Anyway, I was never in doubt as to the reasons why I quit alcohol and over the past 6 weeks have realized even more the major problems it was causing me by having me in its? grip.
However, I genuinely hadn?t realised just how much I had ?prioritised? alcohol in my life and how selfish I had became. It really was at the centre of my whole world and I literally planned my life round about it. Just before I quit, for example, a good friend invited me to her wee girl?s dancing show on a Saturday afternoon in February next year ? 2 months away. I checked my diary and saw that my other half was on nightshift on the Friday night, so I made an excuse that I couldn?t go, as I knew I would be getting paralytic at home and therefore not ?feeling up? to going out the next day. This is pretty much how I planned everything ? if it was gonna interfere with precious drinking time or if I knew I would be hungover, if I could get out of it, I would regardless of the importance of the event. No doubts about it.
I?d also be raging if there was something I couldn?t get out of that dared interfere with my precious drinking time, eg I recently attended an awards ceremony that my other half was receiving an award at through his work. I should have been honoured, proud and supportive. Was I heck. Not only was it taking me away from a nights drinking at home, they had the cheek not to be dishing out wine(!), with fresh orange juice or water being on offer instead. I even commented on this to my other half at the time in a disgruntled manner. Oh, and I was in a bad mood on the way home as the event went on too long and the off-sales were shut!!
Sitting here this morning, with one example after another going through my head in quick concession ? some that are really very shameful
Not really sure why I?m posting this tbh ? think it?s just helping me to think out loud as I can?t have a verbal rant to anyone in ?real-life? about it.