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No hangover or regrets the day after Christmas!

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    No hangover or regrets the day after Christmas!

    Now isn't that a source of reward in and of itself? I enjoyed my Christmas with some family members and feel so good about the whole process. Just being us and enjoying us together without the alcohol induced state of mind. It's, also, a great time to show forgiveness, patience and just give love. A bit of an awakening taking place lately regarding how important certain people are to me. What should be real and what should not be considered real or important. Where my priorities should be and where they haven't been. Maybe when all the bad I have to go through is over, there will be some added good back as a result of it all. Time spent with others while intoxicated is not real. It doesn't build on the true meaning of relationships.

    I hope you all had a nice Christmas in the reality of what life can be instead of hiding behind alcohol from what life has been. If you were alone without family, I hope you still are learning to love yourself and know you deserve a better future. Without alcohol you will be capable of recognizing what that is and how to get it for yourself. Maybe not today, but in time.



    P.S. - We start a new year in a week. We can start new ways of living that are healthy for us and our relationships. Something to look forward to...a whole new me!
    Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat

    No hangover or regrets the day after Christmas!

    Hey, Slay, No Christmas morning hangover or regrets for me either, but had a VERY close call, late Christmas Eve. It just came out of nowhere, but thank God I was logged on and started posting. Ended up deleting it, but halfway through, the urge miraculously lifted. So glad I don't have to start over! Hope next year will be filled with happiness and an end to the terrible situation you've had to deal with at home. Hugs and prayers to you.
    AF since 12/2/12


      No hangover or regrets the day after Christmas!

      NOT rambling, Raven. I understand every word of what you just posted. Everyone hear has had problems in life they have to address. Yours are no less important. Feel free to let it out. Making sure you are correct about something so important in your life is a good thing. You can't walk away from something and then wonder the rest of your life whether it was a mistake. Just don't lose YOU, and if you do, get back to finding her and being happy. We can't usually fix someone. I've been a basket case for learning that lesson, but I have learned it now! :upset: lol They must want to and then work on fixing themselves, just as we do.


      Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


        No hangover or regrets the day after Christmas!

        Almost Free, I thought of you before and as I was leaving. I wasn't going to have internet access where I was heading, and I know how lonely a holiday can be alone especially if you are going through tough times. YOU did such a great job taking care of yourself by not accepting AL's invitation in such a time. I'm glad you made it through. I've had some lonely holidays for various reasons.

        I'm feeling good today. I may feel bad tomorrow, but it's nice to find support here when you need it and it's nice giving it to those in need. That's the way the world should be. I don't want AL to cause any more harm to anyone. It is so destructive and knowing someone understands or cares seems to lessen it's power.

        :lYou are a strong woman.


        Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


          No hangover or regrets the day after Christmas!

          Thanks, Slay,

          Whew, I really came so close to going out. So glad I didn't. I feel really grateful that MWO is here; that people like you are here, with your support and your words of wisdom and encouragement. You sound great. So strong and determined. Good for you!
          AF since 12/2/12


            No hangover or regrets the day after Christmas!

            I could not have said it any better than this, Slay! Thanks!
            "One day at a time."


              No hangover or regrets the day after Christmas!

              No hangover or regrets....I think that in itself is a big part of me being able to stay sober. Positive reinforcement at it's finest.

              And to think at one time, I preferred the al. The word 'preferred' is a hard one for me to swallow. But, just because I didn't accept responsibility for my choices, doesn't mean that I didn't make said choices. Alcohol does not have the ability ti jump into my system on it's own.

              I think accepting responsibility & cultivating self awareness has been the biggest (and most painful) part of my journey.

