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My GroundHog Day

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    My GroundHog Day

    Friday 5:20pm

    This Friday on my way home from work I run into an old friend. Someone I have known for a number of years but we only spent time drinking together after work, during poker games and other drinking venues. I saw him outside a pub where we have enjoyed many evenings with our mutual friends.

    He was drinking a pint of my favourite larger and enjoying a Marlborough lights cigarette. We talked for a couple of minutes and he offered to buy me a drink. I reluctantly agreed. However, after a first sip I remembered why I liked boozing so much. The cool, refreshing taste of Heineken hmmmm. Immediately my nicotine craving hit me like first love. I asked if I could borrow a cigarette, he said "Of course". We chatted for a while and it was my turn to buy drinks. We repeated the previous round. Now after the second beer I feel a lot more relaxed, it’s the best time of a night out. You feel uninhibited, calm and happy. Now I go to the cigarette machine and buy a whole pack since I know that the night will continue. We decide to meet our friends in another bar and share a taxi to Central London. We are greeted by all the people I have not seen in months. I offer to buy a round of shots. They buy me a cocktail. We drink for my new job. We drink for Ryan’s newborn daughter. We drink for upcoming holiday season... Now I am starting to feel very lightheaded and deep down I know that I am drank, however, I don’t want the night to end. We decide to go to a casino to try out our luck. We stop buy an ATM, get a big fist full of cash and proceed to the Grosvenor Casino. There we make a lot of noise and splash our cash, we take advantage of cheap bar and buy some Jack Ds on the rock. An hour passes and we are all out of money and decide to continue the night at a gentlemen’s club. One more stop by an ATM and we are off to a strip club.

    This is the last memory that I have before I wake up face down on my pillow in my suit. It smells like an ashtray. There is cigarette burn on one of the cuffs. I feel terrible, I have the shivers, my head is pounding and wait for it, the guilt and shame is rushing over me. I don’t remember how I got home and I think that I don’t even want to know. I turn off my phone so I don’t have to deal with my present situation; I am scared of seeing who I drunk dialled. What if it was my new boss??? I drink a bottle of water, take a shower and delete my MWO account as I am too ashamed of facing Byrdie, Kuya, Fin, RC, Slay, Lav, Star, Nurdl and every other person that encouraged me over the last 100 days of my sobriety. Damn I Fxxked up.......................

    Friday 5:20pm

    On my way home from work I run into an old friend. He is drinking a pint of my favourite larger and enjoying a Marlborough lights cigarette. We talked for a couple of minutes and he offered to buy me a drink. I apologise and say that I need to run home. I see a disappointed look in his eyes. I walk off thinking to myself "CLOSE CALL".

    I get home and even though I am feeling like going out, I have a relaxing night in. Wake up early; go to the gym, where I break a 7 minute mile (personal record). Later I meet up with some friends in a newly opened winter wonderland park in Hyde Park. We ice skate, eat some hotdogs and have a very jolly time. I come home thinking tomorrow is my day 100. I feel full of pride and accomplishment.

    Friends if you are still reading this. This post is meant to show you my new thinking process. I try to apply it to all my decisions. Give it a try it works wonders

    AF since 1st Sep 2012
    NF since 1st Sep 2012

    If you want to feel better visit

    My GroundHog Day


    Hi Al, I don't contribute much on here, but I rely heavily on MWO, reading it every morn and night. I loved your story, can identify. Great run time too. Thank you, you have just given me a boost. I'm dreading when I next go out with my friends, they're big drinkers, and don't believe/understand I have a problem. I am off etOH since 3 November. I tell people I don't drink because I have no off button. One drink is not enough, two and I'm anyones, three... call the Police. The pressure from society to drink, is insane! Have a create AF Christmas, n thanks again :-)


      My GroundHog Day


      When I first quit, my biggest worry was how to explain to people why I don’t drink. Trust me this problem sorts itself out in a few weeks once you tell the same story a dozen times. For me it was that I was trying to give up smoking and had to quit for duration of a year. Now I can say that I don’t drink full stop. And people will catch your drift. If you say it with confidence.

      The people that won’t understand are the once that are heavy drinkers themselves. As mentioned in my little story I try to avoid them like the plague. It said but new beginnings require sacrifices.

      Your friend,

      AF since 1st Sep 2012
      NF since 1st Sep 2012

      If you want to feel better visit


        My GroundHog Day

        Phew!! The relief I felt when I read down! I thought the first part was true

        Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.


          My GroundHog Day

          Always good to get a boost from you Allan

          Happy triple digits


            My GroundHog Day

            Sounds pretty familiar...........not so much drinking with others..........usually did that alone, but yeah....its a better place to be not have AL in our lives anymore.............Well written Sir
            Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



              My GroundHog Day

              Dang that post scared me!!! I thought, holy could this happen, knowing full well how it could. I am glad the second part of the story is the real version...I lived enough of the first one for 2 people. Well done on you triple digits...hugs and love, B
              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
              Tool Box
              Newbie's Nest


                My GroundHog Day

                Great post, thank you


                  My GroundHog Day

                  Allan, I am so proud to know you. You have paved the way and I follow close behind in your footsteps. Good on you. A new life, a new job, a clear head, no cigarette burns on that sharp new suit. Well done and please keep posting. You inspire us when we need it most.
                  we are human beings with alcohol problems not alcoholics with problems caused by drinking


                    My GroundHog Day

                    Thanks for sharing Allan, and congratulations.

                    Always a great read.

                    Best wishes, G-bloke.

                    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                      My GroundHog Day

                      I was almost crying from upset ness and then relief.

                      Here's a bop on the head For scaring us :hitme:and a big hug and kiss :l:h for everything else !!

                      On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                      *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
             tool box
             newbie nest


                        My GroundHog Day

                        That was an awesome piece of writing. As I read the first line I thought, didn't he just say this in another post? I was onto you, big guy, but you would have got me had I not been paying attention to a previous post of yours. :goodjob:

                        As I posted in the newbie's's encouragement...KUYA and ALLANKEY! Fantastic!! I should print out your first paragraph to read each day. Wild thing...


                        Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


                          My GroundHog Day


                          That was brilliant, it's happened to me so many times but not anymore, most of my mates have stopped drinking but there's always one out to get you and look disappointed when you say no. Now it's my turn to say no.
                          It's not what you drink, it's how much!

