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cant remember life any other way :(

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    cant remember life any other way :(

    Sad but true....i can't remember what I used to do in the evenings/night before drinking.i now drink a wine bottle most nights and lay on the couch on facebook and watching tv. It's disgusting. There has to be more to life than this...I feel fat, unhealthy and miserable.

    cant remember life any other way

    I know what you mean thou I did do things before I started to drink.....but not now....just drink.....
    But I have to stop......which is why I' m 2
    I also feel fat and lazy unhealthy and very miserable.
    But I want to change it and hopefully be able to loose weight and feel vibrant and healthy again
    That's my goal anyway.....and I know it's not going to be easy.....and a lot of hard work......but only I can do it.....
    Sorry rambling on here ......preaching here to myself.....


      cant remember life any other way

      I'm just starting out too. But from what everyone's saying on these forums, IT CAN BE DONE. Let's not dwell on the way it used to be, but start something new and (try to at least) switch those mental gears. Let's go on together. I'm on day 3. We will all feel better with more sobriety under our belts. That's a given. But we also need patience to get there. It doesn't happen overnight, and it will be hard work. Hang in there! I will do my best.


        cant remember life any other way

        Sunnygirl, Merry and quitwine, HELLO! Welcome to exactly the right place. :welcome:

        You will find so much support here from folks like us who KNOW what it is like to drink that bottle of wine in front of the tv and feel fat. Yep, I know exactly what you mean.

        But, working together we can do it. Keep coming here, keep reading. It is amazing how quickly your body will show that you aren't drinking the calories in that bottle of wine. When I first did this a couple years ago, people kept asking me "What diet are you on? You look GREAT!" I was too much of a wimp to tell them that it was the NO WINE diet, because no one but my husband knew I had a problem.

        You have made a great step. Keep on stepping. Walk right out that door and do a couple laps around the block. Step by step in the right direction, and we will all get there.


          cant remember life any other way

          quitwine;1429252 wrote: Sad but true....i can't remember what I used to do in the evenings/night before drinking.i now drink a wine bottle most nights and lay on the couch on facebook and watching tv. It's disgusting. There has to be more to life than this...I feel fat, unhealthy and miserable.

          Ohhhhh, there IS more to life than drinking.

          You are not alone on not remembering life without AL(alcohol), and not being able to imagine life without it, but it is very possible.

          Reading this board, and interacting with others in the same boat is very helpful. You will discover some ways to cope with getting AL out of your life. When you are truly ready, as cliche as that sounds, you will indeed stop drinking.

          It probably wont be easy, but the payoff is something all the money in the world cant buy...peace and being more content with yourself.

          I wish you all the strength, knowledge, and support needed!!
          Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



            cant remember life any other way

            I couldn't imagine it either...but here I am on day 359 of not drinking.

            I was an at-home-only drinker. Obviously I couldn't avoid my drinking spot forever, but I did for a few days. I spent 3-4 evenings at places you can't drink: the movies, the library, shopping, dog park...anything to break my routine. But like I said, I couldn't avoid it forever. My first night home I rearranged my furniture. I moved lamps around and sat on the other end of the couch. Basically I threw my brain for a loop and told it "we don't drink here anymore". You'd be suprised at how something so simple can be so effective.

            I also spent a lot of time watching addiction-related movies and reading as much as I could on the subject. I also got back into reading for pleasure, favorite pastime. I'd take a hot bath then crawl into bed early (sometimes 7pm!) with my book. I know it seems boring...but it got me through at first. Now I can do whatever I want without even a thought of drinking. Please don't think your life will come to a screeching halt without fact, the opposite will happen. You'll stop simply existing, and really start living.

            Please believe it can happen. You CAN do it, and we can help you. Stick close to us!

            :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

            Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


              cant remember life any other way

              Sunnygirl;1429349 wrote: I'm just starting out too. But from what everyone's saying on these forums, IT CAN BE DONE. Let's not dwell on the way it used to be, but start something new and (try to at least) switch those mental gears. Let's go on together. I'm on day 3. We will all feel better with more sobriety under our belts. That's a given. But we also need patience to get there. It doesn't happen overnight, and it will be hard work. Hang in there! I will do my best.
              hey i'm still here on day 3 also lets conquer it together


                cant remember life any other way

                Quit wine:

                I couldn't imagine going a day without drinking 2.5 months ago as well, but it does get easier and you don't have to do it alone. I'm constantly here reading about how other's quit drinking and their success stories and also their cautionary tales. Just stay here and post a lot. I found it was hard to post and drink at the same time!

                Good luck,

                Alcoholic (or Ally)

                "Only a fool knows everything.
                A wise man knows how little he knows."

                Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


                  cant remember life any other way

                  Have taken myself out of the house for a coffee and some me time. Pretty tired so will prob be in bed early. At least I know ill feel great in the morning!!!


                    cant remember life any other way

                    I so understand where ur coming from,i wish i could change
                    my eves,i stand in the same spot in the kitchen,watcing telu
                    drinking,i hate myself x


                      cant remember life any other way

                      K9Lover;1429430 wrote: I couldn't imagine it either...but here I am on day 359 of not drinking.

                      I was an at-home-only drinker. Obviously I couldn't avoid my drinking spot forever, but I did for a few days. I spent 3-4 evenings at places you can't drink: the movies, the library, shopping, dog park...anything to break my routine. But like I said, I couldn't avoid it forever. My first night home I rearranged my furniture. I moved lamps around and sat on the other end of the couch. Basically I threw my brain for a loop and told it "we don't drink here anymore". You'd be suprised at how something so simple can be so effective.

                      I also spent a lot of time watching addiction-related movies and reading as much as I could on the subject. I also got back into reading for pleasure, favorite pastime. I'd take a hot bath then crawl into bed early (sometimes 7pm!) with my book. I know it seems boring...but it got me through at first. Now I can do whatever I want without even a thought of drinking. Please don't think your life will come to a screeching halt without fact, the opposite will happen. You'll stop simply existing, and really start living.

                      Please believe it can happen. You CAN do it, and we can help you. Stick close to us!

                      This is wonderful perspective and advice! Glad to know i am not the only one who went to bed at 7pm
                      Thank you K9
                      On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                      *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
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