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Liver damage with normal liver function tests

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    Liver damage with normal liver function tests

    Hi All,

    I've posted before but not managed to quit drinking.
    Been drinking heavily for 10 plus years...mainly wine but sometimes spirits etc.

    My doc knows of my problem. I went to address this in February this year. At the time the doc said its ok your liver can function quite happily at 30% capacity. I knew this was a stupid thing for her to say...they havent done anything except liver function tests...but I have had quite a few except over the past years all returned normal.

    I have read that you can have normal LFTs but have significant liver damage.
    Today, right now I am finally realising I might just have run out of time to address reversing any damage.

    In August 2012 I asked my doctor to get me referred for an ultrasound scan so I could have at least some visual aspect of my liver and to ascertain if there were any obvious signs of changes like size, granulation or fatty liver...they denied me this saying with normal LFT's there was no need. I wanted to know so that I could place a marker in the ground which I could then know where in the stages of liver disease I was...I didn't push but should have.

    I didn't stop drinking...I have had a drink today...but I no longer know why I'm doing it all the time but the damage is now very very obvious.

    I have stopped having my monthly (sorry guys who might read this), I have joint, shoulder pain, pale stools, shaking hands, cramps on calves at night, horrible sweet stinking breath, oedema, nausea especially in the morning, sore swollen stomach...and a few more symptoms. I cant stand strong smells, like perfume as they make me feel sick.

    Over the past few years I had early symptoms which I ignored...pain under my right side, headaches, leg and ankle swellings, painful abdomen, night sweats, high heart rate at night I have had high bp for the past 8 years and am on medication for this but it has undoubtedly been caused by alcoholism.

    Posting because I know now I need to go back to the to the doctor as a matter of urgency and this time i am not taking No for an answer about the ultrasound.

    I hope this post helps to let anyone new to here that they cant be complacent and that ignoring any symptoms as a heavy drinker is not a good thing...I know its hard to admit you have a problem but it is a matter of life or death.

    As I type my daughter is in the room with me...I feel ashamed...she's 22 but I could end up leaving her bereaved at a very young age because of my actions. That's hard to think about and to accept but I cant ignore it any more.

    I wish everyone a lovely peaceful Christmas. Thanks for the MWO forum so people like me can get these thoughts out in the open.

    Liver damage with normal liver function tests

    We haven't met Jelly, but hello.

    I just want to send support to you, hun. Crikey I could strangle your doctor, what an absolutely stupid thing to say.

    I had all those symptoms you describe but with elevated LFTs. You are doing absolutely the right thing by going back to your GP.

    Just wanted to add my daughter is now 26 and honestly is one of my biggest cheer leaders and was massive support to me when I first went AF and still is.

    Wishing you all the best for Christmas and a happy and healthy 2013.

    J x
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      Liver damage with normal liver function tests

      Hi Jelly....

      I'm glad you're here. It may not feel like it, but coming here and posting is a huge step toward your freedom. It really is. You have a very thoughtful awareness now of the toll this addiction is taking on your health and how it impacts those around you. It is a sure sign you are ready for the next logical step which is to break the addiction. This is very hopeful.

      It helped me quite a bit to find a place on this site where I could get support. The Newbie's Nest under Starting Out is a great thread full of wonderful people who are helping each other through those tough early weeks of breaking the dependence on alcohol.

      People are successfully living without is amazing to be free. You can do this, too. I have a feeling you are really ready for all the goodness that addiction free living has ahead for you.
      Sober for the Revolution!
      AF & NF July 23, 2011


        Liver damage with normal liver function tests

        Hi JellyBelly and welcome back to MWO!

        Two years ago I was given a CT scan to see if I had diverticulitis, which I did. It also showed that I had a fatty liver, and needed an MRI to "rule out malignancy!" My LFTs were in the normal range. I had no symptoms of liver problems.

        WELL, this news got my attention, I assure you! And, with the help of Roberta Jewell's program, the supplements, the hypnosis CDs, and this forum, I was able to completely reverse my liver problem, as shown by ultrasounds in July 2011 and May 2012.

        So, even if your liver IS unhappy, all is not lost! I have now discovered that here in the US, ultrasounds are relatively inexpensive, as scans go...starting at 200 dollars, I've been told...if it would ease your mind, perhaps paying for it yourself would be worth it? Your only holiday gift?

        Giving up my "daily double" was really hard at first but the freedom is WONDERFUL. good luck. FFP
        . "It is only with the heart that one can see clearly; that which is essential, is invisible to the eye.". Antoine de Saint-Exupery


          Liver damage with normal liver function tests

          Hi Jelly,

          Welcome! Don't know if you are open to it, but a supplement that is miraculous for healing the liver is milk thistle. It's important to get a good brand, (no generics) and that it say 'standardized to contain 80% silymarin', the active ingredient. There are liver formulas that contain other ingredients, along with the milk thistle, but I always stuck with the plain milk thistle. It's cheaper (I was buying a lot of other supps, too) and milk thistle does not interact negatively with any other meds. That might not be true of various other ingredients added to some formulas. It has been around for over 2000 years and is truly remarkable. It neutralizes the toxins (free radicals) and actually helps to regenerate new liver tissue.

          I always took it, especially when I was drinking (and I have done some serious drinking) and I have never had any problems or symptoms such as you describe. I would take 5 per day (2 in the am-2@noon & 1 @ night), each capsule being 150mg. I believe that 750 mg is considered the 'therapeutic' dose, when you need some real healing. Many people have reported getting their livers back to normal within a couple of months. And there are no side effects. It costs, in the U.S. about $12-$13 a bottle. Much cheaper, safer and better than most meds. You can get it at any health food store. I highly recommend it, although your doctor will probably pooh-pooh it because their training is towards pharmaceutical remedies. What do you have to lose?

          Glad you found us and glad you are here. Good luck, whatever you decide to do.

          p.s. Oh, it just occurred to me: It's possible that the problem is something other than your liver. I always thought that you start getting jaundice, the whites of your eyes turning yellow, when your liver is in real trouble. And you also said that your test are coming back in the normal range. Strange.....Well, hope you find something that helps you. And soon. Good luck, Jelly
          AF since 12/2/12


            Liver damage with normal liver function tests

            Hi Everyone
            Thank you so much for the replies, warm welcomes, positive vibes and advice. It was much needed and has helped me greatly.
            I am going to make an appointment tomorrow at my GP's and ask for a scan and an LFT (5 months since last one).
            Your posts will help keep me going.
            Wishing you all a lovely Christmas and Best Wishes for 2013.


              Liver damage with normal liver function tests

              hi jelly,i had my liver checked in july and all the tests came back good,however i have some of the symptoms youve mentioned,some pain in right side,some feeling of swelling under my ribcage,and just sort of a feeling of lethargy like somethings not up to par,but because the enzyme tests were fine,i thought i was eek! now im nervous
              I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

              I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
              Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                Liver damage with normal liver function tests

                Hi Paulywogg,

                I think taking the advice of everyone after I posted has helped me to not be so anxious and take some control. I went back to the Doctor and asked for an ultrasound but they arent willing to do one if my lfts are normal range. So Ive had another lft and am waiting for the results. If they are normal the doctor is gong to give me a referral letter and I will have to go private... but for my peace of mind I think it will be worth it even if the scan cant show the actual cell damage.

                I think everyone's experience is different and that you yourself will know if you dont feel right. You can go back to the doctors and ask for another lft if it has been a while if that would make you feel more secure. I have realised though that worrying can make symptoms worse so its about just getting peace of mind and not panicking.

                Hope that helps....dont always compare symptoms as were all different.

                Take care


                  Liver damage with normal liver function tests

                  Hi Jelly,

                  thanks for giving us an update. I am glad you are feeling calmer about things. Sometimes I am more motivated to act wisely when I am calmer! (And, sometimes, I simply get more complacent...LOL)

                  I want to second the recommendation for milk thistle, as I felt it helped me a LOT...before I finally was inspired to quit drinking alcohol at home on a daily basis, milk thistle would almost miraculously calm down my flushed face from drinking, so I was CERTAIN it was helping my liver to process my poison.

                  I think the hypnosis CDs, available on this website, DID help me change my subconscious mind about my decision that I had to drink alcohol in order to survive...silly idea, but that is how I felt.

                  the second possibility about your health which has occurred to me is that you might have gall bladder issues...a not uncommon occurrence for those of us whose children are in their twenties, as you mentioned your daughter is.

                  Good luck on your CAN be done! FFP
                  . "It is only with the heart that one can see clearly; that which is essential, is invisible to the eye.". Antoine de Saint-Exupery


                    Liver damage with normal liver function tests

                    Thank you for posting this - it is very true.
                    The only way to be really sure what the damage to a liver is is a liver biopsy, which carries a risk to perform.
                    An ultrasound will be next best, but it can show a damaged liver when there is no damage and vice versa.
                    LFT's are not good indicators at all, when a liver is very damaged it is so troubled that it cannot even manage to rise its numbers to show a spike - I was once told that normal LFt's in someone who drank would indicate a very big problem.
                    Of all the LFT's the most indicative is the least noticed - the T bili (total bilirubin)
                    Please don't let normal LFT's make you feel safe, you are doing the right thing by pushing for more testing....
                    “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                      Liver damage with normal liver function tests

                      Dear Jellybelly,

                      It is sad that we live in a world where we need tests to tell us when our body is screaming out to be heard.

                      You don't need any more tests. Everything else in your body is screaming for help.

                      You are your best clinician and you are your only healer. "Almost free" is spot on about Milk thistle. I would also add lots of good quality Vitamin B. Alcohol bleeds Vitamin B and it is a bugger for harming the liver.

                      I lost my father at a young age. My brother died three years ago from alcoholism and all the consequences. My grandmother died at the age of 67 from liver cirrosis.

                      I have been al free for six months now and am a new person. I never had bad liver functions, but I knew that it would only be a matter of time.

                      Give up now before your family stops cheering for you. I ended up wishing my father dead. I never wanted my children to do the same.

                      Good luck. You are your own healer.

