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Milk Thistle

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    Milk Thistle

    Is there any benefit to taking this when you have stopped drinking. I'm off it almost 40 days now and found my supply of milk thistle. Will it help to take it now or is it just a waste? I have never had problems with my liver function and any tests I ever had while drinking came back that I was in fantastic shape physically (shamefully).

    I've started taking Vitamin B12 as I found my energy low. Anything else I could now take to reap benefits of a clean body.

    Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.

    Milk Thistle

    As well as Bvits I have found extra minerals and co enzyme Q10 good for the fatigue ( which was BLOODY awful)
    Have also just started D3 ...... Too early to know if it helps tho

    I take inisotol and Glutamine but not regularly as I don't really get cravings as long as I they are not really cravings just hunger ! :H


      Milk Thistle

      Hi Moni

      I don't think it will be bad to use now. In the first few days just to stop is already good for the liver and after 40 days it can give you a nice boost. You have it, so use it! See how it works.

      Keep going with Vit B.

      Another great one is SAMe. Expensive, but very powerful antioxidant. And helps with concentration!

      12-20-2012 AF
      Respect yourself enough to walk away from anything that no longer serves you, grows you, or makes you happy.


        Milk Thistle

        My experience and knowledge says milk thistle is not just for repair from alcohol use/abuse. The liver is harmed or over taxed by stress, medications, harmful food choices, daily exposure to chemicals in fabrics, cleaning materials, etc. I've taken milk thistle on and off for years. I've reached a point where my body knows I need it (as with many supplements I've used over the years) and I then supply it. I had hepatitis b in my late teens and have never had any serious issues with my liver since. Tiredness, bloating and and elimination issues should all be improved by a round of milk thistle. Of course elimination or reduction of the other harmful contributors is important as well as other supplements (some mentioned already). Listen to your body.
        also note that health issues are accumulative and therefore give the body time for reverse healing
        Psalms 119:45

        ?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?

        St. Francis of Assisi

        I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.



          Milk Thistle

          RingingCedars;1431057 wrote: My experience and knowledge says milk thistle is not just for repair from alcohol use/abuse. The liver is harmed or over taxed by stress, medications, harmful food choices, daily exposure to chemicals in fabrics, cleaning materials, etc. I've taken milk thistle on and off for years. I've reached a point where my body knows I need it (as with many supplements I've used over the years) and I then supply it. I had hepatitis b in my late teens and have never had any serious issues with my liver since. Tiredness, bloating and and elimination issues should all be improved by a round of milk thistle. Of course elimination or reduction of the other harmful contributors is important as well as other supplements (some mentioned already). Listen to your body.
          also note that health issues are accumulative and therefore give the body time for reverse healing
          Ditti RC, Moni. Everything I have ever read about milk thistle lists liver repair as its primary benefit.

          On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
          *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
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            Milk Thistle

            Kradle..congrats Senior Member :goodjob:
            af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


              Milk Thistle

              I agree. . .milk thistle is good to take in general. I take it regularly, and have for years. When i as drinking, I would sometimes forget it. A couple of years ago I had high liver enzymes, but I had a physical and blood work in May, and everything as great.

              I take a B-100 each day, 100mg C, Inositol, chromium, Hyaluronic Acid and another bone strengthener and Amoryn (a mood booster.) Have L-Glut, but it seems to make me feel spacey, and lots of other supps which i plan to start adding in again. I try to soak in Epsom salts a couple of times a week to replace magnesium, but I do have a product called ionic Fizz that has a lot of magnesium and is supposed to promote bone health and good sleep!

              You might want to look at SEVEN WEEKS TO SOBRIETY by Joan Larson. She recommends a lot of supplements, but I found it almost impossible to gat them all in!

              "One day at a time."


                Milk Thistle

                I have also used milk thistle for years....haven't read anything that says long term use is bad..

                Newbie's Nest

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                AF 9.1.2013

