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Wow, do I feel good!

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    Wow, do I feel good!

    I had my second consecutive day of AF yesterday. The first time I've had 2 in a row for about the past year or maybe 18 months.

    Last night I felt a bit anxious and had a headache, but stuck with the San Pellegrino (yummy Italian mineral water) while my fiance had a few beers and am feeling great for it today. I went to bed a bit earlier than normal, at a sensible hour of 11pm and did a few of the hypno's.

    I had a weird dream last night that I had an alcoholic beverage and felt really bad that I had caved in. What does it mean? Who knows!

    So for others who are just starting out, I just want to pass on some good vibes to you all. This forum where we can all relate, is fab!

    :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:

    Wow, do I feel good!

    woo hoo Doo Doo!

    Roll on day 3!



      Wow, do I feel good!

      Woo Hoo DOO're a nut Kate...well done Doo....


        Wow, do I feel good!

        Congrats DOO DOO, that is such a great accomplishment, keep it up!
        "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


          Wow, do I feel good!

          Hey hey - congratulations! That's awesome. It does feel quite good doesn't it. Day 3 feels even better.
          :rays: mdb :rays:

          Good at being AF. Not so good at Moderation.

          Lots of work yet to do!


            Wow, do I feel good!

            Congrats -- you guys are off to a GREAT start!!!!


              Wow, do I feel good!

              Doo Doo,
              I got all pumped up about your excitement! I know we've all heard that "one day at a time" thing, but I like planning for the big days - like #5 or one week. You are well on the way!
              Congrats and keep feeling great!
              Mama T.
              Found MWO Feb. 17, 2007


                Wow, do I feel good!

                :wd: Keep up the good work
                :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                  Wow, do I feel good!

                  Well Done Doo Doo!!

                  Am excited for you.

                  I get those dreams aswell (on day 4 AF) . Do you think that maybe our subconscious is still catching up with our conscious minds and has not let go yet???

                  Keep it up - hope you are here tommorrow as Friday is usally a "dive into the wine bottle" night.!!! for me.

                  Love S


                    Wow, do I feel good!

                    Thank you for your support. What a great resource this site is!

                    Serenity, Well done! It seems there are a few of us on the same number of AFD's, which is nice. Are you doing the abs for 30 days? What's your approach?

                    :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


                      Wow, do I feel good!

                      Hi Doo Doo

                      I am new to this site but not to the alcohol prob - I have always wanted to give up - I am not a half measures girl - its all or nothing !! mores the pity - for the past 5 yrs since my little girl was born - have been trying to sip drinks more slowly, try not to look to eager for another glass at someones house, felt the fire of addiction in me crying "FEED ME MORE MORE MORE!!!!"

                      So I know that moderation is not for me - I just don't see the point of a couple of glasses when a couple of bottles is what I really want.

                      I am feeling great at mo but am worried that inital euphoria may fade and I may slip but as the advice is so good here - will always start again.

                      I have not yet received my CD's. Kudzu or supplements or book but do take 5HTP, Rhodiola which calms me and I have a Hypno CD by Glenn Harrold overcoming addictions which I have had for ages but have never used until I used this site.

                      Sorry - you asked a simple quest and got verbally assaulted !!!

                      My mindset has changed - Now its "enough of pining for that poison that made you feel like S!!!t anyway'
                      Also, I now fill my time - talking to people like you who are my "virtual friends" and who I can sometimes open up a lot more freely than my "real" friends

                      Lets do this together, Doo Doo - I am also using drinks tracker - at end of each day to put 0 drinks in the box feels great. I am buzzing!!!



                        Wow, do I feel good!

                        :H verbally assaulted my arse! If that's verbal assault, then others on this site must be deaf from my posts! I am also really digging the drink tracker.

                        I can also completely relate where you mention being at others houses and trying not to look eager for another glass.

                        A few months ago, we hosted my fiance's work Christmas party at our house. There were many unfamiliar faces. One woman I was chatting with explained to me that she had an "alcoholic elbow". I immediately thought she might be fessing up to a drinking problem, which I thought would be good to chat and open up about together etc. So I asked her what it was. Turned out that she lost control of her right elbow if she had more than a glass of wine... Duh! :H and didn't have a problem with alcohol as such. I was happy for her but disappointed for me that I didn't have someone who I could relate to with alcohol abuse.

                        I haven't worked out a tactic for tonight. We're having some friends over for a Fri night BBQ, and although the moderation is my ultimate goal (at this point in time... but we'll see). My approach is that I am not drinking during the week nights and drinking some on the weekends (like what I used to do in my 20's) but I'm not sure if I should do the 30 day straight ABS first... I'm going back and forth between what I should do. I'll be popping the L-Glut and Kudzu and maybe I will be happy just having 1 or 2.

                        :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


                          Wow, do I feel good!

                          Am kiddin myself here!!!!!

                          DooDoo;105909 wrote: I had my second consecutive day of AF yesterday. The first time I've had 2 in a row for about the past year or maybe 18 months.

                          Last night I felt a bit anxious and had a headache, but stuck with the San Pellegrino (yummy Italian mineral water) while my fiance had a few beers and am feeling great for it today. I went to bed a bit earlier than normal, at a sensible hour of 11pm and did a few of the hypno's.

                          I had a weird dream last night that I had an alcoholic beverage and felt really bad that I had caved in. What does it mean? Who knows!

                          So for others who are just starting out, I just want to pass on some good vibes to you all. This forum where we can all relate, is fab!

                          Well, you know, I wanna stop............says `she` after havin sank her nightly btl of cava..............somebody help me...........please!!!!!!


                            Wow, do I feel good!

                            Starlight... are you still there? Are you OK? Reaching out for help is an excellent first step. Despite the bump in the road. Please continue posting and reading... We all have been where you are.
                            :rays: mdb :rays:

                            Good at being AF. Not so good at Moderation.

                            Lots of work yet to do!


                              Wow, do I feel good!

                              Starlight, I echo mdb. You've made the first step. When you're ready to do some motivational reading, go to the 'Health Store' link up the top of the page and you can download the book for US$12. The best $12 I've spent in a loooong time!

                              Hope to see you around.

                              :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:

