I just found these forums and I think this is the right place for me to be. I have to go my own way out - starting detoxing tomorrow. I managed to keep the alcohol intake respectable today, which means compared to my usual drinking habit. Normally I would drink beer and strong liquor combined. Today I've only had the beers and now I feel "normal", ironically.
It's gonna be tough, I know how the detox process works and that it could be a dangerous situation. I'm not really afraid of the DT's since I've had those before and in someway I'm okay with those. I'm more afraid of the anxiety and the foggy state of mind I'm gonna be in at work. I'm also very aware I should contact my doctor for this, but I really, really can't do that. This will be my own way out tomorrow and the couple of days after that, and I have this medication called 'Temazepam', which a friend gave to me. He got that prescribed by his Dr. for sleeping aid and he told me it could be used for alcohol withdrawal too.
Right now I'm wondering if more people on this forum have experience with Temazepam and maybe can share there experiences with it?.. I'm very aware this is not the most wise decision in my life, but now it's my own way out - I honestly have to.
EDIT: it's not very polite to not introduce myself. Male of 27 years old and been struggling with alcohol since my puberty and still struggling most of the time. Tried all kind of drugs and luckily none of them took me down the spiral road, except that one thing. Also, I'm the more happy drunk kind of person, who feels affinity and compassion to others. I struggle with that while I'm sober and besides the addiction I'm still in therapy for that. Longest time sober is 856 days. Always felt bored, dull and also taking antidepressants for about 1,3 years. Went to AA during that period too, working the steps. Guess it's not my thing. Needed to vent here - thanks for reading and I'll try to sleep now.

Greetings and thanks in advance,
- IM