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I could use everyone's help PLEASE

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    I could use everyone's help PLEASE

    Like a wise poster once AVRT bullets.


      I could use everyone's help PLEASE

      Phin;1421953 wrote: I need some help......I drink, I homestly wiah I didn't but I do. My husband is of the belief 'Just stop'. I wish it was that easy.

      He is unwilling to read up on the 'issue', he has too much going on in his life......the solution is, for me to just not drink. I am the selfish one for not being able to say no to drinking. I am the one who is responsible for creating stress on our family. Yet he is unwilling to learn....he says, just stop. God, if I could..........

      Please, if there is anyone who can help me......
      Hi Phin,
      Oh, how I know how you feel! You can't just can't have one drink. The non-drinkers don't know what it's like. We just "can't stop"! There's more to it than that. It doesn't make us bad people, we have a problem with drinking.
      This is how you probably feel: You live your life normally, working etc. Come home, have one drink and another etc. You feel like you're normal - and you are. But you have a alcohol addiction. It doesn't make you a bad person - you just need to know how to cope! I've been there ( and still am ) and done that. If you need to talk - I'm on this website until December 29th because I am entering a rehab program. I am sick of drinking and determined to quit!


        I could use everyone's help PLEASE

        It's not easy, giving up anything isn't easy. But the first step is to get rid of the excuses and the 'I'll just have one' etc. It doesn't work. I had tried before to quit but always made an excuse like 'Oh, I've been so good, I'll just have one drink' then I'd be back to drinking a bottle of wine a night. There were times I drank until I passed out. And hey, I still didn't think I had a 'problem'. Now I know I had and that the only person who could ever change it was and IS me. I'm AF almost 4 weeks now, very early days but I know I never want to go back to the person I was. It's one step at a time. It really is. But we can all do it with the right determination.

        Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.


          I could use everyone's help PLEASE

          Hey Phin

          Thinking of you today. I hope you are doing all right.

          I have been in your shoes and I do feel your pain. Unfortunately you can't make your husband understand. You will just have to plow ahead on your own, with support wherever you can find it including here.

          I am taking antabuse and it keeps me sober for now. I thought about it for years but never really asked a doctor for it. I ordered it from a Canadian pharmacy online and I am glad I did. I was putting myself in harm's way and risking a lot with drinking madness.

          Take good care of yourself and PM me if you want to chat. I always found it nice to have someone to talk to when it seems very dark.

          Have a good weekend

