peaceful. I have also curbed cravings in the past with L-Glutathione and by avoiding sugar and white flour products. I also love Calms Forte, and a few other supplements like salmon oil, Solgar multi-vitamins, and trace minerals (which drinking took away from my routine, as well as being sicker than I can ever recall). I have also beaten a three-month virus, and was able to power-walk again today. I was also very reassured by the replies I received yesterday.

    I have great respect for Topamax - I'm so glad it has helped so many people - but the side-effects really intimidate me. I am going to bed tonight with the cd's for the very first time. I am looking forward to it. I love the book, as well, which I read before obtaining anything else.

    Anyone done this topirimate-free?
    "It takes a whole lot of medicine, Darlin', to pretend to be somebody else" - Bonnie Raitt

    newbie question

    Hi Rebel,

    I cannot say that I have " done it" as I am still battling. However, I am certainly in more control than I was a few months ago. No topa. Improved diet, exercise and supplements are all helping.

    love Waves
    Enough is enough


      newbie question


      I'm not taking the topamax...for many of the same reasons. I am trying to use the supps regularly. I am for certain regular with the Kudzu. I've read the book more than once and I especially like the sleep CD. But I am also taking an antidepressent and have a prescription for Ambien if sleep seem like an impossible thing on sober nights. Those Dr. prescribed meds are helping to take the edge of the stress that I used to mask with alcohol.

      In the past three weeks, I have had 5 AF nights per week. For me that's a big big improvement. In fact it has me considering AF all the time. We'll see.

      Good luck!



        newbie question

        Drug free

        Hi Rebel. I am back here again for my second time, so maybe I'm not much help, but like you, the drugs intimidate me and I am more for the natural side of things. Last year I did all the supplements and the tapes etc, and found it really easy. I started off with a 2 week AF and found my sleeping improved with the tapes and the supplements. I was really good with just moderate drinking probably for the duration of my first course of supplements, but then I didn't order any more, thought I was okay, and slowly returned to my bad habits. But, back again, and like you I am exercising regularly (just walking mostly, but every day) and trying to eat light and healthy and have ordered a course of the supplements. The tapes are great, I used to get mixed up as to which tape I was supposed to be using, but found in the end, as long as I was playing one of them, it seemed to be working. So, I'm all for it again and feeling quite positive after a good weekend of very light drinking habit and good eating and plenty of exercise and fun. Good luck.


          newbie question

          Hello all,
          I take most of the suppliments, but not The Topamax.
          I'm finding that I have entered a cycle of abstainance for about 3-4 weeks then I have a blow-out. There is a gradual build-up of pressure in my head over this period of time that eventually becomes all-consuming. When I do drink, it's almost a relief and I just start again from Day 1. I feel bad hat I haven't gained more control of my problem yet, but I am delighted that I'm miles away from the creature that I used to be. Perhaps if I did take Topamax, this might change, I don't know. I don't want to take any medication really. I just want to find a way to do this as 'cleanly' as possible. I'm working on it.



            newbie question

            Hello all,
            I stayed away from the Topa as I heard lots of reports about nausea. Now, I've had enough nausea with hangovers, so dodn't want to continue. I'm taking Campral plus kudzu, L- Glut. and the other supplements that come in the starter pack.
            AND, I'm feeling better than I have for years!
            It sounds as if you are doing just fine. Maintain your wonderful attitude and nothing will come in your way.... or if it does, just blast it away and keep going!
            Good on you


              newbie question

              Hi Rebel,
              Another no from me... I was also intimidated by posibble side affects with the Topa...On a daily basis I take,
              AMINO ACIDS
              ST JOHNS WORT..
              I stopped taking KUDZU round about January simply because the cravings for a drink had died down to almost a whisper, I now go for days and don't have any cravings at all, but, and its a BIG BUT, there are times when I do get a craving, a massive craving, so I always keep KUDZU on hand to deal with it, and it does...

              Of course its not just about taking supps/meds, as you have said, a super healthy diet rich in fresh fruit and veg, fish, nuts and wholegrains, plenty of exercise, lots of water, and very importantly, your mindset, how you view this, as in, THANK GOD I DON'T DRINK ANYMORE, instead of, GOD, I WOULD LOVE A DRINK, BUT I CAN'T HAVE ONE....

              Sounds to me as if you know what to do and you are doing it..

              Good luck Rebel
              Love from Louise xx
              A F F L..
              Alcohol Free For Life


                newbie question

                Hi All
                Only my second time of posting but just have to update you on my progress. I too don't want to try meds, so am sticking to good diet, exercise and supps plus the CD's. I just can't believe the effective the CD's are having for me. I've tried many times to go AF for 30days. Since joining in Jan I managed two lots of 4 days and then caved in in a big way. So I ordered the CD's although I was quite sceptical and didn't really think they would help me. But when they arrived I decided this was going to work and really went for it. The day they arrived I'd already had four wines at lunchtime(on Holiday from work for a week) I listened to the first CD that evening. The next day, out for Lunch, drank the first wine, the second sat in front of me for half an hour and I them announced to the amazement of my husband that I didn't want it, he drank it and I drove home. From then on, 20days ago I haven't had a drink and only vaguely fancied one which I have easily put to the back of my head. I don't know how the Cd's affect others but initially I remember all of the recording and felt good at the end, but for the last 10days or so. I listen to clearing or Hypno and about half way in thats it!!! I "come round" sometime after its finished feeling great. I'm sure I haven't been asleep as I don't feel drowsy or anything like that. Is this normal or what. Anyway I'm now frightened of stoping them. I went for the Abstinence CD's as I thought I could never moderate. Does anyone think I should try the other Moderation CD's and see if they work. I'm a bit frightened of doing this at the moment I'm sure I will hit a brick wall soon and find it not at all easy anymore but would wellcome anyones comments. I love to be able to drink like a normal person!!!

                Thanks to everyone, I've been reading the posting every day but just a bit shy and unsure of myself but feeling great at the moment on DAY 20 af. good luck Rebel and all other newies. As you will guess I strongly recommend the CD's they've saved my life.

                Love to all



                  newbie question

                  I love the responses. Love and Thanks to everybody . . . .
                  "It takes a whole lot of medicine, Darlin', to pretend to be somebody else" - Bonnie Raitt


                    newbie question

                    Yep, I am a big believer in the CDs and supplements. I was like you Daisy. I was very skeptical of them but am now a believer. I really notice a shift in my "focus" on alcohol and the AF days are much, much easier. Also a big kudzu/l-glut fan.

                    Rebel, you might want to consider doing all other aspects of the program before considering the prescription meds and then decide from there.
                    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                      newbie question

                      Hi Rebel & :welcome:

                      Like you i didn't want to try drugs, and to agree with popeye, I've not totally stopped drinking but I feel that it doesn't control me anymore and now manage AF days regaularly.

                      All the best

