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At the end of Day 4

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    At the end of Day 4

    I'm feeling alot better but not 100% I have been eating alot more. On Monday I'm going to start working out again, going to have a fab weekend with the family with shopping, decorating, and looking at Christmas lights.

    I did order Campral from River after reading on it, to embarassed to go to the dr. live in such a small town. Has anyone had experience with it. side effects etc...

    At the end of Day 4

    Hi Mya,

    Congratulations on your Day 4!:goodjob: I took Campral one time and it gave me horrendous gastrointestinal problems so I stopped taking it immediately, however, I know it's been successful based on feedback that I've read on the Meds Forum. Why don't you pose your question there?


      At the end of Day 4

      Thanks Rusty I will


        At the end of Day 4

        How are you feeling, Mya? Are you struggling?

        I became AF because of Baclofen. I believe it worked because it snuffed out the root cause of my drinking: an anxiety disorder that I've had my whole life, but went unnoticed by doctors, family, etc. I'm a 51-year-old woman and my mom remembers me being extremely anxious as a 4-year-old.

        Let me know if I can help you, Mya.


          At the end of Day 4

          I'm actually feeling pretty good. Had so many changes yesterday and today to stop and buy alcohol but just kept remembering how I felt Saturday, Sunday, Monday of this week those were the worst. Also I just have to look at myself in the mirror and see what it has done to me. 50lbs overweight, puffy, bloated and sometimes I wonder how my husband is still with me. I have told him that I have stopped, but I know he knows bc before I wouldn't get close to him if I had been drinking.

          Saturday morning he looked so pissed at me and told me before he walked out the door to go to the gym "I don't know what you are taking at night but you need to stop" I can't even remember us watching tv or talking that night bc of drinking all day. That really hit me hard.

          Thanks!! I will be keeping in touch


            At the end of Day 4

            I wanted to extend my welcome mya! And great job on day 4. I am on day 4 also, again. I was doing great had many weeks wo al, and due to a major family issue decided to just have a few. Yeah right that lasted a week. I have campral but have not used it yet. Once I get a few weeks in I usually feel great, but have trouble on the weekend evenings with cravings, but I have successfully gotten through them. I can relate on how you felt, I felt like utter shit this past Monday, shakey, nausous etc etc. But I felt great today!
            I know you can make it too. We both can. Good luck and let me know how you do with the campral.
            Reflect upon your present blessingings, of which every man has many; not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some


              At the end of Day 4

              Mya..well done you...keep going :goodjob:
              af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

