I posted this on RC's shook thread, but I want to start off this thread with a video and a couple quotes.
How To Be Alone (video):
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k7X7sZzSXYs[/video]]How To Be Alone - YouTube
"When you are alone you are not alone, you are simply lonely and there is a tremendous difference between loneliness and aloneness. When you are lonely you are thinking of the other, you are missing the other. Loneliness is a negative state. You are feeling that it would have been better if the other were there, your friend, your wife, your mother, your beloved, your husband. It would have been good if the other were there, but the other is not. Loneliness is absence of the other. Aloneness is the presence of oneself. Aloneness is very positive. It is a presence, overflowing presence. You are so full of presence that you can fill the whole universe with your presence and there is no need for anybody."
"Being alone is always better, than being with someone who makes you feel alone."
"Solitude is often the best society."
"Solitude is such a potential thing. We hear voices in solitude we never hear in the hurry and turmoil of life: we receive counsels and comforts we get under no other conditions."
"Being solitary is being alone well: being alone luxuriously immersed in doings of your own choice, aware of the fullness of your won presence rather than of the absence of others. Because solitude is an achievement."
"It is better to travel alone than with a bad companion."
"Solitude is strength; to depend on the presence of the crowd is weakness. The man who needs a mob to nerve him is much more alone than he imagines."
I thought of Kuya's words with this one: "Solitude is painful when one is young but delightful when one is more mature." ~Albert Einstein~ (We are in good company.
