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first drink of the day

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    first drink of the day

    hi everyone,
    i posted for the first time last week. thanks to all for your responses. It's almost 11 am here and I'm on my 3rd glass of wine this morning. I can't seem to find myself. I went to doctor on thursday and he gave me Neltrexone to help but I'm making every excuse not to fill it. I feel like a complete waste. I don't know how to help myself. Ive meet this guy and he wants to go out on a date. Here's the thing it's a wine tasting. I know if I go I'll make a pig out of myself and that will be that. I'm really lost.

    first drink of the day

    Shejaydeb, I wish I had answers for you but I do not. You sounds like you are fighting this a little bit (not getting the meds) - is that so? Believe me, I know how hard it can be to pull yourself out of the proverbial rut when you've been in there for a while.

    I would try setting a goal date to try and break out - that way you have something to shoot for and look forward to. Get the meds filled, and be ready to go with the supps if at all possible.

    I'm sorry that you are so down right now, but try not to be too hard on yourself. There is light at the end of the tunnel, you just need to set your resolve and take that first step.
    Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


      first drink of the day


      I have been there love, please don't beat yourself up. Like AAthlete says, set a positive date, get the meds and go for it 100%.

      The strange thing is that I can promise you that you will feel so much better without the Alcohol, It isn't easy but it's really worth the hard work.

      All the best


        first drink of the day

        We have all been right where you are, don't give up on yourself!!!!! Tomorrow is a new day....get your meds. Keep posting and reading, it has saved me!


          first drink of the day

          Hi She~

          You need to design a plan to move forward from where you are. If you work at it, eventually you will accomplish your goal. Take baby steps, small goals.

          As far as your date, why not just say that you're on antibiotics or developed an ulcer and can't have any wine/alcohol & that you'd perfer dinner or something else. Takes the stress of drinking off your back. And in the meantime refill your prescription & go for it. We're right behind you!
          :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


            first drink of the day

            Hi there. I know it is difficult to think clearly right now and determine what you need to do to get yourself out of this rut. But don't give up and don't beat yourself up.

            I am pretty new here myself and have found great comfort and support in this forum. Spend some time reading and sharing your story. I find it to be very helpful.

            Please let us hear from you again soon.
            :rays: mdb :rays:

            Good at being AF. Not so good at Moderation.

            Lots of work yet to do!


              first drink of the day

              Yeah, a wine tasting is probably not the best choice for a date in this case. He probably knows you like wine and was trying to find something you really like doing. I am assuming he has no idea how it may turn out. Why not just tell him something came up that day and do something else another? Or you could tell him you want to do something where you can talk more (lunch, dinner) or less (movie).

              As for your troubles with coming to grips with not drinking, we have all been through it. It is hard to be okay with the fact that something that has been so much a part of your life will be gone. You seem to really want to do something about it though - going to the doctor, being here - all signs you're on the way. You just need to let the fact wash over you that you can stop and IT WILL BE OKAY! It will be better than okay, actually!



                first drink of the day


                Please don't feel bad - you have posted and reached out to other people who know exactly how you are feeling!

                Once I realised that I wasn't 'giving up' anything or losing out by not drinking but was gaining my sanity and reason to live by stopping the merry go round of drinking, recriminations and promises to stop..... it became a whole lot easier.
                Drinking gives me nothing but leeches so much out of me - it is such hard work being a drunk!!!
                Wish you all the best and don't don't go wine tasting
                Love S

