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So tired of the same Shit...

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    So tired of the same Shit...

    Hey everyone, hope you all a had a Nice Christmas :-)

    About 6 weeks ago, I was lying on the sofa having just polished off a bottle of port (so just feeling mellow) and as I hid the empty bottle under the couch (even though I live alone) and wondered how many beers might be left in the fridge, I had a moment of semi clarity and thought WTF???

    I visited an alcohol assessment clinic the next day and they wanted to put me in an inpatient detox facility that day (I told them, quite honestly that I was drinking 15 standard drinks EVERY night)

    I shit myself, went to my GP, got some Valium, took a week off work, dosed myself up, tapered off and had a very happy 2 weeks AF...

    Then I got shitfaced...

    I think about a bottle of Vodka and 2 beers, alone at home...

    I didn't panic, thought to myself "you can't change 10 years of learned behavior in two weeks"

    And I was right, of course..

    Slowly, over the next 3 weeks, the drinking nights became closer and more AL was consumed...

    So Tomorrow begins Day one again...

    I've been trying to give up for at least 3 years....

    I really wonder if it's ever going to happen...

    So tired of the same Shit...

    Hi there Ship
    It will happen if you make it happen but not if you sit there and wish
    See your doc, do the detox, then learn to live again using every tool available.
    There is lots out there, for me using this place, support and damn hard work got me through.
    Then time to sort out the old shit and emotions that come with sobriety. Im not done yet but honestly being sober is so much better than being drunk
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


      So tired of the same Shit...

      I've just started Naltrexone and am booked in for councelling early in the New Year...


        So tired of the same Shit...

        I enjoyed my two weeks of being sober very much...All Anxiety and Depression was lifted after a week...

        Tells the story, doesn't it?


          So tired of the same Shit...

          You're not alone

          Hi Ship,

          Join the club, I was doing so well until Christmas came, drinks after last day at work, wife's sister and boring boyfriend for a meal on Saturday, got the flu and had to cook on Tuesday for in-laws and brother in law etc etc.

          All excuses and am feeling pretty shit now.

          Starting all over again today, will I ever learn.
          It's not what you drink, it's how much!


            So tired of the same Shit...

            Thanks for your replies Starts and Lash...


              So tired of the same Shit...

              I'm going to beat the grog this New Year and live my life the way I want to...

              I'll do anything I need to, I'm getting pretty desperate...

              I was meant to start back at work Today but managed to drink all my Christmas Gifts last night (a bottle of Baileys, a bottle of wine and then 3 beers I had in the fridge...

              All sitting here alone...

              Made up a story about mates calling in for a ?hristmas drink and text messaged my Boss at Midnight...

              What a winner :-)


                So tired of the same Shit...

                Hi Ship,

                My wife is a great help and encourages me all the time to just keep tapering and reminds me of the old saying one day at a time, so it must be hard on your own. Is there someone who can support you in some way?? Also I saw an alcohol councillor who was brilliant and got my units down by counting them with me each week, the doctor gave me his number.

                I've given up the whisky and now the wine over the last few months and am down on cider but as I said cocked it up over Xmas.

                We've got to get back on track, 2013 sober that's my goal. Wonder if 13 is my lucky number.

                It's not what you drink, it's how much!


                  So tired of the same Shit...

                  Ship_at_Sea;1432813 wrote: I've just started Naltrexone and am booked in for councelling early in the New Year...
                  Nice one Ship, keep using and searching for different tools
                  Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                  Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                    So tired of the same Shit...

                    I know how you feel Ship. I have been trying to kick this since November of 2010. At the end of 2011 I had it pretty under control but then work and family troubles hit at the begining of 2012 and I was back to drinking every day. Now my goal is a clean and sober 2013. I figure I have never done a whole year sober since I was 15 or 16 so the bottle will be there in a year if I want it but for now one year at a time (LOL) kidding but really I'm gonna give it a go, others here have done it and I know you and I can do it too!


                      So tired of the same Shit...

                      A whole year, I don't think I've done a week since 15 and have even turned down jobs where alcohol wasn't allowed, off-shore/middle east. How stupid am I.

                      2013 is going to be a good year, I cant believe I've let myself down when I was so confident.
                      It's not what you drink, it's how much!


                        So tired of the same Shit...

                        Hi Ship, just want to give you some support and say welcome back. Just don't give up. You can have the AF life that you want and deserve, and give up the awful conflict in your life. I'm pulling for you!
                        "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
                        AF 11/12/11


                          So tired of the same Shit...

                          you can do it ship,i think its just holiday b.s tripping us up mostly
                          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!

