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Why can't I just have a couple?

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    Why can't I just have a couple?

    Hi everyone. I'm new here. Last night I decided to have a glass of wine while watching my favorite tv shows. 2 whole bottles later and I'm intoxicated and going to bed at 4am. I wake up feeling guilty, depressed and disappointed in myself. I am barely able to get my son breakfast. This is me 2-3 times a week. I've been a binge drinker for 20 years. Since becoming a stay at home mom it has gotten worse. I say I'll only have 1 or 2, then I get buzzed and my self control goes out the window. I'm tired of not having the energy to play with my son. I'm tired of feeling hungover. I need help. How do you stop? What's the first step? Is it possible to get to a point of only drinking occasionally and in moderation?

    Why can't I just have a couple?

    Hello and Welcome. What you're describing is how most of us feel. I personally don't think moderation works for nearly all of us because brain chemistry and body chemistry deny us our stop switch.

    I would recommend you read The Tool Box here and as many threads as you can, especially the Newbie's Nest. You won't regret it and you will have a much better and happier life
    Enlightened by MWO


      Why can't I just have a couple?

      Hi Munro, and :welcome: to MWO.

      What you are describing is the way it is for many here. Don't worry you CAN stop and live happily without drinking like that. The first step is to get it under control.

      I have been sober for 3 1/2 months and feel great, wouldn't drink now if I could.

      Don't worry, join the nest and check out the toolbox and read, read, read, then post, post post.



        Why can't I just have a couple?

        Thank you both for replying. I've been reading non stop all evening. Some really great information and inspiring stories on here. For the first time in a long time I am feeling hopeful about living a sober life.


          Why can't I just have a couple?

          Munro;1426692 wrote: Thank you both for replying. I've been reading non stop all evening. Some really great information and inspiring stories on here. For the first time in a long time I am feeling hopeful about living a sober life.
          You are right to feel hopeful, this is doable! Most people only find the first 5 days hard really. Then it is about mindset, which you can change by all the reading you do here, support which you can find here and a good diet!

          Come over to the newbies and settle in for a while


            Why can't I just have a couple?

            Helo and welcome Munroe. I am just the same as you, one drink is too many and a bottle not enough. You are not alone. It's not easy like Kuya said, but doable, I know from experience. Good luck.


              Why can't I just have a couple?

              Good morning!

              I can only reiterate what the others have said, but wanted to welcome you here. If we could only have two, we wouldn't be alcoholics. Stay here and read all you can, post every day no matter what.

              "One day at a time."


                Why can't I just have a couple?

                Greetings Munro, and a huge welcome to you.

                Here's a link to our 'Toolbox' in case you haven't found it yet.


                Get committed, get a daily plan, and go kick some ass, step by little step.

                Best wishes on your journey. G-bloke.

                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                  Why can't I just have a couple?

                  Hello & welcome Munro!

                  You have found a good place
                  I was in the same place as you 4 years ago when I arrived here but all that has changed!

                  I started out by reading the MWO book. You can download it right from the Health store here. That along with a good plan & a firm commitment to change your life will help you meet your goals. The fact is that once your 'off switch' is broken AL will be in control & stay in control until you decide to kick it out of your life, once & for all

                  Drop in the Newbies Nest thread for ongoing support. Wishing you the best!

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Why can't I just have a couple?

                    I understand you completely. I thought I was the only mom who went through this and then I went through a divorce and things went to hell in a hurry. I know all too well the feeling of trying to make breakfast for the kids with your legs feeling like they will collapse, head dizzy and you may pass out.....been there and unfortunately, it's been recent. Hang in there, believe me, if I could do it a few months ago, you can. PM me if you want to chat...I am not perfect, but never stop giving up. :l


                      Why can't I just have a couple?

                      I come from a long line of very hard drinkers, most whom have quit. They all used the same strategy...not taking that first drink. A few weeks ago I finally got a clue and did the same.

                      It wasn't easy getting a clue. I thought I could do it differently. I thought I could quit & still drink at the same time.

                      I'm silly like that ;-D


                        Why can't I just have a couple?

                        Would you expect a crack addict to be able to have 2 hits off the crackpipe and then be able to put it away for the night? Regardless of the fairy tale we've been taught all our lives about alcohol, it's a drug just like crack or heroin. Your body doesn't know the difference if you're drinking alcohol or smoking crack. All it knows is it's poison.


                          Why can't I just have a couple?

                          Hi Munro, it is easy, all you have to do is want to stop. Just kidding about being easy, it is not . Simple though. Like many of us here, I was just like you. I became successful at not drinking when I was finally ready. It can be done.
                          Love and Peace,

                          Sobriety Date 12.07.2009

